Friday, 28 February 2025

Former RNC Chair Gets Riled Up Over President Trump, Elon, & DOGE; “They Got Your Data, Dumb*ss!”

Michael Steele chaired the Republican National Convention once upon a time.

Now, he gets paid to lose his mind on MSNBC and categorically melt down whenever the topic of President Trump or Elon Musk is brought up.

And he definitely earned his money this past weekend.

On a segment of MSNBC’s Weekend edition Michael Steele must have made a ton of money, because he lost his mind multiple times during the same segment.

If anyone was in doubt, TDS certainly effects RINOs just as much as democrats.

Here’s the hilarious clip in question.  I must have watched this 20 times, and it gets better every time!

Here’s the full screen viewer for backup:

Steele seemed to lose control more than once during the segment.

He primarily blamed democrats for having a lackluster approach to President Trump and Elon Musk.

I don’t make a habit of watching MSNBC, so I didn’t know the former RNC chair had taken up with the media arm of the democratic party.

But if I had any doubt about Michael Steele’s qualifications to have earned the title of RINO — they were quickly dispelled as I saw him melt down into a twitching heap at the mere thought of President Trump in the White House.

And when one of his fellow MSNBC compatriots asked him a simple question, the result was explosive.

Here’s what Fox News had to say about the on-air meltdown:

MSNBC’s Michael Steele unloaded on Democrats during a rant on Saturday, demanding they start to show they care about people “losing their jobs” and President Donald Trump’s early actions as president.

“I’d just like you to show that you give a damn!” Steele, a former RNC Chair turned MSNBC host, said. “That you get a little emotional about the fact that people are losing their jobs indiscriminately! That this individual sitting down at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue has given absolute power to one man, who brings his son into the Oval Office, whose son says to him, ‘you’re not the president! You shouldn’t be in that chair!’ Now, where did he get that from? He got it from his daddy! Because that’s what his daddy thinks of the man who brought him into the Oval Office.”

Steele and his fellow MSNBC colleagues discussed a piece from The Nation, a progressive outlet, headlined “The Courts can’t stop the Trump-Musk coup,” which deemed the pair to be “barbarians at the gate,” and argued that they would defy orders from the courts.

“They’re in your bedrooms!” Steele continued. “They’re in your living rooms! They’re in your businesses! They’ve got they got your data, dumb a–! They got all your stuff! Elon Musk has his tentacles in everything you’re doing! Not just off of X, but he’s in the Treasury Department! He’s in the Labor Department! He’s in Department of Homeland Security!”

“And nobody seems to give a damn! So that’s all I want — somebody to show that they care enough to get off their fat a– and say something about it!” he said.

As one X user shared, that is the sum total of why so many people have dumped the “old party losers.

Here’s another look at the unhinged meltdown, with a little more commentary from Australia’s Sky News:

When his co-host chimed in, suggesting Republicans were equally to blame for President Trump’s sound defeat of Kamala Harris, Steele doubled down on his obvious hatred for the Republican Party, according to reporting from the Huffington Post:

Steele then noted that Trump has given “absolute power” to billionaire Elon Musk — whose unofficial Department of Government Efficiency is slashing public spending and attempting to cull the positions of thousands of federal workers — before continuing to speak to Sanders-Townsend’s question.

“So, I’d just like to see somebody wake the hell up and get excited about the fact that your country is under assault,” he said. “They’re not at the gate anymore, they’re in your bedrooms, they’re in your living rooms, they’re in your businesses, they got your data, dumbass, they got all your stuff.”

Co-host Alicia Menendez suggested Republicans are equally to blame.

“The hell with Republicans,” Steele replied. “They’re not going to do anything, they’re the problem.”

Elsewhere on this weekend’s broadcast of Steele’s show, the co-host accused Trump and his MAGA allies of trying to destroy U.S. democracy and the Constitution via what he called the “fake agency” of DOGE.

I have to admit, it still surprises me when RINOs show their true colors.

Reason and logic wants to argue with what I’m seeing.

How does the man who once chaired the RNC find his happy place among the progressive democrats of MSNBC?

How does that man then — with a straight face — lambast the most fiscally conservative Republican in terms of policy in our lifetime?

And I have come to the conclusion that it isn’t personal for these people; it is simply business.

And the business I’m talking about is the kickbacks, corrupt payoffs, and the pay-without-working jobs they are in the “business” of creating for themselves.

How does the former RNC chairman so unequivocally come out swinging against the most LIBERTY MINDED and FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE President we’ve had in more than 100 years?

Easy — he lets the corruption that he himself is a part of do the decision making for him.

It’s not personal; it’s just business.

Unfortunately for Michael Steele, those very people he is lambasting are fully engaged in the business of ENDING his CORRUPT business within the federal bureaucracy.

Moan and wail if he must, but the time for honoring himself will soon be at an end.  (This seemed like a moment truly worthy of a Gladiator reference.)

And President and Elon Musk are just the ones to make it happen.

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.

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