Saturday, 21 September 2024

Federal Judge Forces CDC To Disclose 780,000 Previously Hidden COVID-19 Jab Adverse Event Entries

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released previously hidden reports of adverse events following COVID-19 inoculation, The Epoch Times reports.

According to the outlet, 780,000 reports of side effects from the experimental injections, including heart inflammation, facial paralysis, seizures, and miscarriages, were received shortly after the rollout of the shots. 

A federal judge reportedly forced the agency to disclose the reports.

“The CDC, for years, declined to make the V-safe data public, instead publishing studies that described the reports as providing reassurance about the safety of the shots. However, according to data released in 2022, nearly 8 percent of the 10 million users required medical attention or hospital care after vaccination, and many others reported missing school, work, or other normal activities,” Dr. Kat Lindley wrote, citing The Epoch Times.

“Judge Kacsmaryk’s order came in litigation brought by the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), a nonprofit that has compelled the release of a number of government files since the COVID-19 pandemic started,” Chief Nerd noted.

The outlet spoke to a CDC spokesperson about the V-safe reporting system.

“V-safe participants who reported that they received medical care after vaccination were called and encouraged to submit a VAERS report. If they submitted a VAERS report and the adverse events were classified as serious (as defined in the Code of Federal Regulations), CDC attempted to obtain additional information (medical records, hospital records, etc.) about the reported adverse event,” the spokesperson told The Epoch Times.

“All data collected from VAERS is processed and analyzed for unusual patterns or unusually high numbers of rare and serious adverse events after vaccination,” the spokesperson added.

“ICAN had to sue the Centers for Disease Control in order to gain access to the COVID-19 shot V-safe adverse event data, which is yet another shameful chapter in the decades-long history of federal health officials trying to cover up vaccine risks by ignoring patterns of vaccine reaction symptoms in reports made to the government,” Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center, told the outlet.

“In March, CDC released the second batch of V-safe free-text entries. V-safe was the vaccine safety monitoring system rolled out for COVID-19 vaccines. It took an order from a federal judge for the American public to get access to these entries, wherein users could type in up to 250 characters about anything they wanted, including details on the symptoms they were experiencing,” ICAN wrote.

From ICAN:

At first look, there’s remarkable consistency between the 390,000 text entries received in February and the 390,000 text entries received in March (made by 523,150 unique V-safe users) in terms of the number of times certain symptoms were reported. For example, in both the February and March productions, roughly 3,200 entries mention the symptom of “shortness of breath.” For the term “heart palpitations” there were about 1,900 reports in the February batch and 1,600 in the March batch. Concerningly, these are both symptoms of myocarditis. In addition, in each batch there were roughly 1,000 reports of “ringing” of the ears (tinnitus), which studies and news reports have linked to the COVID-19 vaccines, despite CDC’s refusal to recognize it as an adverse event.

Here are a few examples of the sobering entries received and presumably ignored by CDC:

  • “My tinnitus is off the charts. It is EXTREMELY LOUD. Had I know [sic] the vaccination would make my tinnitus worse I would have NEVER gotten the vaccine. Put it this way, if I was suicidal I would be dead by now thats [sic] how bad it is.”
  • “I had miscarriage after 2nd dose of Pfizer covid vaccine. I felt fine until I had the vaccine and within 48 hrs pregnancy symptoms ceased. I have no history of fertility issues or complications and had 2 healthy uneventful pregnancies prior to this.”
  • “Today, I experienced heart palpitations accompanied by tachycardia, dizziness, and weakness. These symptoms lasted about 4 hours and my heart rate was between 135-145. I have never experienced any of these symptoms until today.”
  • “Loss of consciousness and seizure immediately following injection. Went to ER by ambulance.”
  • The Epoch Times reports:

    The same judge who ordered the release of that data ordered the agency in January to disclose free-text entries from a different section where individuals could describe their experiences. U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk, appointed by former President Donald Trump, dismissed the government’s arguments that processing the responses and redacting sensitive information would require too much work.

    The first two tranches, comprising 780,000 reports from some 523,000 people, include dozens of reports of heart inflammation, hundreds of reports of facial paralysis, and thousands of reports of tinnitus.

    Multiple people said things were so bad that they were struggling with suicidal thoughts.

    “For 24 hrs after [the] shot I was so fatigued I could not stay awake. I also have some very strong suicidal thoughts. Zero appetite,” one individual wrote.

    Another person said they experienced symptoms of an allergic reaction. “I read where [sic] this vaccine should not be administered to anyone allergic to PEG and I am allergic to PEG. It would be incredibly reassuring if someone would call me as all I run into is dead ends,” the individual said.

    The free-text portion of the surveys was the only place for people to report adverse events, including heart inflammation, even though the CDC knew the shots might cause those events, previously released documents showed. Other documents showed the CDC became aware of the vaccines possibly causing myocarditis, or heart inflammation, and a related condition called pericarditis early in 2021 but hid the knowledge from the public.

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