Friday, 20 September 2024

DAMNING TESTIMONY: Director Cheatle REFUSES To Say How Many Shell Casings Were Found On The Crooks Roof — Because It PROVES A Second Shooter

Folks, it looks like we have both an INSIDE JOB and a COVER-UP at play here with the Trump Assassination and the Secret Service’s involvement.

I’m sorry, but I don’t know any other way to view all of the new evidence that’s coming out this morning during Director Cheatle’s testimony today in Congress.

First we got the bombshell admission that they destroyed all the radio communications evidence.



Now we have Cheatle admitting she knows how many shell casings were found on the Crooks roof (I refuse to call him the shooter, because I don’t think he was), but she refuses to say how many they found:

Why is she refusing to say?

Because she knows when you compare that number to the number of shots we heard fired, it will PROVE without any doubt that there was a second shooter.

Which is EXACTLY what Jovan Pulitzer told me last week:

Jovan Pulitzer: It Was NOT The Water Tower….But There Were TWO Shooters!

Jovan says the real shooter was not Crooks.

The real shooter was a highly trained Deep State sniper, placed farther back.

Crooks couldn't hit the broad side of a barn.

He was the patsy, the fall guy.

Kill Crooks and dead men tell no tales.  We got the shooter!  He's dead.  Case closed!  It was just some wacko kid who snapped!

Sorry, I don't buy it.

And she won't tell you how many shells they found because that one detail blows their entire frame-job WIDE OPEN.

They will NEVER let you see any of these reports or know any information:

It will all keep getting lost or deleted.

Or they will intentionally leak FAKE info.

They are PISSED that we have the audio, but there was nothing they could do about that:

It's time to demand answers.

And I don't mean just having some Congress men and women yell for a little bit in Congress.

I hate that.

Just a dog and pony show with no results.

FUCKING DO SOMETHING!   (Sorry Franklin)




These are good questions:

Perhaps it's time the lawmakers take questions from the American people.
Here's a couple.
1) if in fact, it was too hot to be stationed on the roof,why wasn't someone assigned to walk the roof?
2) How may empty shells were found on the roof, and do they match the number of shots taken?
3) Was there more than one shooter?

Sorry folks, but I'm tired of all the big barking dogs in Congress who bark and bark but have no bite.

It's why I wrote this to Nancy Mace who I do think is one of the good ones but I'm so sick of the "Jim Jordan big barking dog with no bite" show they always put on.  The care more about getting a good soundbite they can run on the news and in their campaigns than they do actually fucking holding anyone truly accountable to the point where they lose their FREEDOM and have to report to a prison cell:

(Sorry Franklin)


Legally, of course.

But it's time we follow the law and start exacting some SEVERE punishments.

Are these capital offenses?

Is attempting to assassinate a FORMER and FUTURE President a capital offense?

Am I missing something?

Is there some other way to understand these cascading failures by the Secret Service?

Failure after failure after failure, to the point where it's virtually statistically impossible that it wasn't intentional, and then on the back end deleting evidence and failure to release basic facts from the investigation?

How else can you explain this?

We want answers.


INSIDE JOB? Director Cheatle ADMITS The Secret Service No Longer Has Radio Comms From July 13th


Were we supposed to keep the recordings of the radio communications from the assassination attempt on President Trump?

Gee, I really wish I would have known that, we deleted those!


That's my paraphrase of the testimony Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle just gave to Congress.

If you thought we would eventually get to hear the radio communications records, you can flush that hope down the drain because they no longer exist.

Right, because why would you preserve evidence from one of the most infamous Presidential assassinations in our Country's history?

Full video player here:

People not only need to be fired but I think they need to go to prison.

How much more do we need to see before we all admit this looks like an intentional, attempted assassination of the Presidential Candidate LEADING in the race by far!?

Who all was in on it?

What is the penalty for attempting to assassinate a President?

Is that treason?

Is it something else?

How much more do we have to put up with?

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.

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