Tuesday, 18 March 2025

MARK TAYLOR RETURNS: “America Under Satanic Attack!”

Mark Taylor is finally back!

I know so many of you have been asking where he’s been, and I’m so glad to bring you a brand new interview.

Mark was back on with Greg Hunter today and trust me you do not want to miss this.

I’ve got the full interview for you below plus the full transcript below that.

Please enjoy:



Greg Hunter: I’m Greg Hunter. Welcome to USAWatchdog.com. Before I introduce my next guest—he hasn’t been on in a while, but you’re going to love the fact that he’s back on—you’ll go, “Oh yeah, good idea.” Actually, my wife came up with it.

But I wanted to talk about my, uh, my trusty advertisers. I only have six, and this is the way I can control who is talking to you, and they also all have phone numbers—they’ll come to the phone and talk to you. Discount Gold and Silver Trading—Melody Cedarstrom has specials.

I have something to say about all of them after the broadcast. Always Prepare—these two are basically the same, they’re joined together. It’s the Satellite Phone Store and also DarkBags.com. Will they have a phone number? Satellite phones are imperative to have.

Look what’s going on out in California, or look what happened in North Carolina. What happened? All the infrastructure gets knocked out, and the cell towers and cell service get depreciated pretty heavily.

We have Clean Water—that is Dry Element. Again, phone numbers for everyone. Weston Scientific—don’t just trap germs, kill them naturally with the fires. I mean, this is unbelievable technology, along with killing all the Spike proteins and nanoparticle and all the other junk they’re spraying.

This will neutralize it, and finally, last but not least, The Wellness Company. Without further ado, I want to bring on my next guest, but before I do, we want to talk about fire, and he knows a lot about fire.

He’s a third-generation firefighter, also spent two decades in the Orlando Fire Department, and he wrote this book—a very popular book. They made a movie out of it. I went to the opening of it: The Trump Prophecies.

Of course, I’m giving it away—it’s Mark Taylor. Mark Taylor, I’m going to bring you on before I read this about Gavin Newsom. Mark Taylor, thanks for joining us today on USAWatchdog.com.

Mark Taylor: Oh, thank you, brother. It’s an honor to be back on your show. Thank you for having me.

Greg Hunter: There’s lots to talk about. I want to talk about the theory of fire and what they’re up against, and what you’ve experienced, and what you can give us—an inside look about what’s going on.

But before I do, this is awful weird, and there’s a lot of coincidences. I hate stating somebody’s opinion as a fact, but some of the dots that you’re connecting here are pretty weird.

And one of them is this. This was on Meet the Press. This was Gavin Newsom, the governor of California, on Meet the Press, and here it is.


Greg Hunter: He talks about organizing a Marshall Plan to rebuild Los Angeles after apocalyptic fires. Then he goes on to say Gavin Newsom said he was looking at reimagining LA 2.0. This is on Sunday.

They had less than 20%, they still have less than 20% of these fires contained, which are supposed to grow with these huge winds that are coming—70-plus mph winds. They’re nowhere near controlling the fires, and he’s talking about reimagining LA 2.0.

“We’re just starting to lay it out,” says Newsom. “I mean, we’re still fighting these fires, so we’re already talking to city leaders, we’re already talking to civic leaders, we’re already talking to business leaders, nonprofits, we’re talking to labor leaders.”

Newsom suggested that the rebuilding efforts also would be tied to the Olympics, which Los Angeles will host in 2028. That just seems weird—you’re not even done fighting the fires, and you’re talking about what you’re going to do to rebuild.

Now, before I go on, he did say he was going to basically suspend environmental rules so people can rebuild their houses and businesses, but I don’t know what that means.

Rebuild their houses in a smart city? Are they going to allow them to rebuild? Are they going to use this suspension of rules to build tons of compact smart-city housing? I don’t know.

But anyway, back to you. Let’s talk about—and I’ll let you finish that thought in just a minute—but let’s talk about, before we get into everything else, the theory of fire.

What are these guys up against? In Los Angeles, it’s not like this is a surprise—they actually have a fire season, they call it Fire Season. What are these guys up against?

Mark Taylor: These guys are up against a tremendous battle right now, because this is more than just a physical battle. This is also a spiritual battle—I’ll go into that later.

But the point is, my heart breaks for some of these LA firefighters, because the LA Fire Department, LA County Fire Department, LA City Fire Department—this used to be one of the premier fire departments in the country, that were looked up upon.

They were like FDNY, or whoever the case may be. I mean, yeah, I was with a busy fire department, but a lot of these guys were state-of-the-art at the time. The problem is, you’ve had LGBTQ, transgender, you’ve had the DEI programs come in that are decimating our services.


Mark Taylor: This is done by design, and we’ll probably go more into this in a little while. But what these guys are up against: they’re up against an agenda, if you will, to purposely destroy the services—military, law enforcement, and fire service—from within, just like we see within politics.

They come in here with the city, or you get someone who is a politician, a mayor, a governor—whatever it is—sent in to infiltrate and to decimate these services. Now, who ultimately pays for this?

Well, number one, it’s the firefighters, the military, and law enforcement—the guys who truly have their hearts in the job, who want to serve, who want to protect people, who have taken that oath, who have sworn to protect the citizens.

Look, we protect the homeland. That’s what these services are designed to do. The military protects the homeland probably overseas. We are to protect the homeland here at home.

And this is why they’re decimating our services right now, because they don’t want the homeland protected. This is a satanic agenda that’s purposely doing what it’s supposed to do.

Now, these guys are out here operating—God bless them—out here in LA, the true firefighters, I’m going to say, because your top three heads of the LA Fire Department were all lesbian, LGBTQ, which, by the way, were being paid over a million-dollar salary.

That’s headlines. And so, when you have these people coming in who are promoting the DEI—we played some stuff on another interview I did last night, literally showing the DEI classes being given out there in LA, and then all of LA burning on top of it.

It’s like, okay, how’s this working out for us right now? It’s not. This is America under attack. This is a multifaceted attack, spiritually, physically.


Mark Taylor: But these guys out here, they’re battling with equipment—faulty equipment. They don’t have the parts to replace the equipment.

The mayor, a week beforehand, was going to do a leaked memo from Gateway Pundit, saying that she was going to do a 49-million-dollar budget cut the week before the fire started. They were going to close 16 fire stations.

This is by design. This is Maui 2.0. Trump’s been calling out Gavin Newsom, saying, “Hey, why aren’t you releasing the water? Why aren’t the hydrants full?” Because they’re running out of water—same thing happened in Maui.

Well, he said he was calling for Newsom to resign. I respectfully disagree with that. I don’t want the guy to resign. What happens when these people resign? I don’t care if they’re Fire Chiefs, Police Chiefs—whoever you are.

I don’t want these guys to resign. This is crimes against humanity. If you can’t arrest these guys—because they need to be arrested, they need to be charged with treason—if you can’t charge them with treason, then they need to be charged with mass murder.

The same thing happened in Maui—why didn’t we call for an investigation into Maui? Same thing’s happening in North Carolina—why have we not called for an investigation in the North Carolina governor?

Why haven’t we called for the governor’s investigation out in Maui? Look, there were officers—

Greg Hunter: But I will say, the Biden administration had a stranglehold on everything. I mean, the Justice Department is arresting J6 people—I think we’re up to 1,600.


Greg Hunter: Meanwhile, Chris Wray is talking about how we’re going to have terrorist attacks. Have you arrested anybody who committed terror? No. But you arrested 1,600 people at J6, right?

Mark Taylor: Right.

Greg Hunter: And I will say, I just want to say one thing: I don’t care about LGBT, I don’t care about the lesbians—if you’re qualified, great.

But the problem here is, the number one qualification is that you’re DEI or a lesbian, or the right color. That’s your qualification. You’re not being qualified on merit.

Mark Taylor: No, we need to go back to the meritocracy system, is the problem, because we’re not getting the cream of the crop. And what’s happening is—and this is very simple to fix—you go back to the ’60s and ’70s physical standards, educational standards that we had back in the ’60s and ’70s.

You implement those standards, and you give people 30 days to meet those physical standards. If they don’t meet those physical standards, they’re fired. It’s as simple as that, it’s not that hard.

So again, these guys are dealing with this stuff, and my heart breaks for these guys, because can you imagine the embarrassment that these true firefighters have out there in California right now—or all across the country—that are dealing with this right now?

Because it’s dangerous. I mean, they have less than 20% of this contained, and you have Gavin Newsom thinking about how he’s going to rebuild.

Greg Hunter: I mean, isn’t that a little bizarre for man management to be thinking about—how did they do that in Orlando when you had a big fire? Is that before you even got it put out? “Hey, you know, this would be a great spot for a tower, a multi-family housing here.”

Did they do that in Orlando?


Mark Taylor: Yeah, no. I mean, look, this is happening across the country, where you’re seeing a lot of buildings being demolished, new stuff going up. They classify it as “growth.” We don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes, especially as firefighters.

A lot of these guys don’t get into the weeds like we do with some of this stuff. But here again, we have a drought situation going on in California. Yes, they do have a fire season out there, but a lot of this stuff can be avoided.

We have the chemtrails in the air we talked about prior to the show—they’re spraying barium and aluminum. Barium is Ba on the periodic table, aluminum is Al, it spells BaAl, which is Baal—it’s not a coincidence. Aluminum burns at 1200°.

So when you’re spraying the air 24/7 like they’re doing, and you’re coating these houses, you’re coating our foods with aluminum, now you’ve got pretty much an accelerant. You’re no longer fighting a Class A fire, which is wood and paper products; you’re fighting a Class D fire, which is a metal fire.

Remember a couple of years ago, the headlines were talking about these guys out there in California—they said, “These fires are just exploding, and we can’t control them. We don’t understand why.” That’s why—because everything’s saturated with this stuff.

Greg Hunter: Dane Wigington would back you up on that at GeoEngineeringWatch.org. He’s done all kinds of tests on what he’s found in the air, in the soil, and all that.

Mark Taylor: Exactly.

Greg Hunter: Dane Wigington would surely back you up on that. And what about—they surely knew. I mean, how big of a miss is it for them that they build reservoirs to catch the rain? They do it so they could fill the hydrants up, and all the reservoirs are empty.

Is that just them being incompetent and stupid, or as Jim Sinclair, rest his soul, used to say, “This is too stupid to be stupid”? What do you think about that—no water in hydrants. One firefighter said, “Oh, almost every single one was empty when we got to it.”


Mark Taylor: Right. Again, this is not just incompetence, I believe, because, again, with the DEI satanic mindset—it’s literally satanic. The mindset is that they will follow unlawful orders.

What are those unlawful orders? “Hey, this is what we’re going to do, X, Y, Z is the agenda. Hydrants are dry.” We saw it in Maui, now we’re seeing it here—certain things are not in place, the equipment’s falling apart.

We’re to decimate our services. Why? Because, again, who pays the ultimate price? It’s going to be those firefighters on the front line who are working with those individuals who are incompetent, who are only there because of DEI.

Then who really pays the ultimate price is you, the general public, because now you have someone incompetent—they can’t even drag someone out of a house, period, because they can’t meet the physical requirements, because those requirements have been literally lowered in order to meet the DEI requirements.

Greg Hunter: Do you still have Sword—the drag bags?

Mark Taylor: I do. I don’t push them very much right now because I’m kind of in a transition with those right now.


Mark Taylor: What about the little senior citizen who literally has been rendered unconscious because, as the fire builds, the oxygen levels go down? You know how many people I’ve pulled out of a pot on the stove because they were literally semi-unconscious, but I had to physically pull them out?

And the second I hit fresh air, they come to? So, wow, they didn’t mean to do that. Hence why we have smoke detectors, which is the ignorance of this individual saying this.

Greg Hunter: Boy oh boy, man oh man. Okay, I want to get into this. So we got that covered. I just wanted to have you on and talk about fire, firefighters, the protocols—this is all too stupid to be stupid. You’re saying any fire professional would know all this, that they should have been ready?

Mark Taylor: Yes, absolutely. This is beyond incompetence. This is following unlawful orders. This is the DEI mindset. Look at Maui—let’s go back to Maui for just a second.

You had a column of people who were supposed to be evacuating, who were being held up by cops. Again, why were those cops following those orders? They had to abandon their vehicles and jump into the ocean in order to rescue—that or to evade that fire.


Mark Taylor: Why were they doing that? That’s your DEI mindset right there. They’re following unlawful orders. Do you think for one second that I would follow an order like that as a firefighter? Absolutely not.

It is my job to put it on the line. Those cops should have been arrested and charged with attempted murder. Why weren’t they? They’re following unlawful orders—period. That’s the DEI mindset.

So when you put these people in these positions, like out here in LA right now, these three individuals—top individuals out there—they’re following unlawful orders from Newsom. This is coming from higher up than even them, but they’re willing to do it because that’s their DEI mindset.

They want people in there that they can control.

Greg Hunter: Oh, oh, oh. I want to go back to your book here. Man, I’m sorry—I apologize, I should have had you on earlier, but I know you took off for a year.

Mark Taylor: I did, I took off for a year, I took a break.


Greg Hunter: All right, all right. So in this, in your Trump Prophecies, you prophesied in 2011—I mean, you beat Donald Trump to the punch—and you said he’d be president, and sure enough, he was president.

Then did you say he’d have two terms?

Mark Taylor: I said he would have two terms. I didn’t say consecutive terms.

Greg Hunter: I know, I understand that. But people thought you were wrong, right? And oops, he’s getting two terms, he’s getting two terms. So you were right.

Mark Taylor: Right, correct.

Greg Hunter: Right, after he only got one term. Well, I mean, they call this the biggest comeback in history. He also brought up the crew of—I hope I get this right—the crew of 32, right?

Mark Taylor: The evil crew of 32.

Greg Hunter: When you wrote that, it was about the five presidents, and it was 41—Carter, Bush 41, Carter. It was Clinton, it was Obama, and 43.

Mark Taylor: And 43, yes.

Greg Hunter: So there’s a crew of 32, and you said this is when they were all alive, you said two would be taken and three would be shaken, correct?

Mark Taylor: Correct.


Greg Hunter: 41, President Bush Sr., dead. Carter, dead—wow, two will be taken. Tell me about what’s going on with the crew of 32 prophecy now that half of it’s already—or part of it’s already—unfolded.

Mark Taylor: Okay, so I wrote that on January 16, 2018: “Evil Crew of 32.” And Bush 41 passed away later that year, in November of 2018. Wow. Now, there’s a timestamp here that we have to go by—a prophetic timeline.

So, the three that will be shaken isn’t going to start until the last—the second one’s taken, which was Carter. So we all know Carter just passed. So now, what God is saying is, we have crossed a prophetic timeline where we are going to go from the old regime—the old New World Order, the old world order way of doing things—now into, now we’re entering the justice phase.

Which is where the shaking is coming into. I believe I said even on your show, one of the last shows I did with you, I said Obama would be seen spitting and sputtering, he would not even be able to complete a sentence because the shaking was so bad.

So now that Trump is into office, Carter has passed, we’ve crossed the prophetic timeline, so now basically we’re entering into the justice phase, is what this is coming to—the justice and judgment phase. That’s what this represents.

Greg Hunter: What does that mean—justice and jud—? Well, number one, if you take a look at the news stories, okay, of, you know, he came out with Kamala and was chastising black voters, men voters—oh boy, right, they came right off the thought plantation, black people, and they were ripping him a new one.

His time was over, right? People were—they were pissed. I mean, nobody has suffered more than the black community with this illegal immigration, right? That’s awful.

Anyway, so tell me about the justice phase. What are we going to see?


Mark Taylor: So, the justice phase is this. I was, years ago, even in 2015, on national television talking about there would be mass arrests, there would be military tribunals that would make Nuremberg look like a cakewalk.

I’ve said it on your show many times that I’ve been on here. This is where we’re entering into this phase—I believe you’re going to see this. You’re going to see the disclosure of a lot of things that are going to take place.

I even warned in that national interview that it would take down parts of government. Well, we’re going to see that, maybe even with DOJ here with these guys. You know, some of these guys, I don’t like who he’s picked, but that’s not up to me—that’s up to President Trump.

But either way, God has mandated President Trump to implement justice on the wicked. Hopefully he performs his mandate because we, the people, put him in here to do exactly that. We are sick and tired of the games.

Everybody I talk to is sick and tired of the games—they are ready for justice. But here’s what justice is going to look like, guys, and what I tell people is, if you don’t have a stomach for justice, you better get one quick, because justice can get ugly.

When they start to round up these illegals and they declare war on the cartels, we’re going to have some chaos in the streets. So people need to keep your head on a swivel and stay strapped, period.

Exercise your Second Amendment everywhere you go—you protect yourself, you protect your family, period. But this is going to get dangerous in a lot of areas, and we may even lose some people over this—it just depends on how this goes.

Greg Hunter: Boy oh boy, that’s a real eye-opener. What are some of the other things that you think are going to happen with some of the other prophecies you’ve done?

I mean, you think Donald Trump—some people say, “Ah, he’s evil, he’s the Antichrist.” You’re saying no, that’s—

Mark Taylor: No, no, no, no. Look, first we know biblically that the Antichrist does not come from America—that’s the first thing. Now, can someone turn and operate out of an antichrist spirit? Absolutely yes.


Mark Taylor: And this is where I’ve been harping on the president. Now look, I’ve never spoken to the president—he might even, in his defense, probably doesn’t even know who I am, and that’s okay.

But I’ve kind of looked at myself and wondered why God has mandated me to be a type of “spiritual secret service,” if you will, for Trump and his family, because nobody else is really looking out for him that he has around him, those that he has chosen.

So I’m out here calling this stuff out a lot of times. Now, in his defense again, he’s never asked me for my help, because he doesn’t really know who I am, and that’s fine. But this is what God has mandated me to do.

Most of the prophetic words that I put out—God prophesied through me Trump’s entire agenda, pretty much, before Trump ever came into office. So now these things are just now starting to really come to pass right now.

But the people that he has around him—my concern for the president right now, because this last prophetic word that I wrote is about four and a half pages long, I don’t have time to read it on the air because it just takes up too much time, but people can go to my website at SwordRescue.com, they can print it off for free, and you can read it there.


Mark Taylor: It addresses the evil advisors that Trump has around him, because it’s all about getting the king’s ear—that’s what this is about. And the king’s ear is important right now because you’re seeing false prophets and false pastors right now that are trying to infiltrate.

And I’ve been calling it a spiritual coup that’s taking place against the president and his family. And by the way, I love and respect the president and his family—I don’t necessarily agree with how he does things and some of the decisions he makes, but that’s okay.

We’re not all going to agree on everything, but it doesn’t mean I still don’t love and respect him, because I do, and that’s why I’m here trying to protect him and his family spiritually.

But these people that he has surrounded himself with—especially the spiritual advisory board, which I’ve been crying from the rooftops for him to fire from day one here, even the last—it’s the same people all over again. They don’t have his protection at heart right now, Greg.

You cannot sit here and surround yourself with that kind of evil and think that it’s not going to influence you at some point, because I have seen some decisions that he has made that God was not happy with, period.

And that’s the evil influence that takes place. He doesn’t have true intercessors around him right now in order to protect him spiritually. This is why the assassination attempt took place.

I even called it out—God prophesied through me that God was going to drive President Trump to his knees, whether he wanted to or not. What happened that day of the assassination? He got driven to his knees.

And by the way, I’m not stupid enough to know—I don’t have a very high IQ, but what I do have is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Jesus Christ, who is the spirit of prophecy.


Mark Taylor: God has blessed me with discernment, and He’s blessed me with some wisdom and revelation. That day of the assassination attempt, who was the only person that died there that day? The assassin was a firefighter.

That was a message to me from the dark side, saying that we don’t want a certain firefighter getting that close to the president—that was a prophetic warning.

So this is why I’ve been calling this stuff out. Even in here, I call out the advisors—they’re infiltrating the president. Now, does the president know this? Maybe, maybe not, I don’t know—again, I’ve never spoken to him.

I do not know, but I know this: I know that they want the king’s ear, they want it bad, and there are a lot of false prophets and false pastors out there who are literally doing anything to get close to the president, so that they can literally influence him.

How many people does it take to poison someone in the natural? One. It only takes one to put poison in your drink or in your food. God says, what’s the difference between that and injecting poison into your ear?

It only takes one person. How many advisors does the president have? Well, he has to have military advisors, economic advisors, spiritual advisors—the list goes on and on. He’s got hundreds.

This is why it’s so important that he has people around him with discernment, who can say, “Hey, this individual is bad, stay away from this individual,” or “That individual has a demonic influence.”

I’ve seen so many people around the president up to this point who have a demonic influence over him, and have talked him into things that he should not have gotten anywhere near.

Greg Hunter: How do you like Elon Musk?

Mark Taylor: I don’t.

Greg Hunter: Well, he dressed up in a devil’s outfit for—I don’t like Kash Patel either, sorry.


Greg Hunter: Yeah, yeah, I called him out. The Lord called him out in a prophetic word. He’s for the 702 FISA—mass, you know, ruin the Fourth Amendment, mass surveillance of Americans—he’s all for that. Tulsi Gabbard had to back down on that so she could be the, what, the Director of National Intelligence? She said, “Yeah, yeah, no, I’m for 702.”

Mark Taylor: Well, and let me give you an idea how this influence works. So, the Lord called out Kash Patel in His last prophetic word, because he wrote some children’s books where he portrayed himself as a wizard.

Well, that’s Harry Potter stuff—it’s witchcraft. You’re targeting the next generation with witchcraft. So what did he do? He influenced the most powerful voice on the planet—President Trump—who put his name and endorsement on it, which now opened the president up to a curse down to the third and fourth generation, which now has to be broken off the president and his family.

That’s how dangerous this stuff is. Look, I know the president’s a smart guy—he’s got a very high IQ. But here’s the problem, Greg: you cannot handle things in the spirit with your IQ—it doesn’t work that way.

Greg Hunter: Wow.

Mark Taylor: That’s not how it works. And those that are operating in their intellect think they’re operating in the spirit, but they’re not. They’re operating out of their intellect. They, professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.


Greg Hunter: Right. I don’t know what—I don’t know—that’s Romans 1:21 and 22. They knew Jehovah, they knew God, but they glorified Him not. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.

Mark Taylor: Right.

Greg Hunter: So—

Mark Taylor: And those that operate—this is why Jesus looked at the Pharisees and said, “Hey, your father is the Devil himself.” Why? Because they had the most knowledge, book knowledge, and they didn’t operate out of the Spirit in spirit and truth.

They were operating out of book knowledge, head knowledge, intellectualism. And Jesus said, “My sheep hear My voice.” Intellectualism is a spiritual killer—you cannot operate in the spirit out of your intellect; it doesn’t work.

Greg Hunter: Okay, so give us a bit of a roadmap. What should people—wow, this is blowing me away, I’m sorry. I believe in Christ Jesus—I’m on Team Jesus, I hear His voice, okay? I know you do.

Actually, I woke up—want to hear a quick—I’m just going to share this with everybody. So, I’m in bed about a week ago, and I’m hearing, “My sheep hear My voice.” I hadn’t read the Bible that day, I didn’t see any religious preaching, I try to do it every day, Jack Hibbs, I love Jack Hibbs.


Greg Hunter: And I hear, “My sheep hear My voice.” And I go back to sleep: “My sheep hear My voice.” And I wake up and I say to my wife, “This is so weird, I’m hearing ‘My sheep hear My voice,’ and I know Jesus said this, but I didn’t read it anywhere, I didn’t see any TV—my sheep hear My voice.”

So we have this church we go to in St. Louis. The preacher told people not to get the shots. I said, “That’s why I want to go to church.” He’s got this multimedia screen up there, and he says, “Now, let me show you.”

A screen there with Jesus, and He’s talking to the Pharisees, and His apostles are behind Him. He’s talking to the Pharisees, and He says something like, “Your people—people don’t hear you—My sheep hear My voice.”

What are the odds of that happening, that I hear that in the morning, and that’s what I get on this main—it was from The Chosen. And I’m thinking, “What is—?” Anyway, I hear His voice.

So anyway, so what should people be—I just want to share that with people. Because Jesus is real, period. That’s not a joke—this is not a joke.

Mark Taylor: Right.

Greg Hunter: So what should people be expecting? What would you tell people saying, “Okay, brother Mark, what do I need to do? Trump’s kind of out there, we’re going to pray for him, pray for discernment for him. What do we do?”

Mark Taylor: Yeah, absolutely, 100%. So here’s what we need to be doing right now. We need to ask the Lord to open his eyes and ears, if they’re not open already, okay, to who he has—because I know a lot of this stuff is psyops sometimes.

He plays a lot of these psyops sometimes, which I know a lot of people are tired of as well. The problem is this—let me give you another example: he called up Kenneth Copeland and allowed Kenneth Copeland to pray over the nation on one of his rallies here a couple of years ago.


Mark Taylor: And at the end of that prayer, Kenneth Copeland turned around, shook his hand, and kissed him on the cheek. And I went, “Whoa, Judas.” And I called out—where do you think the assassination attempt came from? The Jesuits, period.

What was it—was it Bethel, Pennsylvania? And the firefighter and the assassin was killed, right? So what does Bethel mean? House of God. Which means that the Jesuits, who are running the church—institutionalized churches—this is where it’s coming from.

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This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.

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