Thursday, 20 March 2025

Most Of Today’s Vaccines Are Developed With ABORTED FETAL CELL LINES – Here’s The Full List

The abortion industry, the organ harvesting industry and the vaccine industry work together. Their operations go hand-in-hand. The current supply of vaccines for children and adults is based on a history of brutality toward the unborn. In order to develop vaccines, human fetuses must be strategically picked apart, their organs harvested, the cell lines reproduced for vaccine manufacture.

Article by Ethan Huff, republished with permission from

There are six main types of cell lines used to develop biologics (vaccines). Four of these cell lines involve the sacrificial use of aborted fetal cells. The list of vaccines that exploit fetal cell lines in the manufacturing process is exhaustive.

These aborted fetal cell lines include the WI-38 diploid human cell line, which is composed of fibroblasts taken from the lung tissue of a 3-month-gestation female fetus. Vaccines also utilize the HEK-293 cell line, which is isolated from the kidney of a human embryo. Third, vaccines contain the MRC-5 diploid cell line, which consists of fibroblasts isolated from the lung tissue of a white male, 14-week-old embryo. Finally, vaccines are derived from the RA 27/3 cell lines, which have been taken from attenuated fetal kidney cells since 1964.

Here is the full list of vaccines that contain the WI-38 cell line:

1. MMR (M-M-R II)
• Type: Live attenuated
• Components: Measles, mumps, rubella

2. MMR (ProQuad)
• Type: Live attenuated
• Components: Measles, mumps, rubella, varicella

3. Varicella (Varivax)
• Type: Live attenuated
• Components: Varicella-zoster virus (chickenpox)

4. Zoster (Zostavax)
• Type: Live attenuated
• Components: Varicella-zoster virus (shingles)

5. Hepatitis A (Havrix)
• Type: Inactivated
• Components: Hepatitis A virus

6. Hepatitis A (Vaqta)
• Type: Inactivated
• Components: Hepatitis A virus

7. Rabies (RabAvert)
• Type: Inactivated
• Components: Rabies virus

8. Rabies (Imovax)
• Type: Inactivated
• Components: Rabies virus

9. Pentacel
• Type: Combination (inactivated and toxoid)
• Components: Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (DTaP), polio, Hib

10. Kinrix
• Type: Combination (inactivated and toxoid)
• Components: Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (DTaP), polio

11. ProQuad (MMRV)
• Type: Live attenuated
• Components: Measles, mumps, rubella, varicella

Here is the full list of vaccines that contain the HEK-293 cell line:

1. COVID-19 Vaccines
• Comirnaty (Pfizer-BioNTech) – mRNA vaccine
• Spikevax (Moderna) – mRNA vaccine
• Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca/Oxford) – Viral vector vaccine
• Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine – Viral vector vaccine

2. Shingles (Shingrix)
• Type: Recombinant
• Components: Recombinant varicella-zoster virus (shingles)

3. Hepatitis A (Havrix)
• Type: Inactivated
• Components: Hepatitis A virus

4. Hepatitis A (Vaqta)
• Type: Inactivated
• Components: Hepatitis A virus

5. Rabies (RabAvert)
• Type: Inactivated
• Components: Rabies virus

6. Rabies (Imovax)
• Type: Inactivated
• Components: Rabies virus

7. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccines
• Gardasil 9 – Recombinant HPV vaccine

8. Hepatitis B (HEPLISAV-B)
• Type: Recombinant
• Components: Hepatitis B virus surface antigen

Here is the full list of vaccines that contain the MRC-5 cell line:

1. MMR Vaccine (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)
• Examples: MMR II (Merck), Priorix (GlaxoSmithKline)

2. Varicella Vaccine (Chickenpox)
• Examples: Varivax (Merck), ProQuad (Merck, which combines MMR and varicella)

3. Hepatitis A Vaccine
• Examples: Havrix (GlaxoSmithKline), Vaqta (Merck)

4. Rabies Vaccine
• Examples: RabAvert (Pfizer), Imovax Rabies (Sanofi Pasteur)

5. Polio Vaccine (Inactivated Polio Vaccine, IPV)
• Some IPV vaccines, like those produced by various manufacturers, might use MRC-5 cells in some production processes, though often Vero cells are used.

6. Shingles Vaccine (Herpes Zoster)
• Examples: Zostavax (Merck, for older vaccine), Shingrix (GlaxoSmithKline, primarily produced using insect cells, but initial strains may involve MRC-5)

7. Some Vaccines for Cancer Treatment
• Examples: Certain experimental cancer vaccines and treatments might use MRC-5 cells.

8. Certain Influenza Vaccines
• Some influenza vaccines might use MRC-5 cells in their production process, though this varies widely by manufacturer and formulation.

Here is the full list of vaccines that contain the RA 27/3 cell line:

1. MMR Vaccine (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)
• MMR II (Merck)
• Priorix (GlaxoSmithKline)

2. MMRV Vaccine (Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Varicella)
• ProQuad (Merck)

3. Single Antigen Rubella Vaccine
• Meruvax II (Merck)
• MMR (Single Antigen) (Various brands in different countries)

The current vaccine supply is fundamentally tainted with the blood of slain human beings. Products that are developed with morally controversial procedures should be re-evaluated and considered both unethical and unscientific. While these vaccine products remain on the market, a growing number of families are rejecting them based on religious grounds, and are invoking religious exemptions to vaccination for school, work and travel.

Sources include: [PDF]


Anthony Fauci Now Admits Vaccines Cause Myocarditis!

How long are we going to tolerate this guy?

I don’t mean anything violent, I just mean how long are we as an American People going to continue sticking a microphone in this guy’s face?

You could stick a microphone near my rumpus and I’d fart out something more intelligent than what this AssHat has to say!

Sorry for being so blunt, but it really pissed me off the damage and death this guy has brought on us!

And people are still listening to him?

Well, what’s really fascinating here is he appears to be sinking his own ship, now ADMITTING that yes, the Vaccine can and does cause Myocarditis.


Watch here:

From MJ Truth — it’s ok because you only get a “little bit” of Myocarditis?


Anthony Fauci says you only get a little bit of Myocarditis from the vaccines now…. But it is definitely better than the Myocarditis you’ll still get when you are sick with Covid.

Someone make this make sense…

Vaccinated people still get Covid, so unless the vaccines do something to help with myocarditis, you’re getting a Double dose of myocarditis.
Am I right?

Both Covid-19 & the Jabs are Bioweapons.

PRISON NOW sounds good to me:

Now let’s go to a REAL medical expert, sound good to you?

One of the good guys, Dr. Peter McCullough who explains the REAL results of Fauci’s reign of scientism terror:

Dr. Peter McCullough: “I saw two cases of myocarditis my entire career — now I see two per day!”

Dr. Peter McCullough has been one of the “good guys” from the very beginning.

One of the few physicians to actually honor his oath and “first do no harm”.

Wish we had a lot more like him.

But this latest clip really put it in perspective for me.


“I’m a cardiologist. I can tell you before COVID-19, I saw two cases of myocarditis my entire career … two cases over decades. Now, I see two cases per day in the clinic.”

Check out this clip:

Watch the full discussion with Doctors Peter McCullough, Roger Hodkinson, William Makis & more here:

But there is hope.

Recent research has shed light on potential strategies to mitigate the effects of the spike protein. Dr. Peter McCullough emphasized that the spike protein lingers in the body after vaccination due to the injected genetic code. As a result, there’s a pronounced need for therapeutic interventions that can aid in breaking down these proteins. Preclinical studies have pinpointed nattokinase, an enzyme found in fermented soybeans, as a potential aid in degrading the spike protein. Dr. McCullough recommends a dosage of 2000 units of nattokinase twice daily.

Additionally, Dr. McCullough endorses Spike Support Formula, which combines nattokinase with other beneficial ingredients like dandelion root and selenium, which can help protect against the lasting effects of spike proteins.

Click Here to Order Spike Support Formula

Use code WLT for 10% off your order.

TWC’s Spike Support Formula

‍Here’s why it’s so important….

Dr. Peter McCullough: You Must Understand Spike Shedding Before It’s Too Late

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.

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