BREAKING NEWS: Reports are coming out that U.S. Authorities have seized the plane of Nicolás Maduro, President of Venezuela, from the airport tarmac in the Dominican Republic this morning.
BREAKING: U.S. Seizes Venezuelan President’s Plane, Citing “National Security”: SOME BREAKING NEWS: Reports are coming out that U.S. Authorities have seized the plane of Nicolás Maduro, President of Venezuela, from the airport tarmac in… #BreakingNews
— ZBreakingNewz (@ZBreakingNewz) September 2, 2024
From Fox News:
“This morning, the Justice Department seized an aircraft we allege was illegally purchased for $13 million through a shell company and smuggled out of the United States for use by Nicolás Maduro and his cronies,” U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland said in a statement. “The Department will continue to pursue those who violate our sanctions and export controls to prevent them from using American resources to undermine the national security of the United States.”
(emphasis added)
Questions are already beginning to swirl.
Was this high-profile seizure designed to send a big signal to President Maduro, but was otherwise just the daily business of enforcing current U.S. sanctions against Venezuela? Or were there reasons directly pertaining to the national security of the United States — as the U.S. Attorney General seemed to indicate in his statement — behind this morning’s high-profile seizure of Maduro’s plane?
As this is still breaking news, no details have emerged clarifying the relation between U.S. national security and the seizure of Maduro’s plane, as the U.S. Attorney General has indicated.
Check out this report with video captured by CNN at the time of the seizure:
BREAKING: U.S. seizes Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro’s airplane in the Dominican Republic, CNN.
— KanekoaTheGreat (@KanekoaTheGreat) September 2, 2024
Apparently President Maduro was not on the plane at the time, and there are reports that the aircraft (known as Venezuela’s Air Force One) had been sitting on the tarmac in the Dominican for awhile before the seizure.
For a little more detail on this breaking news, more from Fox News:
The United States seized a plane owned by Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro in the Dominican Republic, Fox News has confirmed.
Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) flew Maduro’s personal plane back to the United States Monday morning, when it landed in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and is now in U.S. custody, a U.S. official told Fox News following an initial report by CNN.
The plane, described by officials as Maduro’s version of “Air Force One,” is used for Maduro’s state visits around the world and was seized in the Dominican Republic after it was purchased through a straw company in violation of sanctions laws and export controls, the official said. U.S. authorities cited a specific violation of U.S. executive order 13884, signed by former President Donald Trump in 2019.
The plane, valued at $13 million, is a Dassault Falcon 900-EX. The seizure was a result of a joint investigation with HSI and the U.S. Department of Commerce.
As of now, the plane is reportedly still in Fort Lauderdale, Florida and is being examined from top to bottom by U.S. investigators. According to the same Fox News story, the aircraft was illegally exported from the United States to Venezuela in 2023 — which will likely play a role as the legality of this seizure by the U.S. becomes a topic for debate.
Questions still remain about what will ultimately be done with the aircraft now that it is in U.S. custody, and as of the time of this report neither Venezuela nor President Nicolas Maduro has responded to the seizure publicly.
More news to follow as details become available.
You think it has anything to do with the fact he just STOLE his election?
BREAKING: Mass Uprising In Venezuela After Nicolás Maduro Steals Election; Airport Seized, Maduro To Be Executed Next?
A massive populist uprising is occurring right now in Venezuela after Socialist President Nicolás Maduro rigged and stole the election….and the people are NOT sitting idly by accepting the theft.
They’re going on offense.
The Bolivarian National Guard has disbayed Maduro’s orders and is joining the protestors as they march toward Maduro:
BREAKING: The Bolivarian National Guard disobeys Nicolás Maduro’s orders and joins the protesters marching towards Guarenas.
— I Meme Therefore I Am
(@ImMeme0) July 29, 2024
The Bolivarian National Guard of Venezuela defies Nicolás Maduro’s orders to suppress the protesters, and joins them in their march toward Guarenas. Change is coming.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) July 29, 2024
My friend Pepe Deluxe says this is exactly what will happen in America if they cheat here again, and I think he may be correct:
Exactly what would happen in America if they cheat again
— Pepe Deluxe
(@deluxe_pepe) July 29, 2024
In fact, did you know it’s actually written into our Declaration of Independence as an OBLIGATION?
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, —That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
Check out the FRAUDULENT chart of votes coming in…..
Remind you of anything?
Protesters are tearing down statues of Hugo Chávez as supporters of opposition candidate Edmundo Gonzalez claim he won a “landslide victory” over communist dictator, Nicolás Maduro, who they say rigged the election.
Elon Musk, Nayib Bukele, and Marco Rubio have called the…
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) July 29, 2024
From Charlie Kirk:
Protesters are tearing down statues of Hugo Chávez as supporters of opposition candidate Edmundo Gonzalez claim he won a “landslide victory” over communist dictator, Nicolás Maduro, who they say rigged the election. Elon Musk, Nayib Bukele, and Marco Rubio have called the results fraudulent and even Tony Blinken has said he has “serious concerns.” Maduro has activated the military to arrest protesters, but so far, it appears they’d have to arrest hundreds of thousands of people, a physical impossibility. It appears Maduro’s house of cards is about to collapse.
Everyone is turning on Maduro….
El Salvadorian President Buekele says he will NOT recognize Maduro’s FRAUDULENT government:
BREAKING: El Salvador President Nayib Buekele issues statement saying they will NOT recognize the fraudulent election results from Nicolás Maduro’s socialist Venezuela
“What we saw yesterday in Venezuela has no other name than fraud. An “election” where the official result has…
— George (@BehizyTweets) July 29, 2024
The people are no longer afraid….
They are emboldened!
Tearing down images of the dictator:
BREAKING: Venezuelans just tore down a giant banner of Socialist Dictator Nicolás Maduro. It looks like they no longer fear the authoritarian demons
This is amazing to see
![]()— George (@BehizyTweets) July 29, 2024
The Military is turning on Maduro and siding with the people!
BREAKING: After hearing demands from protestors, a leader of a Venezuelan military unit withdrew his troops and allowed the protestors to continue
I pray that other military generals across the country do the same, and END socialist dictator Maduro— George (@BehizyTweets) July 29, 2024
The latest information as I type this is the airport has been taken over, to prevent Maduro from fleeing:
BREAKING: Venezuelan patriots have taken over control of the Simón Bolívar International Airport in Maiquetía. This fight to end Nicolás Maduro and his socialism regime will go down in history
Keep fighting Venezuela, never stop
— George (@BehizyTweets) July 29, 2024
Venezuelans are reported to have taken over the Simon Bolivar International Airport amid ongoing frustration with the Maduro
— Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) July 29, 2024
They have also breached the barricade to his home:
— Matt Wallace (@MattWallace888) July 29, 2024
What do you think happens next?
I think we’re about to witness a Revolution….and as I recall from my education in High School, any time a dictator was overthrown, they were also very commonly executed.
Is that what comes next?
I don’t think they’re surrounding his house simply to come in and have a nice chat over some tea and crumpets.
Are we about to witness history?
Elon Musk summed it up perfectly here, I think:
Adios Dictatora Maduro
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 29, 2024
Elon Musk also agreed with Pepe Deluxe when he posted this:
I think the risk of this is very real
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 29, 2024
This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.
View the original article here.
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