Friday, 14 March 2025

Jovan Pulitzer: The ONLY Thing Still Holding Up America….Once This Falls, It’s Over!

I had the pleasure of having Jovan Pulitzer back on my show recently and midway through the interview I stopped and said: “What you JUST said might be the most important thing I have ever heard — we have to get this out to everyone.”

I wasn’t exaggerating.

Allow me to explain….

We were talking about the ONE THING that is still holding up America.

Jovan asked me if I knew what it was, and I stumbled for a moment (embarrassed to say), although immediately after he said it I thought: “of course!”

I bet most of you know it already….

The Second Amendment.

It’s obviously correct and I should have had that answer in a split second.

But then he went on to talk about how things are about to get really bad (regardless of who wins, Trump or Kamala)…the only difference will be how long they stay bad.

A Kamala win literally could be the end of this country as we know it, and that’s not hyperbole.

But a Trump win will bring out riots and chaos so bad it will make the BLM “summer of love” riots from 2020 look like a nice friendly walk in the park!

Obviously, we all want a Trump win, but there will be a period of time where this country is going to go through a VERY rough and ugly period and some will not survive.

So then he tied it back into the Second Amendment and this was the part I thought was so good — he said arm yourself, yes, because you might need it — but don’t you dare go running out into the streets thinking you’re going to do some vigilante type justice or go out there and “fix things” Rambo style.

I agree with him 100% and I’ve published similar articles probably 10 times saying almost the exact same thing.

Because if they can arrest you for simply SETTING FOOT inside the Capitol Building (the PEOPLE’S House) on January 6th, then you damn sure better believe they’ll lock you up for life if you run out and do something stupid.

So for your sake, don’t do something stupid.

But also for everyone else’s sake….because that’s exactly what the Far Left and the Deep State want.

They want that one reason to finally swoop in and kill the Second Amendment.

All their mass shootings haven’t worked, so now they need a J6 moment on steroids where (they will say) Far-Right MAGA people got violent and tried to start an uprising.

At that moment I asked Jovan a question as Devil’s Advocate, because I can here one of you thinking this question right now:  “But Noah!  But Jovan!  There has to be a moment where that is necessary, right?  After all, we’d all still be speaking the Queen’s English if we didn’t have our Founding Fathers and the Revolutionary War.  So when does that moment come?”

And this was actually the second moment that I thought Jovan’s answer was simply brilliant.

He didn’t even pause or hesitate….he said remember what they said back in that time.

Our Founding Fathers had a phrase: you do not shoot until you see the whites of their eyes!

Translation: you arm yourself (yes!) under the power of the Second Amendment, but then you take a defensive posture.  You guard your castle.  You stay on your property.  You stay in your home.  And if they come after you there, then that’s when you take your stand.  You DO NOT go running out into the street to do some vigilante justice.



So I’m calling this perhaps the most important interview I’ve ever done and I hope you will help me get this message out to as many people as we can.

Because they want another J6 moment so badly, but they want it 10x worse so it can be their final excuse to torch the Second Amendment.  And then America falls.

Have you ever asked yourself why they’re doing all the things they’re doing?

Why are they stoking up so much hatred and chaos everywhere?

Because they’re trying to jam as much powder keg into this fire as possible to watch it go BOOM.





You stay calm, cool and collected.

You keep your head.

You stay armed.

You stay on and defense your homestead.

Ok, that was just a small portion of the interview, as usual we bounced around to so many different topics….including when Jovan went on tour with Paula Abdul!

This is really a fun (and super important one), please enjoy:

Backup here if needed:

And then here are all the links you need that we mentioned in the interview:

📺 LIVE with Jovan Pulitzer — Forensic Breakdown of Trump Shooting:–live-with-jovan-pulitzer-forensic-breakdown-of-trump-shooting.html

📺 Jovan Pulitzer Explains How He Caught Them All In Arizona! (Watermarked Ballots?):–jovan-pulitzer-explains-how-he-caught-them-all-in-arizona-watermarked-ball.html

📺 Jovan w/ Roseanne Barr:

⭐ Food Forest Bible (Paperback):

⭐ Food Forest Bible (Hardcover):

🔥 Follow Jovan Pulitzer on Rumble:

I want to end this article be republishing one of my warnings which I have probably posted 10 times at this point.

It’s very similar to Jovan’s although I love all the things he added to it.  He is a brilliant man.

But folks, this is extremely important….we cannot afford to lose the Second Amendment because some people run out and do something stupid.

So please get this warning out to everyone:

REMINDER: Stay Calm, We Do NOT Support Calls For Violence!

As we head into the 2024 election cycle, one thing seems certain: tensions are rising, the potential for J6-style FalseFlags are increasing, and the “Elites” would love nothing more than to lure a bunch of patriots into doing something stupid.  So I’m issuing this friendly reminder and echoing our wonderful President….remember these words: PEACEFULLY and PATRIOTICALLY!  Remain peaceful.  No violence.  Respect the Law.  Respect the Constitution!  

Keep your calm.

Keep your cool.

And keep your head on a swivel, because I’m starting to think they might try to stage another J6 soon.

You know, Team Khaki Pants.

So I want to be as clear as I can: we do not support violence.

We do support your Constitutionally-protected right to protest and assemble (seems like I’ve read something about that somewhere, maybe in the First Amendment?) but we must do so peacefully and lawfully.

So please allow me to reiterate this FULL Public Service Announcement…

I think you’re going to like this one and I’d sure love to hear from you in the comments after you read it.

Our mission here at WLTReport is to research and print the truth, wherever we may find it.

The truth the MSM likes to ignore…

The truth the MSM likes to cover up…

The truth the MSM likes to twist.

We correct the record and just like a lion, we set truth free because it can defend itself.

So that’s our mission.

NOTE: our mission does not and never has been to call for violence or to support violence.  

You may think it is absurd I even have to print that, and I would agree…

Of course, we are the people who constantly decried and called out all the violence, looting and burning down of cities during the summer of 2020.

That kind of behavior has NO PLACE in America.

So we want to be absolutely clear where we stand.

We also stand for the Constitution.

We stand for free and fair elections.

We stand for truth and justice.

Oh, and let me also clear this up…

While we stand for peace, justice and truth, here’s what the Democrats stand for — in their own words:

“Fight Like Hell” — Democrats EXPOSED In Their Own Words

If President Trump can be impeached and indicted and persecuted and prosecuted over something as innocuous as saying “Fight like Hell”, then perhaps it’s time we look at the Dems?

Take a look at their own words?

Big thanks to my man Kyle Becker for posting this.

Exactly right sir!

If your argument is that Trump incited the Capitol riots because he said “fight like hell,” you might want to watch this.

Be sure to be sitting down, because it will blow your mind.


That all sounds WILDLY violent to me, but that’s not how we roll here.

Ok, so I hope we cleared that up, now you know where both camps stand.

One wildly violent, one peaceful.

One wants destruction, one wants peace, justice, truth and law & order.

You know which is which.

So in case there was any confusion or question out there, I hope this clears it up!

Your humble correspondent at your service!

BUT….A DISCLAIMER: I cannot be responsible for what God’s Angel Army may choose to do.

Speaking of the Bible, there is a verse that says “As for me and my house…”

So that’s what I can speak for — Me (Noah) and my house (WLTReport).

I can’t speak for God’s Angel Army or what they may choose to do.

They kind of have a mind of their own and they don’t tend listen much to what man wants to do.

What am I talking about?

Just this…

Just a little story taken right out of 2 Kings Chapter 6 from the Bible.

Do you know that story?

Perhaps you need to hear it right now.

I’ll summarize…

Elisha is trapped in Dothan.

The King of Aram surrounded the city and Elisha’s assistant panics thinking all is lost.  He thinks they have no way out.

And then Elisha says those famous words: “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”

To the person who is only looking in the physical, that looked to be 100% wrong.

To the people who are looking right now and thinking “nothing has ever happened”, they think the all prayer and prophecies have been completely wrong.

But Elisha was looking in the spiritual world and he could see that although King Aram’s armies were surrounding the city, there were actually Hosts Upon Hosts of Heavenly Angels surrounding the King.  Completely outmatched.  Horses and chariots of fire ridden by Angels filled the hills around the King’s army!

And that, my friends, is where I believe we stand at this very moment.

I can see it, can you?

Read it here, I’ve bolded my favorite part:

Now the king of Aram was at war with Israel. After conferring with his officers, he said, “I will set up my camp in such and such a place.”

The man of God sent word to the king of Israel: “Beware of passing that place, because the Arameans are going down there.” 10 So the king of Israel checked on the place indicated by the man of God. Time and again Elisha warned the king, so that he was on his guard in such places.

11 This enraged the king of Aram. He summoned his officers and demanded of them, “Tell me! Which of us is on the side of the king of Israel?”

12 “None of us, my lord the king,” said one of his officers, “but Elisha, the prophet who is in Israel, tells the king of Israel the very words you speak in your bedroom.”

13 “Go, find out where he is,” the king ordered, “so I can send men and capture him.” The report came back: “He is in Dothan.” 14 Then he sent horses and chariots and a strong force there. They went by night and surrounded the city.

15 When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. “Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?” the servant asked.

16 “Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”

17 And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

18 As the enemy came down toward him, Elisha prayed to the Lord, “Strike this army with blindness.” So he struck them with blindness, as Elisha had asked.

19 Elisha told them, “This is not the road and this is not the city. Follow me, and I will lead you to the man you are looking for.” And he led them to Samaria.

20 After they entered the city, Elisha said, “Lord, open the eyes of these men so they can see.” Then the Lord opened their eyes and they looked, and there they were, inside Samaria.

21 When the king of Israel saw them, he asked Elisha, “Shall I kill them, my father? Shall I kill them?”

22 “Do not kill them,” he answered. “Would you kill those you have captured with your own sword or bow? Set food and water before them so that they may eat and drink and then go back to their master.” 23 So he prepared a great feast for them, and after they had finished eating and drinking, he sent them away, and they returned to their master. So the bands from Aram stopped raiding Israel’s territory.

So there you go.

As for me and my house, we stand for truth, justice, the Constitution, freedom, liberty, free and fair elections, the American dream, life, liberty and the pursuit of justice…

…and we do not stand for, or call for, violence.  Period.

But as for the angels I see surrounding this country on its metaphorical hillsides — I do not speak for them. 😊

If you want a little more on the angels, I give you this recent message from Tim Sheets:

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.

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