Saturday, 15 March 2025

PLEASE Don’t Get Scammed By This New Trump “Liberty Badge” Internet Fraud!

A huge shout-out to my friends over at RTM for getting this story out there…

I want to blast it out to everyone reading WLTReport as well so we can reach as many people as possible.

This quite literally could save you thousands of dollars.

I have covered this scam many times in the past and each time I do I get emails and comments thanking me for saving them from almost falling for the scam.

In fact, I’ve probably warned of this group 10+ times at least, and each time we save new people.

No one seems to be able to truly shut them down, so they just keep emerging with new scams, but it’s the same group doing it over and over and over.

They started with Trump “TRB Bucks”.

Maybe you’ve seen those posts?

Complete scam!

I’ve covered those in the past and I’ll copy that warning down below because they STILL try to run that scam from time to time.

But since we’ve largely exposed that one, they’ve moved on to “Trump Liberty Badge” and now they’re using AI to make it look like famous people and big bankers are supporting it.

They’re not….

It’s 100% fake….

And 100% a scam!

You will lose ALL your money and no, they’re not going to suddenly appreciate in value to $500,000.

PLEASE do not fall for this!

From RTM:

I’m going to copy their entire warning down below because I think it’s THAT important.  From RTM:

Insider Paper, a well-known online news outlet was seen pushing an internet scam known as “Trump Liberty Badges” on Aug. 20, Resist the Mainstream can confirm.

The featured ad showed an AI-created deepfake video of Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan urging viewers to buy the coin, with the AI figure even making the false claim that each “badge” it worth $500,000. In seeming effort to make viewers act fast, the video states that if one buys 10 badges they will get 10 badges for free.

“The Liberty badges are well known and have always been a significant opportunity,” the fake Moynihan can be seen saying in the beginning of the video.

“Here’s the latest, demand is at an all-time high, and supply is limited, so it’s essential to act quickly. Trump suggests securing at least 10 badges. Why? Because if you buy 10, you’ll get 10 more for free, doubling your badges and value.

“Each badge is valued at $500,000 meaning your total could reach $5 to $10 million this could make you a Trump made millionaire in no time. Looking ahead after Trump’s expected success in 2024 these badges are projected to rise to $1 million each and can be traded at any Bank of America branch.
“It’s a smart move. Don’t delay. Take advantage of this opportunity now.”

SEE Check, a network of six fact-checking organizations from five countries in South-Eastern Europe posted about what is either the same scam or likely related to it, sharing an article that was translated from Albanian.

“A fabricated video featuring the CEO of the Bank of America has been exploited to promote the sale of Donald Trump’s gold coins, even targeting Albanian Facebook users,” the story claims.

It goes on to say that social media posts in Albania have claimed that Moynihan revealed in a TV interview that he’s willing to trade $100,000 for one of Trump’s golden badges or coins.

This is the same SCAMMER group that pushes the “Trump TRB Bucks” — also 100% a scam.

We’ve exposed them multiple times and I truly hope justice comes to the people who keep pushing these scams.  The death penalty would not be too severe if you ask me.  Scamming elderly people out of their life savings is absolutely near the worst things you can do and if that’s what you do in life then I really don’t believe you deserve to live in society any more with the rest of us.  Legally, of course.  The law must be followed and applied but I believe we need the death penalty for whoever is behind this scam.  Makes me absolutely sick.

PLEASE Don’t Get Scammed With “Trump” TRB Checks! [From Noah]

PLEASE Don't Get Scammed With "Trump" TRB Checks! [From Noah]

I can't believe I have to keep posting this, but I will do it until I stop seeing these scams everywhere...


Because I'm tired of seeing people getting scammed out of their hard earned money.


I never fault anyone for making money or selling products -- good for you!

That's called Capitalism.

But I freaking hate scammers!

Let's start with the basics....

If you see a post like this, understand one thing: IT IS A SCAM!

I hate everything about this...☝

I hate how they're using President Trump's name and picture to scam people.


No, you are not going to buy "Trump Bucks" or "Trump Checks" and one day convert them into thousands of dollars.

That is called a SCAM and it's also called FRAUD.

There is no NESARA or GESARA coming where these fraudulent pieces of paper are one day going to be worth millions.

I'm mad because I've received so many emails from people challenging me about this, absolutely convinced it's real.

It's so sad, and I feel so bad for them.

They all say the cash out is "just around the corner...."

It's not.

I'm sorry.

And look at that post above...

It's always one more thing.

Now you have to buy a "TRB Notebook" in order to "cash out".


Makes me so mad.

Buy 10 workbooks to cash out more!


Unfortunately, this infamous quote is more true now than ever before:

"It's Easier to Fool People Than to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled"

So go ahead and email me and tell me how wrong I am and how your "TRB Checks" are going to be worth millions in the future in just a few weeks....

Or is that months?

Definitely soon!

But I will kindly tell you that you've been conned.

At the bottom of the scammy sales page, they even admit this (I'm sure thinking it's a legal disclaimer):

So to everyone getting ready to email me to argue, just read the bottom of their very page and they tell you it's not real.

But now the most important part...

Do you want to know WHY they push these so hard?



And we're not just talking a couple dollars either...

Below is what they are offering people who will sell their product.

You may not know what all of these phrases mean, so I'll simplify it for you...

These people earn $290.18 on average with each sale they make!

Ahhhh, now do you see?




I'll say it one more time: I have no problem with anyone selling something.

It's kind of how our world works.

Everyone reading this has some sort of job and whatever company you work for (or self employed) does some service or sells some product to make money.

And if you make a lot of money, then good for you!

That means you provided a lot of value to the world that people liked!

EXCEPT....if you promise people their TRB Bucks will soon be worth millions, but only if you now buy 10 TRB Workbooks.


Makes me want to puke just typing it.

I hope this helps someone and saves someone from being conned.

Here's a similar post I made last month warning everyone...

WARNING: These Are NOT Real, Don't Get Conned!

This is a public service announcement from yours truly, me...Noah!

About 1-2 times a week, I get people emailing me asking if the "Trump Card" is real.

The latest version is the "Diamond Trump Check".

Other variations include the Black Check, the Black Diamond Card, Black Diamond Check and TRB Checks.

They get promoted by crap like this:

And here:

In fact, I just got another email today asking me if these were real.

I am honored that I am a trusted source of information (I work very hard at that).

Here was the email with personal information blocked out:

I am so happy to answer that and thank you for trusting me enough to email me about it.

Also, P.S. -- I love your P.S. -- yes he is!

Now to answer your question:

To quote an (evil) past-President: READ MY LIPS...these are not real!

I don't want people to fall for scams or pay money for something that has no value.

So this is my public service announcement to all of you!

No, these are NOT real.

No, these are NOT endorsed by Trump.

No, these do NOT have any connection to Trump.

I hope that helps!

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.

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