“Depressed” is the word one visitor used to describe the White House today.
“Totally dejected” was the phrase chosen by another person who had just met with White House officials.
“Like a morgue” was another phrase indicative of the dark mood that has settled over the White House and those who will shortly be excised from the premises in just a few short hours.
Seems fitting since the White House has been a hospice for the last 4 years.
Report: White House Feels ‘Like a Morgue’ with ‘Glum Atmosphere’ https://t.co/Wf99aBtTU4
— WindTalker (@nmlinguaphile) January 17, 2025
The entire ensemble cast that propped up the Empty Suit Executive for years to the detriment of the entire country have fallen into a pity party of their own making, according to a report from Breitbart:
The mood at the White House reflects the state of the Democrat party, which is reeling from a landslide defeat to Trump and Republicans, who control Congress as well.
The shattered party does not appear to know why Trump won or how to prevent further Democrat defeats. It is in the middle of revamping its nine-year-old talking points that claimed without evidence that Trump and Republicans were racist, bigots, and misogynists.
In recent weeks, the bewildered party does not seem equipped to mount a strong resistance to Trump’s cabinet nominees, most of whom appear to be on a glide path to confirmation, although Senate Democrats might try delay tactics, moves that are expected but can be overcome with strong Senate Republican leadership.
Trump’s return to power is the greatest political comeback in American history. He overcame political opponents who tried to imprison him, bankrupt him, remove him from the ballot, and make him politically irrelevant by introducing a partisan committee to investigate January 6 — and whose inflammatory rhetoric created a ripe environment for two assassination attempts.
The hard reality that has now viscerally crashed down upon those who were part of that defeat is likely the lowest point many of them will experience in their lives.
They claimed President Trump was everything but the devil incarnate — and hinted at that possibility enough that many of the intentionally misled democrat voters believed it.
And now the person who was literally called “Hitler” is kicking them all out, and regaining the White House residency once again.
I remember on Election Day when the reality of what was happening became real to those at the White House, and on the lawn of Howard University.
Natalie Winters described the same thing just one day after, walking the grounds of the White House:
If you think the sadness on CNN is glorious, I just walked around the White House.
Biden/Harris staffers are in full meltdown.
It’s glorious.
— Natalie Winters (@nataliegwinters) November 6, 2024
Already, the meltdown was beginning.
But today, it is coming into full bloom.
Watch this clip from Fox News with Laura Ingraham reacting to a portion of Biden’s farewell speech from the Oval Office.
There isn’t even enough wiggle room in their false narrative to “spin” the reality in a favorable direction for the democrats.
The best he could do was point at the Republicans and say, “Nuh-uh, you are!”
Joe Biden’s farewell speech was embarrassing. A sad reflection of his failed policies and his party’s role in creating the very problems he now complains about. .
#FoxAndFriends #foxnews pic.twitter.com/6mt4ucAHls
— Laura Ingraham (@IngrahamAngle) January 16, 2025
Like Ingraham said… “embarrassing”, and as dishonest as the day is long.
What must it be like for those White House staffers and interns to watch the President you worked under stare right into the camera and look America in the face — and continue to produce the same lies that led to this moment, except now the smokescreen isn’t enough to conceal the deceit, like before.
Depressing; that’s what it’s like.
He stepped into the office of the President promising to unite the country, but instead he tore it — and his own party — to shreds, according to (can you believe it???) NBC News:
Joe Biden ascended to the highest office in America with a pledge to unite the country, strengthen his party and defend democracy.
Instead, in the 82-year-old’s Oval Office denouement, he leaves a nation divided, a party in tatters and the American people questioning the self-described institutionalist’s respect for the rule of law.
Many Democrats are blaming Biden for handing the White House to Donald Trump, criticizing the aging politician for staying in office too long and reeling after he pardoned his son. Exacerbating the frustrations, Biden recently expressed doubt about his ability to serve another four years after dismissing voters’ concerns about that very issue as he sought re-election.
The president harbors similar resentment toward members of his own party. After the November election, he privately mused about the idea of pardoning Trump as a magnanimous move, according to a person directly familiar with his comments, though it’s not clear he seriously considered it. A White House official said “to our knowledge, this was not raised.” At the same time, Biden is not on speaking terms with some of his closest allies.
It is all an inglorious coda to five decades in public office.
“The Joe Biden story is one of the great tragedies of American politics. I really mean that. He should be having a glorious, well deserved, highly acclaimed retirement. And he’s not,” veteran Democratic political strategist James Carville said. “It’s hard to blame anybody but him.”
Let the reader be reminded — that was not an excerpt from Fox News or the Daily Wire.
That was straight from the pages of NBC News; usually a soft and fluffy cushion for democratic leadership and Joe Biden’s malignant reign of inadequacy.
Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
Is that right???
How the tables have turned…
https://t.co/kziFUKG40m pic.twitter.com/5tun323Pp1
— Chocolat3Nebula (@NebulaEbony) January 18, 2025
But who is Biden to blame if not himself?
That record-low approval rating with 61 whopping percent of the country labeling his presidency as a failure is hard to blame one anyone else.
Biden leaving office with a record-low approval rating, as 61% say his presidency was a failure. pic.twitter.com/hrEwMX4NfP
— Tom Stiglich (@TStig822) January 17, 2025
So while the White house staffers and the deputy assistant of this or that stuffs boxes of office supplies and keepsakes, picking through memorabilia of a job completely and utterly neglected…
The country that Trump has sworn to rebuild (dare I say… “better?”) is groaning for a shift from ineptitude to aptitude, and from neglect to personal ownership.
There will be mudslinging still — on the very first day, there will be low blows and attacks against President Trump.
But no American with the slightest bit of honesty and half a brain will ever be able to say again, with their integrity intact, that Joe Biden did anything other than bring shame to his country, to his party, and to himself.
What is there to relieve such a harsh reality if you are one of the visionless sycophants who aided that shameful catastrophe and allowed the shame of Biden to go completely unmitigated for so long?
There is only to accept it, and move on. For heaven’s sake… MOVE ON.
And for all our sake — please, don’t come back.
This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.
View the original article here.
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