Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Radio Host Says Interview with Biden Was SCRIPTED; White House Fed Her Questions

It turns out that Joe Biden’s post-debate radio show interview this week — you know, the one where he claimed to be “the first Black woman to serve with a Black president” — was scripted.

If you missed it, here’s that clip:

In an appearance on CNN, one of the radio hosts revealed that the White House fed her approved questions to ask Biden.

And yet, he still managed to mess things up, making several gaffes throughout the whole thing.

Watch what she had to say here:

From The New York Post:

President Biden can’t even give straight answers when he knows the questions in advance.

A Philadelphia radio host revealed on CNN Saturday that the Biden campaign fed her questions before the 81-year-old POTUS appeared on her show.

Andrea Lawful-Sanders, host of “The Source” on WURD, said she got a list of eight questions directly from the Biden campaign in advance for the interview Wednesday with the embattled Biden — which was meant to help convince panicked supporters, especially blacks, that the president’s disastrous debate performance were an anomaly.

“The questions were sent to me for approval; I approved of them,” Lawful-Sanders revealed to Victor Blackwell, host of CNN’s “First of All.”

Lawful-Sanders originally said the questions came from the White House, but a Biden campaign spokesman told The Post that the talking points came from them.

The Hill also reported:

President Biden’s campaign provided suggested questions to two Black radio hosts who did the first interviews after the president’s disastrous debate performance, according to interviews they gave on Saturday. Going forward, Biden’s team will not provide suggested questions before interviews, said a source familiar with the booking operations.

The two Thursday radio interviews in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, two crucial swing states that Biden must win to hold the presidency, were part of the Biden campaign’s efforts to demonstrate that the president could speak off the cuff in the wake of a debate performance in which the president struggled to complete sentences, lost his train of thought repeatedly, and sounded raspy.

The revelation that the campaign provided suggested questions now raises further questions about whether the president can perform in unscripted moments.

“While interview hosts have always been free to ask whatever questions they please, moving forward we will refrain from offering suggested questions,” a source familiar with the Biden booking operation told The Hill.

Biden scheduled these radio interviews and an interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos in the days after his poor debate performance. During the ABC interview, Biden specifically mentioned the two radio interviews as evidence that he could handle the rigors of the campaign.

Andrea Lawful-Sanders, the host of “The Source” on WURD in Philadelphia, said that members of the Biden team gave her a set of eight questions, and she chose four for her interview with the president.

She told CNN’s Victor Blackwell, the host of “First of All” on CNN, that questions were sent to her beforehand when he asked her why the questions she asked Biden appeared to be the same as those asked by Earl Ingram, a Wisconsin radio host.


This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.

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