I really do like this guy more and more every day….
RFK Jr. just sat down with John Stossel and schooled him on the TRUTH about vaccines.
I’m not sure what happened to John Stossel. He used to be the Libertarian guy who was fighting back against the system and covering the stories other people wouldn’t cover.
In this interview, he pushes the MSM and Big Pharma story that vaccines don’t cause Autism and he attacks RFK many times with claims RFK immediately debunks.
I’m not sure if this was an intentional ploy to have a false straw man posture during the interview, or if Stossel has just changed, but it was very noticeable.
Also, why does he LOOK so different now, too?
That’s supposed to be John Stossel?
Anyway, major credit to RFK Jr. for just coming right out and saying it point blank and then backing it up with MASSIVE data: “YES, Vaccines cause Autism”
Watch here:
“YES, Vaccines cause Autism” says RFK Jr.
Archive this video, because it’s a doozy that every single parent needs to hear..
• WOULD YOU give your kids the measles and mumps vaccines?
—— NO, Absolutely
—— it is very hard to kill a healthy child with any infectious disease, particularly with measles.
—— WHO themselves say Vitamin A is an absolute cure for measles.• Kids who are exposed to measles as a child are much healthier when they grow up.
—— they’re much more resistant to cancers, atopic diseases, allergies, and heart disease.
• the CDC’s own data in 1989 showed that babies that got the hepatitis b vaccin within the first 30 days had a 1,350% chance that child would develop autism. Wow
• Yes, Vaccines cause autism
—— all of these ‘studies’ trying to disprove that are paid handsomely by the CDC.
—— one of the most referenced and cited studies used was/is from a Chief Scientist named Paul Thornsen.
—— Paul Thornsen is now a fugitive and wanted by Interpol and stole millions of dollars from the CDC and spent that money on a luxurious lifestyle and instead of studies.
Backup here:
“YES, Vaccines cause Autism” says RFK Jr.
Archive this video, because it’s a doozy that every single parent needs to hear..
• WOULD YOU give your kids the measles and mumps vaccines?
—— NO, Absolutely
—— it is very hard to kill a healthy child with any… pic.twitter.com/cxpRaQfNZG— MJTruthUltra (@MJTruthUltra) September 5, 2024
MUST SEE: Top American Financier Now Speaking Out About Forced Childhood Vaccinations
Satan always overplays his hand…
So you can always take solace that when things look the worst, that’s likely the time when Evil has just overplayed its hand and the boomerang is about to swing back hard in the other direction, placing Satan farther behind than when he started.
I believe that just happened with vaccines.
Allow me to explain….
For decades, Americans endured a vastly increasing schedule of forced childhood vaccines.
Even if we didn’t like it, most of us just went along with it because they were mandated and you had to get them in order to send your kids to school.
And in reality, most people didn’t even give it a second thought.
Surely the medical doctors are only doing what’s best for me!
Enter 2020.
And all of a sudden one vaccine was forced upon the entire country.
One vaccine, three makers….
By the way, Moderna, Pfizer and J&J are all competitors right?
Can anyone explain to me how they all suddenly developed a vaccine for COVID all at the same time and all on their own?
Are we really supposed to beLIEve that?
Folks, it’s absolute HORSE-SHIT, and don’t get angry about my language that is the only descriptor accurate enough to use.
If you really believe that all three Big Pharma companies all just suddenly, overnight, developed vaccines for COVID all working independently of each other, and they all did it in record time and all finished at the same time….then you have just failed the IQ Test. I’m sorry.
That’s hogwash!
Oh, and don’t forget that they were also so similar and so compatible that you could mix and match!
Remember that?
Got the J&J for your first dose?
No problem, get Moderna for your second dose!
You kidding me with this garbage?
And so many people FINALLY woke up from their slumber and started saying this isn’t right…
Perhaps it was when they were bribed with Krispie Kreme donuts if they would just go get the shot!
Or perhaps it was the fact that the shot was free….
NOTHING in life is free, you’re paying for it some way.
Or maybe it was the fact that you were told you’d be fired from your job (and many were!) if you didn’t take the jab!
What happened to My Body, My Choice?
Why were they so desperate to get this jab into your body?
So….millions of Americans FINALLY woke up from their slumber and realized something was wrong here, something was very, very wrong here.
And that’s where we pick up our story, because now that millions are awake, they’re not just questioning the COVID jab, now they’re questioning all forced vaccinations, including those on the smallest, weakest, most defenseless among us: Babies.
In fact, this might blow your mind, check out how much forced vaccinations on babies has increased over the last century:
Even since 1984 it’s a dramatic increase!
Enter Bill Ackman.
Many of you may know him, but he’s a very successful American financier.
Here is a short bio:
I always say, we need GOOD PEOPLE to speak up in all walks of life….
Finance bros.
Construction workers.
In all walks of life, we need people to start speaking up to let everyone else know they are not alone.
Speak up to support Trump….
And speak out when something doesn’t look right, like this.
And that’s what Bill Ackman just did and I applaud him for it!
Here’s what he just posted to Twitter:
When my last child was born, on the first day of her life we were told that she needed a HepB vaccine. It was not presented as a choice and I foolishly did nothing to stop the nurse. My older three daughters did not receive the vaccine at birth.
Those that question the growing, now 72-shot regimen for children are considered by some to be wackos and anti-vaxxers.
I think the skepticism is appropriate and prudent as we are obligated as parents to make sure that we are not causing harm to our children who are not capable of providing informed consent.
Our society needs to complete a careful review of vaccine protocols including the risks associated with the cumulative effect of all of the vaccines we are giving children.
We have been working for more than a year to find a credible and independent group to do such an investigation but so far have not been able to do so. If you can help us do this important work, please contact us at [email protected].
When my last child was born, on the first day of her life we were told that she needed a HepB vaccine. It was not presented as a choice and I foolishly did nothing to stop the nurse. My older three daughters did not receive the vaccine at birth.
Those that question the growing,… https://t.co/O6c3rOolR2
— Bill Ackman (@BillAckman) June 20, 2024
Bravo Bill, thank you!
You are 100% right, now keep going and keep the pressure on!
Millions of us stand behind you on this!
In fact, I just posted this earlier today about my friend VDarknessFalls.
Many of you may know him from Twitter/Telegram.
Check this out:
Prayers for my friend
We’re convinced Salias’ breathing issues and seizures came from the toxic Vitamin K shot they forced in him after birth. They tricked Bridgett into giving it to Salias when I was out of the room by telling Bridgett that they can’t circumcise him because he’ll have bleeding issues if they don’t give it to him. Bridgett was adamant about circumcision, so of course she complied to no fault of her own. How was she suppose to know?
Of course, we feel like we failed Salias right out the gate.
“It’s vitamin K, right?
Well, on the box, on one of them, because there are 3 different companies that make it, this was two of them. The main active ingredient is polysorbate 80. And that is, there are strong links to infertility, to autoimmune issues.
Polysorbate 80 is banned in a lot of countries, especially in injectables. And that’s the main active ingredient in one of the vitamin K solutions.
And the other one on the vial, it says contains no more than 100 micrograms per liter, of aluminum.
And you combine that with the Hep B shot, which is 250 micrograms per liter of aluminum.
On day one, our children are getting 350 grams and if not more. And this is, this is just unheard of.
It blows my mind because aluminum has no place in our body. It’s a known neurotoxin. It’s a heavy metal.”
Crimes Against Children
Crimes Against Humanity
Prayers for my friend @vDarknessFalls8
We’re convinced Salias’ breathing issues and seizures came from the toxic Vitamin K shot they forced in him after birth. They tricked Bridgett into giving it to Salias when I was out of the room by telling Bridgett that they… pic.twitter.com/SbUhJTPvgZ
— DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) June 21, 2024
People are waking up EVERYWHERE!
Keep the pressure on!
It’s not just the COVID Vaxx that was toxic….it’s all of them!
At the very least, cut them down and spread them out!
But they won’t let you do that.
With our oldest child, I asked my doctor to simply spread the shots out so we didn’t receive them all at once.
He got all red and blotchy in the face and suddenly turned into a bumbling mess.
It was so strange!
He refused to do it, but couldn’t give me a reason why.
He said it would take up too much of my time and I’d have to pay a co-pay each time I came in.
So f*cking what, I said, that’s fine I’ll do it. An extra $15 for each visit to not get Autism? Ok! I’m in!
And when I took that excuse away, the red blotchy spots got even worse and he actually stormed out of the room.
I have no doubt looking back on it now that the man had most likely been threatened by some medical group.
It’s really sick what they’re doing to us.
So it’s time to speak up folks!
If you want to get vaccinated as a consenting adult over 18 years old, you go for it!
But as for the rest of us, leave us the hell alone!
Top 7 SCARY TRUTHS The CDC Does NOT Want You To Know About Covid-19 “Vaccines” and “Boosters”
Top 7 SCARY TRUTHS The CDC Does NOT Want You To Know About Covid-19 “Vaccines” and “Boosters”
Some people call it the plandemic. Others call it the scamdemic. Either way, most of the deaths did not come from the "novel" virus, but rather the toxic mRNA spike prions that invaded the vascular system of several billion people across the globe.
Article by S.D. Wells, republished with permission from Naturalnews.com
Another quiet Holocaust that nobody seemed to recognize, well, except for the natural health enthusiasts, who know better than to trust anything pushed by Big Pharma, especially when it's created in a criminal-run laboratory, then injected into the sheeple's "muscle tissue" to "build immunity."
Then came the wave of "misinformation," which really meant that all the truth-tellers and the whistleblowers who let everyone else know what the so-called "vaccines" really do, were labeled conspiracy theorists, anti-vaxxers and misinformation terrorists.
Meanwhile, Big Pharma, Big Media and Social Media swung the wrecking balls, destroying popular opinion and spreading ALL the misinformation about how hundreds of millions of people, who all happened to get the Covid jabs, "died suddenly" (from vascular clots, heart attacks, strokes and turbo cancer).
The scary truths the CDC, FDA, WHO and globalist eugenicists do not want you to realize
#1. Covid jabs are likely responsible for the strange, white, long and fibrous "protein" clots found in mRNA-vaccinated people's blood vessels, according to multiple embalmers over the past 3 years.
#2. Covid booster jabs impair your T-cells, blocking your body from fighting cancer and many other infections.
#3. Many deadly batches of China Flu jabs now found to be contaminated and deadly, according to evidence-based scientific research.
#4. Covid-19 mRNA vaccines never underwent adequate safety and toxicological testing in accordance with previously established scientific standards.
#5. Pharma's favorite script-spewing puppet and quackcine shill, Dr. Paul Offit, who created the previously-most-dangerous vaccine ever, the Rotateq Rotavirus jab, also rejects Covid jabs with concerns over... wait for it... heart failure (you can't make this stuff up).
#6. Half of all sheeple (naïve people) mRNA-vaccinated for Covid will continue making toxic, prion-mimicking spike proteins in their body forever, according to research out of the UK; in other words, half the vaxxed are literally walking bioweapons factories.
#7. COVID-19 vaccines have created a tri-fecta of deadly "alliance" that causes horrible, unpredictable and deadly side effects from the lethal combination of graphene, mRNA and nanotech.
A recent review of the Wuhan spike protein jabs, published in Clinical and Experimental Medicine, concluded that COVID-19 so-called “vaccination” increases one’s likelihood of suffering through a SARS-CoV-2 infection, plus, the booster shots were linked to higher levels of IgG4 antibodies, impairing the body’s ability to activate white blood cells.
In other words, the deadly clot shot jabs are also destroying the body’s natural defense against all kinds of infections and various types of cancer, including tumors. That's what all the regulatory agencies fear most, is that people will find all of this out.
It's Google, YouTube and Twitter that spread the misinformation, hiding the truth about the dangers of mRNA toxic stabs
When people look up this information online, 99 percent of them only find the misinformation spread by Google, Fakebook, YouTube, Twitter and the like. They're brainwashed. Then there's the TV and newspapers. They can't find the truth anywhere online, and even if they do, their favorite websites and doctors call it "misinformation."
Put it this way, if all the medical doctors in America explained to their patients, before they got the mRNA jabs, that the shots are STILL very experimental, nobody knows HOW LONG your tricked cells will keep producing millions of toxic spike protein prions, that they do NOT stay in your muscle tissue at the site of the injection, but spread throughout the vascular system, like a huge highway system of criminals, and invade your vital organs, clog your blood, clot your brain and strain the heart so bad you could "die unexpectedly," nary a soul would get that jab.
In essence, that's still not enough though, because the fear factor was wound up so badly that even healthy folks were terrified of the China Flu, even though it was no more "deadly" than the seasonal flu that goes around a few times a year. Got a fever and a sore throat? You might have the flu. Better stay home in bed and rest.
Bookmark Vaccines.news to your favorite independent websites for updates on the Vaccine Holocaust and the long-term effect of the Nazi "gas chambers" now known as Long-Vax-Syndrome. This has been a public service announcement from Natural Health News. #FindOutAboutToxicVaccines.
Sources for this article include:
FLASHBACK: Dr. Robert Malone, Joe Rogan and Dr. Zelenko!
If you missed Dr. Robert Malone on Joe Rogan's podcast, allow me to bring you up to speed.
Because it was FANTASTIC!
No offense to Joe Rogan, but who would have expected an MMA fighter, actor and comedian would be doing CIRCLES around the so-called Mainstream Media and showing them what REAL journalism looks like.
It's incredible.
Joe Rogan conducts a better interview than anyone on any of the MSM channels, and it's not even close.
This is what real news looks like!
This is what real questions look like...
This is what an unfiltered and unscripted interview looks like.
You can be forgiven for not recognizing it because other than Rogan there is almost no one doing this anymore.
Now let's explore some clips:
Of you haven’t already, go listen to Dr. Malone on @joerogan podcast. Just came out today and it is as good as I anticipated. #JoeRogan #RobertMalone https://t.co/Ilod1qoYDO
— JP Williams 🐊 (@john_p_w) December 31, 2021
This one is a must-see:
Exactly right:
#JoeRogan is an excellent interviewer. He didn’t interrupt #RobertMalone , like most egotistical hosts do. Thank God for doctor Malone and #PeterMcCullough and all the other doctors with balls and morals.
— Jen Lea
(@jenleahhh) January 1, 2022
This part needs extra attention:
30 Seconds of The Interview Nobody Is Talking About... pic.twitter.com/WcdvQMeul1
— Spiro (@Spiro_Ghost) January 1, 2022
Now watch as he explains how the government killed HCQ and ivermectin:
Dr. Robert Malone’s take on the government suppression of Ivermectin & HCQ… @joerogan #JoeRogan pic.twitter.com/ss77GOHxMd
— LEAHmemes (@itsreallyleah) January 1, 2022
Dr. Robert Malone explains to Joe Rogan that having natural immunity to covid (prior infection) puts you at higher risk of adverse events from the vaccine, and that it provides far greater protection from the virus than the vaccine. #COVID19 #JoeRogan pic.twitter.com/773Dat6VeZ
— Prosperity Canada
(@CanadaProsper) January 1, 2022
PCR testing fraud:
#joeRogan and Dr. Robert Malone discuss PCR deaths take a listen! pic.twitter.com/k7EFc1Xega
— William - BC Freedom (@HansensHemp) December 31, 2021
Are you awake yet?
More on the Global Mass Formation Psychosis. Do you see it yet? #JoeRogan #massformationpsychosis #WakeUp pic.twitter.com/ay0ckBbwpu
— LEAHmemes (@itsreallyleah) January 1, 2022
They kicked #RobertMalone out.
He is going to be on #JoeRogan.
This cannot be a worse self goal.. pic.twitter.com/VkYwlFvKM4— Krittika (@KrittikaSkandan) December 30, 2021
Dr. Malone even took time to praise Dr. Zelenko and his ZStack Zelenko Protocol.
Watch here on Rumble:
The ZStack is finally back in stock.
Dr. Zelenko: “Zinc Is The Bullet — It Kills The Virus. The Only Problem Is The Bullet Doesn’t Get To The Place Where It Needs To Be”
In the early days of COVID, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko became a hero for using hydroxychloroquine to save his patients.
Until his efforts were halted by a Democrat governor.
But Dr. Zelenko didn't let politicians stop him from helping sick people.
He kept working -- and found a legal, over-the-counter way to get patients what they need.
He called it "a gift from God in response to tyranny."
It's a combination of quercetin, zinc and vitamins -- he created what became the widely popular Z-Stack.
Why are quercetin and zinc so important for stopping viruses?
Watch Dr. Zelenko explain "the bullet and gun" approach for understanding zinc ionophores (transcript of highlights is below):
From the video:
"Zinc is the bullet - it kills the virus. The only problem is the bullet doesn't get to the place where it needs to be.
The virus is inside the cell. The enzyme is inside the cell. And the zinc on its own cannot get into the cell. You have a bullet without a gun - useless.
Now, it turns out there's a class of medications called 'zinc ionophores' or a class of substances called 'zinc ionophores' -- what they do -- is they open up a channel, a door, which allows zinc to go from outside the cell to inside the cell . . .
. . . They're the guns that shoot the bullet. The bullet then gets into the cell and stops the virus enzyme from helping the virus replicate.
So you have a gun and bullet. Only the synergy of the two creates a functioning unit . . .
. . . Patients were having trouble sourcing it, because it was four different ingredients that weren't always available in the same place. They had trouble finding the right doses.
It was a puzzle that was a little too complex for people to put together.
So I was asked as a necessity -- as a favor to people -- to produce something that has everything in one package.
It made sense to me, so with the help of my colleagues, we were able to produce a substance -- a compound called Z-Stack -- that has Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and most importantly has quercetin and zinc."
Carrying on Dr. Zelenko's legacy, Z-Stack is now available to everyone.
Z-Stack is:
-- Made of real, all-natural ingredients
-- Gluten-free
-- GMP-certified
-- Proudly made in the USA
To order Z-Stack directly from Dr. Zelenko's store, click here.
Click here to go directly to Dr. Zelenko's store.
Stay SAFE and stay HEALTHY!
(Note: Thank you for supporting businesses like the one presenting a sponsored message in this article and ordering through the links in this article, which benefits WLTReport. We appreciate your support!)
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NATIONAL POLL: Do You Support Dr. Malone Replacing Fauci?
And if you're looking for Ivermectin, check this out....it might just blow your mind:
Can Ivermectin Treat Cancer? We Read The Medical Journals And The Results Might Surprise You!
Ok, one quick confession: I didn't read all the medical journals....I had my buddy ChatGPT assist me to read 200 MILLION medical journals and scholarly articles.
But the results most definitely may stun you!
I've covered this topic before but it continues to fascinate me so I'm covering it again and going WAY deeper!
Can Ivermectin treat, stop, reverse or even CURE cancer?
**At the end of this article, I'll show you where you can GET Ivermectin for yourself**
First, I have to give my standard disclaimer:
I'm not a doctor.
I'm not even a scientist.
Nothing in this article has been evaluated or approved by the FDA -- but let's be honest, that probably just means you should pay EXTRA attention to it, right?
Ok, we all good with the disclaimer?
Ok good!
Now, why am I even investigating this?
Because the more I look into it, the more I find!
When I first saw them come out so strong against Ivermectin, I knew it had to be pretty powerful and pretty good for humans in general!
I've never seen such an aggressive pushback by BigPharma, so I figured it probably did more than just treat COVID19.
Then I started seeing reports that it could treat cancer.
And I'm not just talking about posts on Twitter or TikTok....I'm talking about peer-reviewed medical journals!
I'll post my original report farther below, but first I want to show you what I found on ChatGPT.
I installed a special plugin that connects the OpenAI to a database of 200 million scholarly and medical journals and then I asked it to give me all peer reviewed medical journals that suggest Ivermectin can be effective in treating cancer.
I think you'll find this fascinating -- and for those of you who want the nitty gritty details, each article is linked so you can go read the full thing for yourself.
From ChatGPT:
Here are some scholarly articles focusing on the use of Ivermectin in treating cancer, organized by their publication date (newest first):
I could have kept going but I cut it off after 20 results.
I also asked it to sort the results by date with newest first, and we ended with 1/1/2020, which means these 20 articles all came out within the last 3 years.
How many more do we have in the past decade or two?
A lot.
Now here's my original report which gives you a ton more information:
Can Ivermectin Treat Cancer? New Evidence Might Surprise You!
Let's get something out of the way right up front in this article....
I'm not a doctor.
I'm not even a scientist.
Nothing in this article has been evaluated or approved by the FDA -- but let's be honest, that probably just means you should pay EXTRA attention to it, right?
Ok, we all good with the disclaimer?
I'm a reporter and I report on what I see....
And right now I'm seeing a ton of people talking about Ivermectin as a possible treatment for cancer.
Let me give a SECOND disclaimer: do NOT read this article and stop taking cancer treatments or stop doing what your doctor tells you to do.
Listen to you doctor!
But....Ivermectin has been called a "Wonder Drug" (more on that in a minute) and NINE new scientific, peer-reviewed studies are showing it may be effective in treating or curing cancer....AND it's safer that Aspirin!
So if it were me, and I can only tell you what I would do, but if it were me or one of my family members, we'd listen to our doctor but I think I'd also be taking a high dose of Ivermectin on the side.
Read this for more on how incredibly SAFE Ivermectin is:
Now let's dig in and I'll show you everything I'm seeing about Ivermectin and Cancer...
We start on Twitter but we will end with peer-reviewed, scientific studies.
Nine of them, to be exact.
Let's start here:
Once again, I can only talk about what I would do, but I'm considering going on a high dose Ivermectin treatment once per year as preventative medicine:
Believe it or not, high-dose Ivermectin may very well cure cancer.https://t.co/vwUCWFVqFM pic.twitter.com/OsTXkc90wX
— HatRabbit 🎩🐰🐭 (@HatRabbit17) October 7, 2023
And is this why Big Pharma hates it so much?
Knew it.
I said this well over a year ago.
How many times did I tell people to search the NIH site for "ivermectin and cancer" & then read the many the peer reviewed papers? #Ivermectin kills tumors. And cancer. @AprilHunter pic.twitter.com/bIYi6ADs1L— RealAprilHunter
(@realaprilhunter) October 4, 2023
Now let's get scientific....
You know, REAL science, not "Fauci-ism".
From The Journal of Antibiotics, published 2/15/17:
Read the full article yourself here.
"...unmatched value of an extraordinary drug..."
"...Antibacterial, antiviral and anti-cancer agent..."
Folks, that isn't my take or someone on Twitter or TikTok.
That is a medical journal.
Let's do another one....
From PubMed:
Read the full article yourself here.
"...led many to describe it as a 'wonder' drug."
Let's do another...
From the NIH.gov:
Read the full article here.
"...powerful antitumor effects...in a variety of cancer cells."
I repeat, this is not MY opinion, this is a medical journal!
In fact, there are MANY articles that all come to the same conclusion, across multiple different types of cancers.
Can Ivermectin Treat “Turbo Cancers”? - 9 Ivermectin Papers Reviewed
The drug once labeled “horse de-wormer” is now showing AT LEAST 15 anti-cancer mechanisms of action.https://t.co/Nt6kr0j8VH
— The Vigilant Fox
(@VigilantFox) October 10, 2023
Here are 9 of them, from VigilantNews:
Papers reviewed:
2023 Sep.23 - Man-Yuan Li et al - Ivermectin induces nonprotective autophagy by downregulating PAK1 and apoptosis in lungadenocarcinoma cells 2023 May - Samy et al - Eprinomectin: a derivative of ivermectin suppresses growth and metastatic phenotypes of prostatecancer cells by targeting the β-catenin signaling pathway 2022 Nov - Lotfalizadeh et al - The Anticancer potential of Ivermectin: Mechanisms of action and therapeutic implications 2022 Oct - Jian Liu et al - Progress in Understanding the Molecular Mechanisms Underlying the Antitumour Effects of Ivermectin 2022 Jun - Daeun Lee et al - Ivermectin suppresses pancreatic cancer via mitochondria dysfunction 2021 Aug - Shican Zhou et al - Ivermectin has New Application in Inhibiting Colorectal Cancer Cell Growth 2021 Jan - Mingyang Tang et al - Ivermectin, a potential anticancer drug derived from an antiparasitic drug 2019 Sep Intuyod et al - Anti-parasitic Drug Ivermectin Exhibits Potent Anticancer Activity Against Gemcitabine-resistant Cholangiocarcinoma In Vitro 2018 Feb - Juarez et al - The multitargeted drug ivermectin: from an antiparasitic agent to a repositioned cancer drug
You can see that FULL article over on MakisMD Substack here.
Now for the most obvious question:
Need LEGAL and SAFE Ivermectin? Read This!
We just reported yesterday that a new leaked report says airlines are looking to BRING BACK MASKS in October.
Yes, really.
I fully expect a new "planned-demic" will show up right in time for the 2024 election.
Oh they might not call it "COVID" again and probably they won't.
But I fully expect a new one to hit.
And I'm going to be prepared this time.
Whether it comes in the form of a bioweapon or something much more mundane like a tick bite or a Bill Gates' mosquito – you and your family need to be prepared. That’s where The Wellness Company comes in.
You know the Wellness Company and their great doctors – like Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Jim Thorp – are regularly in the media speaking out against the broken medical establishment.
Dr. Thorp, one of the nation’s leading critics of the corrupting influence of big pharma, believes that now – more than ever – people should be prepared for the next pandemic.
“I’ve strongly recommended “stock piling” critical medications including antibiotics since the turn of the century. This has been an incredible investment as many friends, family and patients have benefited. Now, in summer of 2023, this recommendation is even more crucial.” – Dr. Jim Thorp
The Wellness Company and their doctors are medical professionals that you can trust and their new medical emergency kits are the gold standard when it comes to keeping you safe and healthy.
Be ready for anything, this medical emergency kit contains an assortment of live-saving medications – including ivermectin and Z-pak. The medical emergency kit provides a guidebook to aid in the safe use of all of these life-saving medications.
From anthrax to tick bites to COVID and even to a bioweapon like the plague – the Wellness Company’s Medical Emergency kit is exactly what you need to have on hand to be prepared.
Rest assured knowing that you have emergency antibiotics, antivirals and anti-parasitics on hand to help keep you and your family safe from whatever the globalists throw at us next!
The Wellness Company Medical Emergency Kit includes:
The Wellness Company Medical Emergency Kit treats:
Don’t be caught unprepared. Don’t be reliant on the broken and corrupt medical industrial complex. Don’t regret not acting today.
Order The Wellness Company’s Medical Emergency Kits today!
(Note: Thank you for supporting businesses like the one presenting a sponsored message below and ordering through the links below, which benefits WLT Report. We appreciate your support!)
We Were RIGHT About Ivermectin From Day One!
In a 180 degree flip-flop a politician would be jealous of, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) now admits doctors can prescribe Ivermectin to treat COVID-19.
Yes, really.
During the COVID-19 plandemic, the FDA did everything possible to prevent doctors from prescribing the antiviral to treat COVID-19.
The corrupt agency compared people seeking ivermectin to horses.
The federal government, mainstream media, Big Tech, and pharmacies created numerous barriers to prevent COVID-19 patients from obtaining ivermectin for treatment.
After millions of Americans lined up to take the experimental COVID-19 shots, the FDA changed course to say doctors can prescribe ivermectin for COVID-19.
Straight from the horse’s mouth. Now time for @US_FDA to issue a statement so my patients can get their prescriptions filled at @cvspharmacy and @Walgreens.https://t.co/r5khovfAfe
— Mary Talley Bowden MD (@MdBreathe) August 11, 2023
According to The Epoch Times, the "'FDA explicitly recognizes that doctors do have the authority to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID,' Ashley Cheung Honold, a Department of Justice lawyer representing the FDA, said during oral arguments on Aug. 8 in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit."
"FDA explicitly recognizes that doctors do have the authority to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID."
Doctors are free to prescribe #Ivermectin to treat #COVID19, a lawyer representing the #FDA said this week. https://t.co/2IaViQTfjX
— The Epoch Times (@EpochTimes) August 10, 2023
From The Epoch Times:
The government is defending the FDA's repeated exhortations to people to not take ivermectin for COVID-19, including a post that said "Stop it."
The case was brought by three doctors who allege the FDA unlawfully interfered with their practice of medicine with the statements. A federal judge dismissed the case in 2022, prompting an appeal.
"The fundamental issue in this case is straightforward. After the FDA approves the human drug for sale, does it then have the authority to interfere with how that drug is used within the doctor-patient relationship? The answer is no," Jared Kelson, representing the doctors, told the appeals court.
The FDA explicitly stated that ivermectin "isn’t authorized or approved to treat COVID-19."
However, the agency attempted to excuse its corruption.
"FDA made these statements in response to multiple reports of consumers being hospitalized, after self medicating with ivermectin intended for horses, which is available for purchase over the counter without the need for prescription," Honold said.
In an interview with Maria Bartiromo, Senator Ron Johnson described the destruction caused by the actions of the FDA.
"The doctors I've been dealing with and talking to for yours now, they believe that probably hundreds of thousands of Americans lost their lives because they were denied early treatment," Johnson said.
"And they were denied it because the FDA sabotaged, for example, ivermectin. And they said, come on, you all, you're not a cow, you're not a horse. You know, this is supposedly horse medicine. No, this was a Nobel Prize-winning medicine that could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives."
This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.
View the original article here.
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