Thursday, 24 October 2024

Drone Shows > Fireworks?

Ok, I know this is going to be controversial, but I have to say it anyway….

Because I get paid to give you my honest opinion, not what I think you “want to hear”.

That’s not how I roll, never has been.

If it was, I wouldn’t post articles exposing the Freemasons, for example.

Because every time I do that my email Inbox gets flooded with people sending me all sorts of nasty curse words and saying “how dare you — my Grandfather was a Mason!”

So here’s my confession: I don’t actually enjoy Fireworks very much.

I know, I know….

As the man running and someone who leads the charge in America-First, it’s almost hard to fathom, but the truth is I find them rather boring.

And it was ok when it was just one night out of the year, but as you know I live in Iowa and a few years ago they made Fireworks legal all the time here, so now it’s like the week before 4th of July and the week after 4th of July, just a bunch of maniacs shooting them off from their house constantly!

I feel like I am developing PTSD (and I don’t mean Pretty Tired of Stupid Democrats) from literal explosions going off all around me for 2 weeks!

And then the actual, real shows themselves?

Ehhhh, I mean they were cool the first 45 times I saw them, but after a while it’s just the same thing over and over each year.

“Explosion go boom in the sky” — cool.  When I was 12.

I told you, I know I’m going to offend a lot of people, and if you love them then more power to you!

I’m just kind of “been there, done that”.

But there’s something new recently that is actually pretty cool: DRONE SHOWS instead of Fireworks.

I’m sure in another 45 years this will be lame too, but right now this is pretty sweet.

These are networks of hundreds or thousands of drones, programmed to all fly in unison to create an incredible moving image.

Like this:

Or this one from China:

And no, don’t get it twisted and say Noah hates fireworks and hates the USA and loves China now.

Don’t be dumb.

But come on, you have to admit that’s pretty sweet!

This one too:


Sometimes they do fail and you get this, which is not good:

Here are a bunch more:

Another here:

I’ve actually never seen one in person, only videos.

Have you?

Was it cool?

Each one cooler than the last:

But because I love bringing people together and not creating division, I actually think the coolest of all is this video…..Fireworks seen from a Drone, basically from INSIDE the Fireworks display as they explode!

This is absolutely incredible!

One of the coolest things you’ll see all year right here:

Full video player here:

Ok, so let me know what you think….

Anyone else on my side here?

Or do you still love the magic of Fireworks even for the 100th time?

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.

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