Saturday, 19 October 2024

Are You Ready For The CLIMATE VACCINES About To Be Unleashed By Anti-Human Globalists?

Unless We the People stop them, climate fanatics like billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates are planning to inject you and your family with climate change and global warming “vaccines.”

Article by Ethan Huff, republished with permission from

Right now, they are already injecting meat animals with climate jabs, claiming these are necessary to keep the animals “safe” from fictitious diseases. Eventually, they will proceed to start jabbing you and your family with the same “vaccines,” assuming you let them. writer Yudi Sherman warned back in January that the only way to stop these “genetic maniacs” from destroying the human race with their mystery chemical injections is to “take away their keycards and their containment suits, immediately escort them out of their laboratories, permanently ban them from any other scientific research for life, and then raze the buildings to the ground.”

If it sounds extreme, consider the fact that a company called ArkeaBio just raised $26.5 million in Series A seed funding to begin developing climate jabs for the human masses. You can be sure that once these injections are ready to go, there will be another “pandemic” or “emergency” to predicate their forced use.

“If you can’t grasp the seriousness of this, then you may be marked for depopulation,” warns the editor.

(Related: Bill Gates cannot wait for “Pandemic 2” when he hopes to forcibly inject the entire planet with climate jabs.)

“Vaccines” to prevent cows from passing gas

This might sound like something from The Babylon Bee, but the reality is that ArkeaBio has already begun developing a new “vaccine” that mad scientists say will stop cows and other meat animals from releasing methane emissions, i.e., passing gas.

The claim is that the shots will alter the animals’ immune systems in such a way as to create antibodies that target methane-producing microbes.

ArkeaBio secured its first major investment in late 2022 from Breakthrough Energy Ventures, an investment fund founded by Bill Gates.

“Our vaccination-based approach allows for much-needed decarbonization of global meat and dairy products across multiple geographies, supporting greater sustainability in agriculture,” the company’s website explains.

ArkeaBio has not announced any plans to create a human version of its anti-fart injection, but another company called Gingko Bioworks has. Gingko, which is also funded by Gates, is pushing to develop mRNA (modRNA) injections that it says will help to stop the planet from warming.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has expressed support for the plan, stating it is a “critical response to the climate crisis.”

“In the face of climate change, vaccines play a crucial but underestimated role,” wrote British pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) back in December on its website.

AstraZeneca, maker of a shamed and now-pulled-from-the-market viral vector Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine, also wants in on the gravy train by manufacturing its own climate jabs as well.

Two months prior, Thomas Triomphe, executive vice president of vaccines at rival Sanofi, wrote an entire article called “Vaccine innovation is a critical response to the climate crisis” that expresses the same interest in developing climate injections.

The only type of “climate change” these demons are trying to stop is their own change from rich to poor as their corrupt financial and war empire implodes on itself. Big Pharma will die unless it continues to churn out new injections for every made-up disease under the sun, the latest being so-called climate change.

“This madness has to end now,” one angry commenter wrote about the insanity coming from Big Pharma and the Bill Gates brigade.

“I’m immensely comforted to know the flood Gates of biotech are unleashed, to wash us in redemptive waters of climate salvation by delivering us from the ubiquitous evil of carbon,” joked another about the religious cult aspects of climate change.

Climate change is a scam designed to separate you from your assets and wealth. Learn more at

Sources for this article include:


1st Patient in the World Officially Suffering From “Climate Change”?

This is a story you might have missed.

But we bring it to you to remind you of the insanity of those in power and how they’ll come up with any excuse to shift the blame of the people’s illness.

Canada claims to have the 1st patient diagnosed with “Climage Change”.

Right after that…

“The diagnosis from Dr Merritt has led to other doctors in the province launching an initiative called Doctors and Nurses for Planetary Health.” – Independent

Sounds like it was used as an excuse to lauch an initiative.

Will they use this same excuse in the coming months?

Will this be a scapegoat when the upcoming massive deaths occur from their vaccines; simply stating it’s from climate change, or perhaps they didn’t look at the eclipse using those recommended glasses?

Looks like one colonel is scared about the boogey man and we should be too, apparently.

Independent reported:

A Canadian facing breathing issues was diagnosed as possibly the first patient in the world suffering from “climate change,” as doctors said heatwaves and poor air quality were responsible for her condition.

Dr Kyle Merritt, responsible for the diagnosis of the senior citizen from Nelson in British Columbia who suffered from asthma, said this was the first time in a decade that he wrote climate change as a cause of suffering.

“If we’re not looking at the underlying cause, and we’re just treating the symptoms, we’re just gonna keep falling further and further behind,” the emergency room doctor told the Glacier Media.

“It’s me trying to just… process what I’m seeing,” he adds.

In June Canada suffered from a historic heatwave, followed by a thick smog season triggered by wildfires.

British Columbia, the westernmost province of Canada, saw record-breaking temperatures in June, which experts believe led to the death of over 500 people. The wildfires caused the air quality to become 43 times worse than levels acceptable as safe throughout July and August.

“We’re in the emergency department, we look after everybody, from the most privileged to the most vulnerable, from cradle to grave, we see everybody. And it’s hard to see people, especially the most vulnerable people in our society, being affected. It’s frustrating,” Dr Merritt told the outlet.

The patient, who was in her seventies, was diagnosed in the summer soon after the heatwave that Dr Merritt says directly contributed to making her ailment worse.

“She has diabetes. She has some heart failure .… She lives in a trailer with no air conditioning,” he said. “All of her health problems have all been worsened. And she’s really struggling to stay hydrated.”

The diagnosis from Dr Merritt has led to other doctors in the province launching an initiative called Doctors and Nurses for Planetary Health.

Healthcare professionals are using the group to advocate for better health by protecting the environment, they said on the website.

Since this occured in Canada, why don’t they just offer the poor victim of climate change assisted death?

They did that when a lady requested a wheelchair ramp.

Which is sort of the same thing, the government is just offering a much big ramp to help the lady right into Heaven.


Remember, Climate Change™ can occur anywhere at anytime.

So if the sun appears to be extra sunny, or the rain extra wet do your part and please report any sightings of Climate Change™ to your nearest hospital, doctor or circus.

We’re all in this together.

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.

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