Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Trump Mistrial….Or Just a Hoax From a “Shitposter”?

In case you somehow missed it, we had huge news break late Friday afternoon that could very well result in the entire Trump Guilty Verdict being thrown out due to Mistrial.

Yes, it’s that big!

TRUMP NEW YORK MISTRIAL? New Letter From Judge Merchan Reveals Jury Pool Tainted!

I'll repost that story down below in case you missed it.

President Trump himself posted "MISTRIAL!!!" to his TruthSocial page:

And now this morning, just like when they stopped counting the vote on Election Night in 2020 so they could get a new game plan and bring in extra Biden Ballots by the truckload (allllllegedly!), they've done it again.

They've regrouped, help an emergency brainstorming session overnight, and they now have their new talking points, which is that the whole thing is just a hoax!

Just a "shitpost" by someone online.

Not real....and boy did MAGA fall for it!

That's the narrative (which I will break down in just a moment).

Leading the charge was a Twitter profile I literally cannot stand and do not follow, but Elon keeps putting it in my feed -- the stupidly named "CyptidPolitics":

There he is celebrating with glee.

Just a hoax and a troll!

But is he right?

Is that all there is here?

All of MAGA got duped?

Short answer?  Not so fast.

Let's do some ACTUAL analysis and critical thinking, shall we?

That ok with everyone?

The first thing I will say is that we don't truly know the outcome here yet.

It *could* turn out to be just a complete hoax, but in that case the prank will be on Judge Merchan who "fell for it" and didn't do his homework.

You see, when this news first broke, the excitement was not that we had all found some random Facebook post by an unknown poster.

No, that would be silly.

We actually have more critical thinking skills than that in MAGA County!

What immediately caught our attention was that this news broke due to a letter from Judge Merchan, on his letterhead, sent to all parties and counsel.

In other words, we are assuming the Judge did some level of due diligence here and found the Post to have concerning merit.

You see, we don't have the Jury Roster, but the Judge does.

And so even though I don't like Judge Merchan and don't really respect him, I do have to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that before sending a letter like this he has done some basic due diligence and compared the identity of the Facebook poster to the Jury Roster and I can only presume that he was concerned about the connection there (i.e. the claim that the person's cousin was on the Jury).

USMC Colonel lays out my thoughts exactly....two possible outcomes here, either (1) it is purely a hoax, or (2) we presume the Judge would have done his homework before sending a letter of this magnitude, which suggests the post was legit:

If a mistake was made, then the mistake was giving Judge Merchan the benefit of the doubt that he actually conducted some basic due diligence before sending a letter of this magnitude.

And in that case, the hoax would be on Judge Merchan, not on anyone in MAGA.

I'll end with Laura Loomer's Tweet, which lays it out in perfect detail.

Read this:





The media is FALSELY accusing President Trump and MAGA of falling for a hoax regarding a Facebook comment that was posted on the public Facebook page of the Unified Court System in NYC.

Stop saying that the comment on the Facebook page about Trump’s trial was a “hoax”, because when you say that, you are playing right into the media and Democrat’s deliberate and calculated efforts to spin this and discredit Donald Trump and provide cover for Judge Merchan.

Donald Trump, his legal team, and MAGA were NOT the original source of the screenshot and Facebook comment.

The person who FIRST made an issue of this comment and made it aware to the general public via OFFICIAL COURT CORRESPONDENCE is Judge Juan Merchan, who sent a LETTER YESTERDAY, JUNE 7, 2024, on his official letterhead to the parties involved in President Trump’s trial, including the Trump legal team, notifying them about the COURT’S DISCOVERY OF THE COMMENT.

I have highlighted the letter below so that people stop spreading the claims that this was a HOAX and the lie that this information was pushed out by Donald Trump and MAGA.

🚨I have confirmed with President Trump’s campaign and one of his lawyers that there is still an ACTIVE INVESTIGATION into the origin of the Facebook comment, and that the Court has not deemed this a HOAX.🚨

People found out about this Facebook comment because of Judge Merchan. He said it first. Not Donald Trump. The judge felt it was compelling enough to write a letter about it, and clearly the Judge and the court system have ways to verify information before injecting it into public discourse.

So the question is, did Judge Merchan verify the authenticity of the Facebook post before he sent out a letter about the Facebook comment, and if he didn’t verify it, why did he push out unverified information on OFFICIAL COURT LETTERHEAD as it relates to the trial of the leading GOP Presidential candidate.

The only people who know the identities of the jurors are the Judge and the court staff. This means Judge Merchan felt compelled enough, having information about the identity of the jurors in Trump’s trial, to send a letter out after seeing the Facebook comment in which an individual said,

“My cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted.”

The burden of responsibility as it relates to verifying the authenticity of the Facebook comment falls on JUDGE MERCHAN since he’s the original source of the Facebook post, as you can see from the letter he sent that I highlighted below.

Don’t let the media spin this. The media wants to perpetuate a lie that this is a Hoax while an investigation is taking place. We don’t know if it’s a hoax. The media is doing this because they want to cover up the fact that Judge Merchan was the source of the claim that a Facebook comment was posted, & that means he’s the person who injected this speculation about the need for a mistrial into the public discourse.

If it’s found that the comment is a hoax, then that means a NEW YORK SUPREME COURT JUDGE fall for a hoax & spread misinformation on official legal letterhead, which should be grounds for disbarment. Judges need to be vetting information & fact checking before they enter information into the official court record.

Don’t allow the media to SPIN this.

1. This could be a very real comment.

2. An investigation needs to he conducted.

3. Judge Merchan is the original source of the Facebook comment, not Donald Trump.

“Today, The court has became aware of a comment that was posted”.

That is the first sentence of the letter seen below.

So before you go & accuse MAGA of falling for a hoax, read the letter below.

This is a Democrat psyop intended to cover Juan Merchan’s ass since the burden of responsibility falls on him.

Well said Laura!

So, was it just a hoax by a "shitposter" and a Judge who did zero due diligence?

Or is it real?

Time will tell.


TRUMP NEW YORK MISTRIAL? New Letter From Judge Merchan Reveals Jury Pool Tainted!

What do I always tell you....the BIGGEST stories always drop late in the day on Friday.

And right on cue today we got the biggest one I've seen in quite a while.

Remember that whole Guilty Verdict thing that the Far-Left was celebrating all week?

I hope they enjoyed it because it might be right out the window, at least according to a new letter just sent by Judge Merchan to all parties.

This is huge, take a look:

Laura Loomer confirms:

Read the full letter here:

NBC News confirms:

The New York judge overseeing Donald Trump's hush money trial has asked attorneys in the case about a social media post purporting to preview the former president's guilty verdict.

“Today, the Court became aware of a comment that was posted on the Unified Court System’s public Facebook page and which I now bring to your attention,” Judge Juan Merchan wrote in a letter dated Friday.

“My cousin is a juror and said Trump is getting convicted,” the post stated, according to Merchan's letter. “Thank you folks for all your hard work!!!!”

Merchan said that the comment, which was attributed to a user identified as Michael Anderson, was "now labeled as one week old," and was posted in response to a routine notice from the court posted on May 29 about oral arguments unrelated to proceedings in Trump’s case.

NBC News has not verified the claims made in the comment or the identity of the user who published the post, which has since been deleted. NBC News also hasn't independently confirmed the comment’s existence.

A Trump campaign official said "we're investigating" when asked about Merchan's letter.

Attorneys for Trump did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Friday afternoon, nor did a spokesperson for the Manhattan district attorney's office.

So now the big question.....

Does this rise to the level of tainting the jury pool?

And if so, is that grounds for a mistrial?

In New York, if it is discovered that a juror has been discussing the case with outside third parties or has prejudged the case, it can indeed be grounds for a mistrial. The integrity of the jury process is paramount, and any actions that compromise this integrity are taken very seriously.

Here are the relevant points regarding jury tampering and potential mistrial in New York:

  • Jury Impartiality: Jurors must remain impartial and base their verdict solely on the evidence presented in court. Any external influence or communication about the case can compromise this impartiality.
  • Investigation: If there is evidence or suspicion that a juror has been talking to outside parties or has prejudged the case, the judge will typically conduct an investigation. This might involve questioning the juror and other relevant parties.
  • Prejudice to the Case: The judge will assess whether the juror’s actions have caused prejudice to either party in the case. If the judge determines that the juror’s behavior has indeed affected the fairness of the trial, this can be grounds for a mistrial.
  • Mistrial Declaration: If a mistrial is declared, the trial is essentially invalidated. This means the trial must start over with a new jury. The decision to declare a mistrial is a serious one and is usually a last resort.
  • Legal Precedents: There are various legal precedents in New York where mistrials have been declared due to juror misconduct. Each case is evaluated on its own merits, and the specific circumstances will dictate the judge's decision.
  • Things just got VERY interesting my friends!

    I sure hope Democrats enjoyed that "Trumped up" Guilty Conviction while it lasted, because their 15 minutes of fame is almost up!

    Trump told us all along....IT WAS RIGGED!

    And like manna dropping from heaven, now it appears we have evidence that confirms the rig job.


    Liberals in 3, 2, 1......


    This story is developing fast....

    We will continue to bring you updates as we have them.

    Here's the latest:

    BREAKING: Judge Merchan Edited The “Tainted Jury” Facebook Post?

    BREAKING: Judge Merchan Edited The "Tainted Jury" Facebook Post?

    Oh my, this story is getting more and more wild by the minute!

    And like I always tell you, it's always late in the day on a Friday when they hope no one is watching.

    But I'm watching!

    And I'm bringing you every single detail!

    So first let me catch you up in case you don't know....

    This story just broke a few minutes ago:

    TRUMP NEW YORK MISTRIAL? New Letter From Judge Merchan Reveals Jury Pool Tainted!

    I will repost that entire story below in case you missed it, but it is INCREDIBLE!

    But now let's advance the story....

    Now we just learned that although Judge Merchan did inform both parties of the possible tainted Jury, even in doing so it appears that he deceptively edited the Facebook Post in question.

    At least, that is, according to Mario Nawfal who just posted this:

    Does this one Facebook post now simultaneously prove a tainted Jury and also a biased Judge?


    Here was our original report in case you missed it (this story is moving fast):

    TRUMP NEW YORK MISTRIAL? New Letter From Judge Merchan Reveals Jury Pool Tainted!

    What do I always tell you....the BIGGEST stories always drop late in the day on Friday.

    And right on cue today we got the biggest one I've seen in quite a while.

    Remember that whole Guilty Verdict thing that the Far-Left was celebrating all week?

    I hope they enjoyed it because it might be right out the window, at least according to a new letter just sent by Judge Merchan to all parties.

    This is huge, take a look:

    Laura Loomer confirms:

    Read the full letter here:

    NBC News confirms:

    The New York judge overseeing Donald Trump's hush money trial has asked attorneys in the case about a social media post purporting to preview the former president's guilty verdict.

    “Today, the Court became aware of a comment that was posted on the Unified Court System’s public Facebook page and which I now bring to your attention,” Judge Juan Merchan wrote in a letter dated Friday.

    “My cousin is a juror and said Trump is getting convicted,” the post stated, according to Merchan's letter. “Thank you folks for all your hard work!!!!”

    Merchan said that the comment, which was attributed to a user identified as Michael Anderson, was "now labeled as one week old," and was posted in response to a routine notice from the court posted on May 29 about oral arguments unrelated to proceedings in Trump’s case.

    NBC News has not verified the claims made in the comment or the identity of the user who published the post, which has since been deleted. NBC News also hasn't independently confirmed the comment’s existence.

    A Trump campaign official said "we're investigating" when asked about Merchan's letter.

    Attorneys for Trump did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Friday afternoon, nor did a spokesperson for the Manhattan district attorney's office.

    So now the big question.....

    Does this rise to the level of tainting the jury pool?

    And if so, is that grounds for a mistrial?

    In New York, if it is discovered that a juror has been discussing the case with outside third parties or has prejudged the case, it can indeed be grounds for a mistrial. The integrity of the jury process is paramount, and any actions that compromise this integrity are taken very seriously.

    Here are the relevant points regarding jury tampering and potential mistrial in New York:

  • Jury Impartiality: Jurors must remain impartial and base their verdict solely on the evidence presented in court. Any external influence or communication about the case can compromise this impartiality.
  • Investigation: If there is evidence or suspicion that a juror has been talking to outside parties or has prejudged the case, the judge will typically conduct an investigation. This might involve questioning the juror and other relevant parties.
  • Prejudice to the Case: The judge will assess whether the juror’s actions have caused prejudice to either party in the case. If the judge determines that the juror’s behavior has indeed affected the fairness of the trial, this can be grounds for a mistrial.
  • Mistrial Declaration: If a mistrial is declared, the trial is essentially invalidated. This means the trial must start over with a new jury. The decision to declare a mistrial is a serious one and is usually a last resort.
  • Legal Precedents: There are various legal precedents in New York where mistrials have been declared due to juror misconduct. Each case is evaluated on its own merits, and the specific circumstances will dictate the judge's decision.
  • Things just got VERY interesting my friends!

    I sure hope Democrats enjoyed that "Trumped up" Guilty Conviction while it lasted, because their 15 minutes of fame is almost up!

    Trump told us all along....IT WAS RIGGED!

    And like manna dropping from heaven, now it appears we have evidence that confirms the rig job.


    Liberals in 3, 2, 1......

    This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

    View the original article here.

    Source link