Friday, 20 September 2024

Government Paying BlackRock $15,000/month to House Illegals In New York City?

Some people will claim this is just a Grand Conspiracy.


But perhaps not, and what I have found is that whenever they shout the loudest about something being a “conspiracy theory” it usually ends up being proven true, or at least 90% true.  Which is close enough for me.

Of course you know what the so-called “Fact-Checkers” do….they find one small detail is not even relevant to the story and then they claim that one small detail is wrong or “misunderstood” and so the whole thing is “debunked”.

Sorry, that’s not how we roll here.

We put the facts out there and we let you decide.

Ok, let’s start with this post on Twitter that is going viral, and I want to note a couple things right off the bat….

This post and video have over 3 million views since being posted two days ago, and most notable in all of that is there is no “Community Note” attached to the post claiming it is inaccurate.

So take a look for yourself:

An Insane “Conspiracy Theory”

The homes that BlackRock has been purchasing (a HUGE amount in New York) being setup to house illegal migrants

🚨 Each home will average bringing in $15,000 per month to house illegals

– New York just declared that they’re gonna pay homeowners there a $125 a day to house a migrant.
– $125 a day per migrant, per bedroom
– And at $3,750 per migrant, that means that property would now be bringing in $15,000 a month

“Y’all wanna come with me down another rabbit hole of how the US government is using private industry to f*** over the American people? This is gonna be a quick video, but I wanted to put it out because I wanna hear what people think.

The basic gist is that the United States government is using BlackRock to permanently house all the illegal immigrants they’ve been letting in. So you know how companies like BlackRock have been buying up large amounts of the single family real estate, and a shitload of the properties that they bought are in the state of New York.

And New York just declared that they’re gonna pay homeowners there a $125 a day to house a migrant.

$125 a day per migrant, per bedroom. That means the taxpayers of New York are gonna be paying $3,750 per migrant per month. Now think about all those houses that BlackRock bought. Let’s say they got a 4 bedroom.

That means they can house 4 migrants. And at $3,750 per migrant, that means that property would now be bringing in $15,000 a month.

And if any of those migrants have a family, that’s additional money on top. And BlackRock doesn’t have to worry because the money’s guaranteed by the government in New York.

I mean, you have to think so far in Biden’s presidency, anywhere from 12 to 15,000,000 illegals have crossed over. And then because of all the incentive programs that New York created, you enter this country illegally, you’d have to be stupid not to go to New York.

You’re gonna get paid. You’re gonna get fed. You’re gonna get housed all for the price of either a bus trip up there or maybe you can catch one of those flights that Biden’s been sending under everyone’s radar.

But regardless, you’re gonna go to New York where BlackRock owns thousands of homes. And I’d be willing to bet a lot of those homes are about to have an illegal immigrant as a tenant, and they’re gonna make sure they get at least 1 in every bedroom.

And I would expect that this continues at least until the census.” – the older millennial

Backup video here if needed:

The NY Post details just how many illegals are FLOODING into New York:

A new, 2,000-person migrant caravan is making its way north to the US border — and is expected to reach El Paso, Texas, in just the next few days.

Videos posted online show a swarm of people walking through the streets of southern Mexico on Monday.

In one clip, an apparent leader could be seen encouraging the group through a bullhorn to chant “A la frontera” — meaning “To the border.”

The group proclaimed in Spanish, “We are not criminals, we are international workers.”

Church-run border shelters are preparing for the group’s arrival, as they run out of space to house the thousands of migrants trying to make their way into the United States, according to Border Report.

“We are in contact with people and personnel in migrant shelters in south Mexico,” the Rev. Francisco Bueno Guillen, director of the Casa del Migrante shelter in the border city of Juarez, Mexico, told the news station.

“They saw many people have come into the country recently and are being joined by others already there,” he said. “And yes,they are coming to Juarez.”

He said they are expecting at least 2,000 migrants who set off from Chiapas, Mexico, to arrive in El Paso in the coming days.

The so-called “Migrant’s Via Crusis” was organized by Mexican activists in Chiapas to ensure the safety of migrants making their way to the US.

It left the city of Tapachula, on the border of Guatemala, on Monday, according to Border Report.

Another group of several hundred foreign nationals have also set up a camp behind a convenience store in Chihuahua City — about 230 miles from El Paso, it reports.

Migrants of different nationalities walk toward the U.S. border in a caravan called “The Migrant’s Via Crucis”, in Huixtla, Mexico March 27, 2024.

But Guillen said the Casa del Migrante shelter has already been filling up.

It was at just 20% of its capacity a few weeks ago, but was at 75% capacity as of Monday, he said.

The Kiki Romero municipal gym is also three-quarters full as of Wednesday, Juarez Human Rights Office director Santiago Gonzalez told El Diario, a Mexican publication.

El Paso Catholic Diocese Bishop Mark J. Seitz has told his counterparts south of the border that it will “continue to marshal all available resources and be aware of the trends.”

Why not give them prepaid debit cards too?

Why not?

Folks, that is a street in New York City….

What an embarrassment!

Looks like a third-world country (because it is)!

Free rent…

Free food…

Free lawyers…

Free healthcare…

Free phones…

Free flights…

Anyone else see a problem here?

Is this all to rig the election and get more Blue voters?

Probably that and destroying the USA from the inside by communists who truly hate us.

The enemy is not at the gates, the enemy is INSIDE the gates and controlling most of Government.

Speaking of BlackRock, I despise them with a passion, but they always seem to make all the money.

So I learned long ago to watch what they do, and that will usually tell you where the money is going next.

Spoiler alert: you might want to have some Gold and Silver.

Check this out:

UPDATE: BlackRock Now Advising Its Clients Invest In Gold! We Told You First!

We are proud of our reporting here and we’re always proud to be on a story first.

While the Big Banks and the Financial MSM Talking Heads “talk their book” (which means telling you to sell when they’re actually buying), we’ve been shooting you straight here.

Now it looks like even BlackRock is boarding the long-gold trade.

Just remember we told you first — months ago!

BlackRock, the world’s largest asset management firm and the biggest promoters of Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) investments, has released a report recommending investors allocate money into physical precious metals.

“Gold is having a moment; one we believe is likely to continue. The precious metal has risen over 8% so far in 2023, thanks to a combination of positive factors,” the analysts said in the report. “Gold fell from its May 3 high around $2050 per ounce amid expectations the U.S. would avoid missing the deadline to raise the debt ceiling. That said, the decline occurred after gold rallied nearly 30% from its 52-week low. If gold proves able to sustain a rally above its 10-year high of $2067, that may suggest another leg in the rally is likely.”

“This move is not surprising considering they’re in the business of not only making money, but making sure their investors don’t lose too much,” said Jonathan Rose, co-founder of Genesis Gold Group.

“They are pushing ESG funds which have proven to lose money, so promoting gold at this time makes sense as they try to achieve balance.”

While BlackRock and the World Economic Forum claim ESG funds are beneficial, their actions do not jibe with their words.

Even the Biden-Harris regime has tried to force the issue by incentivizing financial advisors to push ESG investments even as they continuously lose money.

This is why tens of thousands of Americans are moving their retirement accounts to self-directed IRAs backed by physical precious metals.

Unlike a traditional IRA, a self-directed IRA allows individuals to invest in a broader range of assets (including gold) while benefiting from similar tax advantages as a traditional IRA.

Step 1: Opening Your Self-Directed IRA

– To open a self-directed IRA, many people typically work with a precious metals provider such as Genesis Gold Group who can walk you through each step of the process.

Step 2: Funding Your Self-Directed IRA

– You can fund your self-directed IRA by rolling over or transferring assets from your existing retirement accounts, such as a 401(k), 403(b), TSP, savings, or other IRA accounts. Those rollovers and transfers usually take place without tax consequences. Once your self-directed IRA is funded, you can buy gold as part of your retirement account.

Click here to get in touch with Genesis Gold Group today.

Unlike other precious metals companies, Genesis Gold Group does not take advantage of investors’ angst to push them into the wrong metals.

Their focus is on customer service and putting the right mix of metals into their clients’ portfolios through rollovers or transfers of retirement accounts. This is why they don’t engage in the devious ploy of “free” silver marketing.

BlackRock is not alone with their sudden adoration of precious metals. China continues to ramp up purchases of gold, hitting all-time highs each of the last seven months.

Central Banks have been buying as much gold as they can for two years, slowing only recently when investors started noticing and calling them out.

If you’re concerned about the future, contact Genesis Gold Group

You’ll receive a free Definitive Gold Guide and you’ll work with faith-driven, patriotic experts who can set up your retirement accounts with any desired mix of physical precious metals.

Click here to talk to Genesis Gold Group today.

p.s.  Did you know Superman likes them too?

That’s right, Dean Cain is a big fan just like I am…watch here:

(Note: The information provided by WLTReport or any related communications is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as financial advice. We do not provide personalized investment, financial, or legal advice.)

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.

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