Friday, 20 September 2024

Boeing 737 For Biden Cabinet Member Experiences ‘Mechanical Issues’

The Biden administration isn't excluded from the ongoing issues with Boeing-manufactured jetliners.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken had to bus across Europe due to a Boeing 737 experiencing 'mechanical issues.'

“Blinken often uses a federally funded Boeing 737 plane, which is owned by the U.S. Air Force, to travel internationally and attend meetings with dignitaries and world leaders,” The Daily Wire reports.

“His plane recently had mechanical problems at Davos and suffered more issues during the secretary’s trip to Europe,” the outlet added.

The plane's mechanical issues forced Blinken to travel by bus for 193 miles from Paris to Brussels.

Blinken met with foreign ministers at NATO headquarters.

Daily Mail reports:

NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg is addressing the foreign ministers at a meeting marking the 75th anniversary of the military alliance.

As a consequence, Blinken rolled in about two hours late. The U.S. Air Force owns and operates the modified Boeing 737 Blinken uses during his globe-trotting trips, which have included repeat trips to the Middle East.

Blinken also had to deal with an aircraft mechanical issue on his trip to the Davos gathering in Switzerland at the start of the year.

For that event, the nation's top diplomat traveled by helicopter from Zurich for the annual confab with top political and economic leaders in January.

He boarded his Boeing jet, only to be told he was unable to fly. Traveling aides and press flew commercial to get back home.

Blinken usually travels aboard a fleet of government executive jets featuring the same 'seafoam blue' paint job as the modified Boeing 757 that has the Air Force One call sign when the president is on board.

From The Daily Wire:

In January, the secretary of State was briefly stranded in Davos after his plane suffered a “critical failure” of its oxygen system. A leak in the system grounded the plane, forcing Blinken to take a helicopter from Davos to Zurich. Journalists and aides traveling with the secretary had to find commercial options to return to the U.S.

Blinken’s problems are the latest in a series of issues with Boeing planes that have drawn scrutiny to the aircraft manufacturer and its suppliers. Last month, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced an investigation into a Boeing supplier’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) policies over concern that the company’s ideological commitment to diversity has impacted the quality and safety of its product.

“The potential risks associated with certain airplane models are deeply concerning and potentially life-threatening to Texans,” Paxton said in a statement announcing an investigation into Spirit AeroSystems Holdings. “I will hold any company responsible if they fail to maintain the standards required by the law and will do everything in my power to ensure manufacturers take passenger safety seriously.”

“Apparent manufacturing defects have led to numerous concerning or dangerous incidents, some of which occurred in-air,” the state attorney general said.

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