Heads up parents!
Do you know what your kids are being shown in school?
In “Health Class”?
I’ll show you.
Take a look right here and you tell me if you think this is age-appropriate for 5th graders:
Ohio Parent is Horrified by the videos being played for 5th graders…
I’ve been talking about the disgusting videos Amaze Videos makes for the public school system for a few years now.
These sexualized Lesson Plans make its way into the public school system through a group… https://t.co/xU4ZLTNqB5 pic.twitter.com/6hZz1SUT4U
— MJTruthUltra (@MJTruthUltra) September 11, 2024
Ohio Parent is Horrified by the videos being played for 5th graders…
I’ve been talking about the disgusting videos Amaze Videos makes for the public school system for a few years now.
These sexualized Lesson Plans make its way into the public school system through a group called “Advocates for Youth”…
I’m so glad this is getting attention now… keep sharing.
Homeschool if you can.. but inform every parent you come in contact with. This is not ok.
Backup here on Rumble if needed:
Is this ok with you?
How about the gender identity videos for older grades?
I suppose it’s better than this:
BANNED VIDEO Shows How Schools Are Instructing Children Age 4-9 To Masturbate
What is going on?
This is the second story today I’ve covered about schools hyper-sexualizing students.
In some cases VERY young students.
According to StopWorldControl.com the video below was banned from Rumble:
Although it was banned from Rumble, I have a copy.
WARNING: this is disgusting stuff what these people are doing.
Watch here at your own risk:
BANNED VIDEO shows how schools are instructing children to masturbate…
WARNING: this is UN Agenda 2030…and it’s sick!#BannedVideo #UN #Sick #Children #SaveTheKids pic.twitter.com/X7sGRDLwcZ
— DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) June 1, 2023
Here’s more from StopWorldControl:
“Schools must equip children
to have sexual partners”
– say the UN and WHO
This evidence report reveals how the World Health Organization and United Nations are sexualizing little children in primary education worldwide, for the purpose of normalizing pedophilia. This report consists of nothing but solid evidence, with many official documents, videos, books, archives, etc. All PDF documents may be downloaded from the references section at the end of this report.

“Little children are sexual beings who must have sexual partners and begin with sex as soon as possible. For this reason, kindergartens and elementary schools must teach children to develop lust and sexual desire, learn masturbation, build same-sex relationships, use online pornography, and learn different sexual techniques such as oral sex.”
The above is a paraphrased summary of the official guidelines issued by the World Health Organization and the United Nations to educational authorities worldwide. Meanwhile, judicial organizations are issuing statements that sex between little children and adults should be legalized, while media outlets and political parties are calling for the acceptance of pedophilia as a “normal sexual orientation”.
Equipping children to have sexual partners
The United Nations has issued the document “International Technical Guidance on Sexual Education”.1 It is the official guideline for elementary schools around the world. The goal of this document is described on page 16.
In their own words:
“It aims to equip children…
to develop sexual relationships”.
On page 17, the United Nations explains that this guide is intended to help children build relationships with romantic or sexual partners.
In their own words:
“These skills can help children
form relationships with… sexual partners.”
On page 71, educators are instructed to teach little kids from the age of 5 about kissing, hugging, touching and sexual behaviors. 9-year-old children are to be taught about masturbation, sexual attraction and sexual stimulation.
Teaching little kids to have sex
The agenda to ensure that little children have sexual parters is being further developed by the World Health Organization. Their document, “Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe”,2 contains the following instructions for kindergartens and elementary schools:
︎ Children between 0 and 4 years must learn about masturbation and develop an interest in their own and others’ bodies.
︎ Children between 4 and 6 years must learn about masturbation and be encouraged to express their sexual needs and wishes.
︎ Children between 6 and 9 years must learn about sexual intercourse, online pornography, having a secret love and self-stimulation.
︎ Children between 9 and 12 years should have their first sexual experience and learn to use online pornography.

The WHO instructs teachers worldwide to educate 9-year-old children about having sexual intercourse for the first time, how to experience sex using the internet and mobile phones, and learning different sexual techniques.
School video instructs kids
to begin masturbating
The following video is part of a European school program that works closely with the World Health Organization and United Nations to implement their agenda in schools nationwide. It is a real-world example of the execution of these guidelines, in this case, in The Netherlands. The video shows how children are encouraged by teachers to begin masturbating. This video was distributed to many thousands of schools as part of the WHO “comprehensive sexuality education” program, whose objective is that children should start having sex as early as possible.
The publisher of this video, the Rutgers Foundation, operates in 27 nations, is a close partner of the WHO and UN, and is funded by Bill Gates and Planned Parenthood.6
The language spoken in the video is Dutch, but please be aware that this is a real-life example of the execution of an INTERNATIONAL agenda of the World Health Organization and the United Nations, therefore this will be coming to public schools in every nation of the world.
GRAPHIC: California Teacher Caught On Camera Teaching Students How To Enjoy Anal Sex
Warning: this is a graphic post.
You may have surmised that much from the headline, but I’m giving you a second warning.
Ok, we good?
Continue at your own risk.
But that’s kind of the point right?
If I have to put a warning on this article for you adults to read it, then why are we ok with it in our schools?
And yes I realize this is high school and no I’m not against Sex Education.
But since when did Sex Education involve being taught how to enjoy anal sex and stimulate the prostate?
That’s Sex Ed now?
I’ll say this too…this teacher may just be doing her job.
She may just be teaching the curriculum she was given.
I don’t know.
So you tell me: you ok with this being taught in school?
View this post on Instagram
Backup here on Rumble:
Oh and did you notice how quickly they start talking about how you can buy Sex Toys at Target?
Because….of course you can.
The PostMillenial had more details:
An educator at El Dorado High School in Placentia, California was captured on video giving students explicit instructions during class on how to have pleasure during anal sex, and where to find sex toys that will stimulate the prostate gland.
The video, posted to the Instagram account @edhscaughtlacking, shows the educator, sitting atop a desk in front of a classroom full of students, discussing why anal sex is pleasurable for gay men, with an enlarged image of a prostate gland behind her.
“You don’t have to go inside the booty hole you can actually just push on the seam and that stimulates the prostate gland,” the educator told her students. “They apparently really like that.”
“So that’s why, for male and male, anal sex is still very pleasurable because of the fact that it hits the prostate and there’s a lot of nerve endings in your booty, as well,” the educator explained, according to the video.
She then told the class that the prostate gland is equivalent to the “g-spot” for women, and shared places where students can purchase sex toys that stimulate these areas.
“If you go to Target, seriously, if you go to Target and go where the tampons and pads are, they have they just look like a little box but if you open it up, there’s like a Velcro front to the box, you open it up and then ‘BAM’ sex toys,” she explained.
One student interrupted and said that sex toys can also be purchased as CVS pharmacies and the educator responded, “Yes! CVS has them too. A lot of them.”
“So that’s why when you look at the toys, a lot of them look like this,” she said, making a gesture that included a hooked finger insinuating that position stimulates both the “g-spot” and prostate gland, video shows.
The California Board of Education approved new statewide comprehensive sex education laws in 2019 to include LGBTQ inclusivity for health education under the California Healthy Youth Act, which has been heavily criticized by parents.
Following the updated sex education laws, hundreds of parents and residents of California communites expressed their opposition of the LGBTQ framework to the Instructional Quality Commission, which is an advisory to the state board, according to EdSource.
From Twitter:
Allegedly, a Southern-California high school teacher gave students explicit instructions on pleasure during anal sex.
Sadly, this isn’t surprising…this is expected and typical with Comprehensive Sexuality Education.
Full video and video credit from: https://t.co/DHPtQ5bgeD pic.twitter.com/L0vLBnqX2o
— Kelly S. (@kellyske) May 30, 2023
It’s basically “kink ed” at this point:
It’s kink ed at this point.
When did reproductive education change into Sex Ed?
— Renaissance Cowboy (@RennCowboy69) May 31, 2023
Exactly right:
They’ve got time for THIS but not enough time or money for STEM and the arts! What travesty!
— Tonye Tariah-Health (@ttariahhealth) May 31, 2023
Why is this necessary?
I have no problem with sex education in HS environment. Use condoms to prevent disease. Birth control, how to find resources and talk about with adults.
But, simply put, teaching them how to find the clit and prostate and how to “get people off?” and find sex toys?
— My2Centrist – I
#BCH (@toomuch72) May 31, 2023
What do YOU think?
VIEWER WARNING: Eighth Graders Shown Condom Video
I’ve got a wild one for you…
And you also might be surprised to get my take on it.
But first let me lay it out.
The Idaho Freedom Foundation (IFF) first covered this story and let the world know about an animated sex video being shown in the classroom to 8th Graders.
The video was made by Trojan Condoms and was used as part of a Planned Parenthood sex education program.
But you really need to see it, so here you go…
The video is cheekily titled “Condom Sense”:
Here’s the alert put out by the Idaho Freedom Foundation:
Eighth-grade kids in Moscow Middle School were shown a disturbing video with animated sex scenes and a cartoon character apparently removing a condom from his erect penis.
The video was part of a Planned Parenthood-endorsed sex education program which is implemented in public schools by the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare and by individual health districts. Public records requests reveal that the video was shown for multiple years as part of the sex education program known as Reducing the Risk.
Use of the video and other materials obtained by IFF indicates violation of Idaho law and standards, which require all sex education taught in public schools to reinforce traditional family arrangements and teach abstinence. The video definitely does not promote abstinence.
“Keep the condom on until you ejaculate,” says a female narrator. The video switches to a bird exiting a cuckoo clock on the bedroom wall. Trojan’s video then shows a hand pushing a used condom up off a shaft. “Immediately after ejaculation, hold the condom in place and withdraw the penis while it is still erect,” the narrator says. “Dispose of the used condom by wrapping it in tissue,” the narrator adds alongside a depiction of just that.
Titled “Condom Sense,” the video was created by Trojan Condoms and shows multiple scenes in which either a bed or car is rocking back and forth in an obvious attempt to depict sexual activity.
Another scene shows the man and woman, whose breast size seems purposefully enhanced, at a table where the waiter offers a platter of various types of condoms. “Some have unique shapes, ribbing, nubs – all designed to enhance the experience,” the narrator says. NCHD has said that video was shown virtually and in-person at Moscow Middle School from 2019-2020. It was similarly shown in-person at Tammany Alternative School from 2018-2020. Another Trojan video was shown at Moscow Middle School from 2019-2022 and Tammany from 2018-2020. This one outlines, along with footage, how the company manufactures its condoms.
A separate video discusses the history of condoms and includes clips of topless women. That content was revealed as part of a 2018 email in which NCHD Health Education Specialist Jennifer Andrews laid out multiple videos she intended to show students during a presentation for Reducing the Risk (RTR). NCHD says that particular video — dubbed “The History of Condoms” — was utilized at Tammany Alternative School but hasn’t been shown since 2018.
Meanwhile, when asked for RTR content that was utilized, Moscow school district returned a presentation which included screenshots from both Trojan condoms videos.
Idaho Freedom Foundation’s Center for American Education has reported extensively on this program, and Trojan’s video is the latest content linked to RTR, which can be approved by individual school districts. The curriculum can vary by jurisdiction.
The Trojan video featured prominently at the beginning of a NCHD-recorded zoom lesson for RTR, which was recorded when some schools were teaching virtually during the COVID-19 pandemic. After showing the Trojan video during the recorded lesson an NCHD representative says, “Ok, great little video there.”
The lesson also included a Trojan video touting the company’s manufacturing process. During the recording, the presenter later noted the ability for teens to obtain birth control pills from a doctor or family planning clinic without parental involvement. “You do not need a parent’s permission to get birth control at a clinic. No one needs to know that you’re going to the clinic anyways,” she said. “That’s between you and the doctor.”
At another point, she says that a person-to-person visit with a health care provider is the best way to obtain information about contraception. “Your parents are a trusted source, but the most trusted one is a health care provider,” she adds. Part of the “contraception” presentations also included information about the abortifacient Plan B.
The recorded lessons, 15 of which were obtained via records request, offered a glimpse into how NCHD intended to present the RTR curriculum to students. NCHD has said that only one of the recordings was utilized by Moscow Middle School, although it’s unclear which one. Regardless, NCHD and Moscow School District provided electronic copies of slides similar or identical to ones used in the Zoom recordings, and that contained problematic content.
The RTR presentations discovered in NCHD primarily focused on promoting what we have previously called the “New Abstinence.” The objective definition of abstinence is abstaining from sex until marriage.
The New Abstinence redefines the term to mean avoiding sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and pregnancy. Marriage is not in their vocabulary. Marital sex or marriage is never mentioned in the presentations. Meanwhile, vaginal, anal, or oral sex are discussed at least a dozen times in connection with using protection and avoiding STDs or pregnancy. The lessons promote vaginal and oral sex using a condom and sexual fantasy as positive, “no risk” behaviors for kids.
Anal sex with a condom, oral sex without a condom, and having sex while high or drunk are considered to only carry “some risk.”
Currently, RTR is being used by more than a dozen schools affecting around 700 students each year. Potlatch School District, which neighbors Moscow and is also part of NCHD, saw a contentious school board meeting in November as residents reeled from news that RTR was part of their small town’s curriculum. Ultimately, they voted to end the use of RTR, but the controversy raised questions about why the Department of Health and Welfare has pushed the Planned Parenthood-backed curriculum into K-12 classrooms. One board member stated that he “was afraid a teacher might teach the full curriculum to students.”
School districts are not required to notify parents that they can opt their children out of sex education under Idaho code. If districts do choose to alert parents about the Reducing the Risk program, they claim children will be taught “abstinence.” Thus parents are left in the dark unless they realize Planned Parenthood has changed the meaning of the term to show kids how to have sex, transition genders, or get an abortion.
The Trojan video is just one example of the graphic content being shown to our children by public schools and government health districts. Parents MUST find out what else is going on and hold their school districts accountable, because it only gets worse from here.
More here:
Ok….so now for my take.
You may disagree with me, and that’s ok!
I give my take and I’d love to hear yours in the comments section.
But I have to say this is lower on the list of things that offend me than some other stories we’ve covered recently (which I will copy below).
These are not 2nd Graders, they’re 8th Graders.
If you think an 8th Grader has never heard of sex or condoms or seen far worse on the internet, you’re fooling yourself.
Not that any of that is ok, but it is reality for 99.9% of people.
At some point, they grow up and they do need to be taught certain things.
Abstinence only teaching would definitely be preferred, but I don’t find this to be wildly out of line.
I remember being in similar “sex ed” classes growing up.
I’m pretty sure ours were in 6th grade, so to show this in 8th grade doesn’t tend to offend me all that much.
But I’m really interested to hear what you think…
Now, I will tell you this…
This next one is something to really get worked up about:
Here Is That SICK Sex Ed Video Teaching First Graders To Masturbate
Early warning on this article….this take is graphic.
If you don’t want to hear graphic content, turn away now.
Ok, you’ve been warned.
But that’s actually kind of the point of this article.
If this topic is too graphic for some of you to even want to read, then why are we allowing it to be taught to our CHILDREN?
Not even just children, but how about FIRST Graders?
Yes, really.
Here is a short 3 minute clip where Ben Shapiro gives his thoughts and shows you the vile cartoon they are showing to your First Graders in school.
This ok with you?
Watch here:
This too:
2nd Graders Shown Video of Man With Erect Wang Standing Over Child
It’s hard to imagine something less appropriate than showing a classroom full of Second Graders a cartoon with a man with a fully-erect Johnson standing over a child….
Yet that’s what happened in Connecticut this week:
In my hometown, in my daughters age group class of second grade, they showed an animated video today of a man with an ERECTION standing over a child!!!!!
this is not OK!!!!https://t.co/B4vgSa7Qle
— Carl Higbie (@CarlHigbie) March 29, 2021
Of course, the school district has tried to claim it was an “educational video” protecting against things like abuse.
What do you think?
Is that a good enough reason to show a giant erect Schlong to a classroom of 2nd Graders?
Could the same goal have been accomplished in a different way?
You be the judge and watch for yourself….
Is this video ok in your mind for 2nd Graders?
Here’s what my friends over at The Blaze reported:
Second graders in Greenwich, Connecticut, were shown an animated video that displays the silhouette of a man with a graphic, full erection standing over what has been described as a “sad” girl during a “lesson on social and emotional learning.”
The New York Post reported that the kids were shown a cartoon titled, “Alfred Jr. & Shadow: A Short Story About Being Scared,” during a virtual class that the Greenwich Free Press said was “a lesson on social and emotional learning.”
The Free Press reported:
The description of the video says, “All children are normalscared, but what do children who are embarrassedscared or painfulscared need?”
It explains that The Alfred Jr. & Shadow – A Short Story about Being Scared was an educational film for children aged 6-14 years. The children learn about different ways of being scared, what they need when they are scared, and suggestions for actions. Adults also get some tips on how to meet a child who is scared.
At one point in the video, the narrator says, “Some children are afraid that their mom and dad will beat them, or that their parents will fight. Other children have experienced an adult touching or putting their penis in the child’s private parts or mouth.”
As the voiceover speaks, the image displayed for several seconds on the screen is what The Washington Examiner called “a dejected-looking child” next to “a sexually aroused silhouetted man.”
The Post provided a montage to describe the video, which is provided below.
What did one parent say?
Greenwich parent and Newsmax host Carl Higbie tweeted, “In my hometown, in my daughters age group class of second grade, they showed an animated video today of a man with an ERECTION standing over a child!!!!! this is not OK!!!!”
Higbie told the Free Press that he was “relieved” that his own second grader did not see the film, but that several other “disgusted” parents had reached out to him to express their outrage.
“That somebody thought this video was acceptable for second graders was abhorrent,” he told the outlet.
And one more:
New “Kids” TV Show Launches About Man With Abnormally Lengthy Dong
This is a reprint of one of my favorite stories of last year. ICYMI.
Yes, you read that right.
Call it whatever you want….a Dong, a Schlong, a Unit, a Johnson….call it whatever you want, it’s the star of a new kids TV show in Denmark.
Yes, I said kids show.
Aimed at kids.
Someone really thought this was a good idea.
Take a look:
Evolution of kids tv:
-Kids before had Transformers and He-Man.
-My generation had Yu Gi Oh and Pokemon.
-New generation has Pup Patrol and John Dillermand (Penisman in Danish)Denmark launches children’s TV show about man with giant penis https://t.co/qcfmTWGbAQ
— Aldo (@aldo_alvarez93) January 7, 2021
Even after yesterday’s violence you just have to ask: Denmark: WTF?? John Dillermand: New Danish children’s TV show features a man with a massive penis – CNN https://t.co/Vla27MjAbR
— Bob Mana (@GeneralMana) January 8, 2021
And it’s for kids:
You would think this has to be fake, but sadly it’s not.
From CNN:
Denmark’s flagship broadcaster has suffered blowback over its newest children’s TV program, “John Dillermand” — an animation starring a man with a penis so massive and flexible it can save children from danger, fetch objects from a river and operate as a pogo stick.
The show, whose 13 episodes are available to watch on the DR network’s website, follows its titular character as he navigates an array of unexpected scenarios caused by his inexplicably huge genitalia.
In episode one, for instance, the mustached Dillermand uses his gigantic, stripey organ as a lead for his dog — but quickly finds himself inundated with requests from his neighbors to take their pets out for a walk, too. At another point in the show, he is stuck floating in mid-air after balloons are tied to his groin.
In another episode, he breaks a friend’s vase with his penis and must raise money to pay them back, and in a third, he uses it to steal an ice cream at the zoo. The show’s opening montage also shows him using his genitals to keep a lion away from a group of children.
The show was generally met with hilarity in Denmark and across the internet, with many praising it as an appropriate and light-hearted way to teach children about the human anatomy.
But some took issue with the main character’s central trait. Danish politician Morten Messerschmidt, a member of the right-wing Danish People’s Party, said children should not be forced to watch a cartoon depiction of an adult man’s groin.
close dialogAnd a handful of parents have taken to the Facebook page of DR’s children’s network, urging them to remove the program.
A spokesperson for DR told CNN that most of those who criticized the program did so “without even (having) seen the show, because it wasn’t released yet.”
“Now the great majority here in Denmark are … making fun of the few critics instead,” Sarah Cecilie added. “Hundreds of thousands is supporting ‘John Dillermand’ now.”
“In Denmark it is now a huge success, and the children are watching it in big numbers,” she said, telling CNN that 200,000 people have viewed the first episode.
You can watch a real preview of the show here if you dare:
Stay classy Denmark.
This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.
View the original article here.
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