Thursday, 19 September 2024

You Really Telling Me This Guy Isn’t Playing Joe Biden?

Look, I’m not here to promote “conspiracy theories” or to say all big names have been arrested and shipped to GITMO or are replaced by robots or clones.

I’m not going there.

But I am saying this….

I DARE YOU to watch this clip below of Dana Carvey doing a Joe Biden impression and tell me that doesn’t sound EXACTLY like what we hear from “The (r)esident” on a daily basis.

I know Dana Carvey is talented, but this is identical.

That’s all I’m saying, you can draw any conclusion you want from there.

I’m just saying this is UNCANNY.

Watch and *listen* here:

A couple backups if needed….


And another backup here:

I’m not saying it’s Dana Carvey or Jim Carrey, but I am saying this…..

The current guy they keep running out there as Joe Biden looks and sounds NOTHING like this guy (even accounting for aging):

Come on, man!

Or how about this…is this really the same guy?

I will also say this….you truly have no idea how advanced Mask Technology is right now.

Check this out:


So there you go.

That’s all I’m saying.

Judge for yourself and let me know what you think in the comments!

Oh, and if you want to go much deeper, I can do that for you…

Actor Playing Joe Biden Revealed?

Actor Playing Joe Biden Revealed?

Stick with me on this one....

You know we do our homework around here, so let me explain what I'm looking at here before you judge.

So I saw this TikTok video floating around and I admit it sometimes I'm a sucker for this stuff so I went ahead and watched to see what this guy was saying.

Watch for yourself and then allow me to explain more below:

So basically he says there is an actor playing Joe Biden and his IMDB page even lists that role in his credits.

Ok, so that's interesting, but if you've been with us for a while you know we don't cover the news based on TikTok videos.

We actually do REAL research around here....

Real Fact-Checks!

So I was interested enough to do a little deeper dive, and that's where it did get interesting...

I'm still not entirely sure who Alex Collier is, but apparently he is the guy who named "Arthur Roberts" as the man playing Joe Biden in a face mask:

Ok, but again we don't cover the news based on TikToks or Tweets....I need to see actual research.

But again, I was intrigued.

Then I found the link to the IMDB page that supposedly lists the role of "Joe Biden" in this actor's credits:

That link is:

And if you go to that link you get this:

In other words, the page never existed or has been taken down:

Now, here's where it got very interesting for me!

You see, there's a really cool tool out there called the Wayback Machine.

It's basically a big giant history of the entire Internet!

That's why I always say the Internet is written in ink, because it is.

And using that tool, I was able to find an archived version of that website ( which shows this page:

So it actually DID exist!

There it is right there:  Arthur Roberts playing the role of "Joe Biden" in "Joe Biden Sworn in as US President on Inauguration Day 2021".


So we know (1) the page DID exist, and (2) it has since been deleted.

I also find it interesting that the "movie" appears to have 14 reviews too, which means this had been up for a while -- enough time for 14 people to give it a review.

So, what's the result of this Fact Check?

Well, I'd say Fact-Check CONFIRMED, with one caveat....

I do believe IMDB is editable, similar maybe to Wikipedia.

So the page existed, that is a proven fact, but it remains unclear who put it up in the first place and whether or not they were authorized to do so.

Either way, it's fascinating!

Here's more:

Speaking of "actors" playing Joe Biden, this happened a few weeks ago and seems VERY relevant right now:

VIDEO: Actor Playing Joe Biden Body Double Caught Walking To Car Without Secret Service Protection?

File this one under "I report, you decide".

A video is circulating online and I'm just going to show it to you and let you make up your own mind about what we're seeing.

I'll say this....

I cannot confirm when this was recorded.

I cannot confirm who recorded it or who first uploaded it.

I cannot confirm whether this was staged or captured "organically" out in the open.

I cannot confirm who the man is that appears to look like Biden.

I cannot confirm if this is a Deep Fake, although I think we can rule that out.

Deep Fakes are usually much more clear and easier to see.

I would say this is either 100% real and we just saw one of the Biden Actors/Body Doubles or it's a big old fake.

I'll let you decide:

From Chuck Callesto:

What jumped out to me immediately was how spryly he's moving.

He moves like a 40 year old, not like a decrepit Joe Biden.

This guy was almost dancing in the street and then even walking backwards:

He gets called out as a Body Double and appears to acknowledge and confirm it.

I see zero Secret Service protection.

Have the theories been true all along?

We've been reporting on this since 2020....something clearly has not been right.

Does this now confirm it?

And it's not like Biden is the only person who suddenly has what appears to be an Actor or Body Double.

Has anyone seen the REAL Fetterman in months?

He went into that Rehab and as best I can tell he never came out:

Now let's examine ALL the evidence we've seen since 2020....

Or at least a lot of it.

Starting here:

VIDEO FOUND: Fake Biden Inauguration? Military Funeral?

Yesterday I brought you an investigation titled "Is Joe Biden...Dead?"

I know that might sound crazy at first, but we follow the evidence here.

And the evidence is really starting to make me wonder what is going on.

No, I'm not in the camp of the people who claim everyone was rounded up and executed in Gitmo and they're now replaced by drones.

That's not where I'm going with this.

Truth is, I don't KNOW what's going on, but I do know when things just don't look right.

I do know when the evidence is leading me to a very different conclusion than what the MSM is trying to convince me is true.

Do your eyes deceive you?

Do you possess critical thinking skills?

If so, you might find yourself agreeing with me that you don't know exactly WHAT is going on here, but you do know that it's definitely not what they're telling you.

So let's dig in to the 21 Gun Military Funeral that Biden received (instead of the 4 Cannon Presidential Inauguration Salute)...

I've found a couple videos you need to see.

Also, the Biden Inauguration Wreath is very off!

Did you know that?

I had never seen this before, but I'll show you.

Start here with the full video of what is a Military Funeral, not a Presidential Inauguration:

And then go here...

More details are off:

The more you dig, the more the dots simply do not connect.

Something strange is going on here.

And if you missed our report yesterday, keep reading for a deep dive:

Is Joe Biden...Dead?

Ok, ok....calm down.

Yes, this is Noah here, your faithful reporter.

Yes, I'm here reporting on FACTS.

Yes, that headline is a bit aggressive, but I'm prepared to back it up.

Ok, so can we all take a big deep breath before we dive in?

[...BIG BREATH...]

...and let it out.....

Ok, good!

Now let's get serious.

Because longtime readers of WLTReport know I don't run any of that nonsense here how Hillary and Biden and all the rest are all dead, executed at Gitmo, and replaced by Clones.

Sorry, I'm not running that story.

But I *DO* report on facts and I do report on things that just don't quite make sense.

And that's what this article is about.

So holler and scream if you want, and put as many comments down below that you want, but I'm going to peel back the onion and we're going to just put some of this on the table and see what YOU think...

So here is a guy I like and who I've covered before many times, Derek Johnson.

Here is Derek pointing out a couple things....three, in fact.

First: why did Joe Biden's signature change (that's true and that's a confirmed fact).

Second: why did his face change?  Just look at his damn face man, is that the same guy?

Third: remember the 3 Cannon salute Biden received?  That is a Military Funeral.

I'm going to dig deep into each of those three topics and while I can't say if the real Joseph Robinette Biden is alive or dead, I will say each one of these is supported strongly in fact.

So eventually, how many do you need to see before you realize something is wrong?  Something is very, very wrong here?

Let's do the 3 Cannon salute first.

It turns out a Presidential Inauguration is a Military Funeral Salute are VERY similar.

But different.

Take a look:

I actually covered this extensively back in January of 2021:

Joe Biden Did NOT Get a 21-Gun Salute, He Got The Salute For Funerals and Visiting Foreign Dignitaries!

This is REALLY interesting....

My friend Daniel posted this today:

[Tweet Deleted]

And here's a zoom in so you can read that better:

I didn't know much about it and I don't like to publish things unless I can confirm them myself, so I started looking into it and I found it appears to be 100% true!

Now I know we have a lot of military that read WeLoveTrump, and this is only based on the research I can find, so I'd love to hear from some experts to know if you agree or disagree.

But here's what I'm seeing...

From Wikipedia:

Today, a 21-gun salute is rendered on the arrival and departure of the President of the United States; it is fired in concordance with four ruffles and flourishes, which are immediately followed by "Hail to the Chief"—the actual gun salute begins with the first ruffle and flourish, and 'run long' (i.e. the salute concludes after "Hail to the Chief" has ended). A 21-gun salute is also rendered to former U.S. Presidents, foreign Heads of State (or members of a reigning royal family), as well as to Presidents-elect. In such a ceremony, the national anthem of the visiting dignitary's country is played, following the salute.


A gun salute is not to be confused with the three-volley salute often rendered at military funerals.

Ok, so here is the salute Biden and Harris got:

Backup on Rumble:

That sure does look like THREE cannons to me, not FOUR.

And they are firing in slow, 10-second delay, succession.

That is definitely not four guns firing in rapid succession.

Here's what people were saying online (and then scroll down to see the Salute Trump got):

So....what should it have looked like?

Well, here is what Trump got in 2017.

It looks a LOT different:

Backup on Rumble:

Of course you immediately notice FOUR cannons, not three.

And they are firing one right after the other, not a slow 10 second delay.

Here is another one for Trump:

So what does all of this mean?

Is it because the Military does not respect Biden?

Does not view him as their rightful president?

Or perhaps signaling the upcoming "funeral" of his so-called presidency?

Or perhaps implying he is not the head of the United States and more closely related to, oh I don't know....China?

Or....all of the above?

If you have expertise in this area, comment below and let me know if this is accurate.

Now let's go to #2 -- why did his signature change?

Because it DID change.

Take a look:

Why Did Joe Biden's Signature Change?

Got a very interesting FACT CHECK for you...

Actually, what's interesting is the complete lack of a Fact-Check on this one by the MSM.

Maybe even those lying bastards couldn't figure out a lie to explain away this one?

I'd better calm down, I'm already getting fired up and I'm only 4 sentences in to this article...

So the explanation here is pretty simple.

It's something we've covered before but since no explanation has been given it seems like a good idea to cover it again and get some more attention on this.

Why did Joe Biden's signature dramatically change after he was (s)Elected President?

Here's what I mean:

More here:

And one more here:

Don't just trust the Internet or Twitter, go check it out for yourself.

Just do this:

Some speculate that "Dr" Jill Biden is writing his name for him:

But here's what I find really interesting about all of it...

I expected there would be the standard list of MSM "Fact Checks" on the topic but surprisingly I found almost none.

Definitely none from the usual suspects.

I found this from, which claims to be written by a human being but is so jumbled and confusing I am not sure even what it's saying other than it's definitely not true and something about Biden having acid reflux:

Biden's signature matches his signature available on his website.

Biden's signature matches his signature available on his website.A recent video by RedPill78 claims that a pharmacist from Missouri told him that none of President Joe Biden's executive orders had been posted on the Federal Register. When he looked a couple of days, some executive orders had been published, and he noticed that Biden's signatures looked forged. He further states that Biden was probably embarrassed by his shaky signature since he has mid to late-stage dementia and that his wife, Jill Biden, signs for him on legal documents. In the video, the narrator also claims that Jill Biden is his "handler" or "minder". RedPill78 is a major QAnon influencer known for spreading disinformation and misinformation and is known for making wild claims without evidence. Twitter suspended RedPill78's account in October 2020. The claims made in this video are also not true. In a video posted on January 20, Biden's first day in office, we can see Biden signing an executive order. His hand is not shaking, and Jill Biden is not there to help Biden sign any executive orders. Moreover, all of Biden's executive orders, which he has signed at the time of writing, are available on the Federal Register, and the signatures match perfectly with his signature available on his campaign website. Logically has previously debunked the claim that Biden has dementia, and Biden's medical records released during the 2020 presidential campaigns (December 2019) reveal that he is healthy and fit to execute the duties as President of the United States. It mentioned that Biden is taking medication only for acid reflux, cholesterol, and seasonal allergies.

Uhhh, I don't know about you but that's not very convincing to me.

Thanks anyway though LAI!

The only other one I could find was from something called "Misbar" and they also concluded it was definitely not true and to them the signatures look very similar (huh?):

The Claim

President Joe Biden’s signature on executive orders is different from his official signature, thus proving that there are two Bidens.

The claim went viral following Biden’s inauguration.

A picture containing text, suit, person, sign Description automatically generated

A picture containing text, screenshot, aquatic bird Description automatically generated

Misbar’s Analysis

On every executive order, the president signs his signature. As executive orders can be found and read by the public, many people read them and see Biden’s signature. One such person compared Joe Biden’s signature on Wikipedia to his signature on executive orders (the online encyclopedia has signatures of people of note). The “B,” which some people speculate is the smoking gun, is less choppy in the executive order – thus they are signed by two different people. A few of these people said that there may be “two Bidens.”

It’s unclear exactly what “two Bidens” means, but we’ve written about a similar clone theory before and found it false. We won’t speculate about what else two Bidens implies.

Text, application Description automatically generated

Misbar’s investigation found that the two signatures don’t really look that different. Joe Biden’s signatures on executive orders looks a little simpler, which is probably due to him having signed quite a few executive orders already. He may have used a different pen to write his official published signature, or spent more care making it look nice. There are also plenty of videos showing Biden signing executive orders.

This is, of course, speculation, but there’s nonetheless no reason to assume that a slight change in style means that there are two Bidens.

Misbar’s Classification


Ok, so they've labeled it "Commotion"....whatever that means.

Not convincing to me, how about you?

I'm not here to tell you there are "Two Bidens" or that one is a Clone.

I'm not going there, I don't know.

I am here to tell you I have two functioning eyeballs and those signatures to MY eyes don't look anything alike.

I also have a functioning brain.

How about you?

Alright, now let's do #3 -- why does Biden himself look so different?

And it's not just aging.

In many respects he looks BETTER now.

What is going on?

Ears are different.

Face is different.

Look for yourself:


Definitely not the same person #joebiden #donaldtrump

♬ original sound - Cherri

And what's up with this?


Replying to @sodapop_13 Joe Biden early 2000s / 2021 🤩 #DuplaFace #foryou #fyp #fy #joebiden #joebiden2020 #beforeandafter #transformation #capcut #edit #viral #trend

♬ son original - 69%

And I guess we have to talk about this too....

Did you see this recently?

The Actor Playing Joe Biden Just Revealed His Mask?

Yes, we're going there....

No, I have never ascribed to the theory that all these people are dead, executed at GITMO, and actors and body doubles are playing them.

I haven't seen the evidence for that.

But I HAVE seen some evidence that very sophisticated masks do exist and I just saw some major new evidence about the Biden mask tonight.

So I'm sharing with you.

And you can make your own decision after you see this....

Judge for yourself!

A new video is going absolutely viral after the Biden mask seems to be exposed.

Take a look for yourself:

And check out that thumb too!

Do you know any thumbs that look like this?

More here:

The most complex military campaign in history?

Who is under there?

Some literally believe it is Jim Carrey:

Now to everyone who thinks this is too crazy, I respectfully suggest you simply don't know what you're talking about.

Have you seen this?

If they can do it with Eli Manning on the football field, what do you think they can do with a sedentary Joe Biden?

Oh, and is this the reason Joe always "calls a lid" by 9am?

Do they need to limit the exposure of time in the mask?

Suddenly starts to make a lot of sense, right?

Just read this and try and tell me it's not possible.....I dare ya!

Are Multiple Actors In Fake Masks "Playing" Joe Biden?

Ok look, I'll say right off the bat I don' know for sure what's going on with Biden.

And I'm not one of these people who thinks he was executed at GITMO 5 years ago and is now replaced by a clone.

Not going there.

But...being played by an actor?

Or by multiple actors?

Not far-fetched if you ask me.

Especially considering how different he often looks.

More on that farther down in this article.

But right now I want to show you something that will probably blow your mind if you didn't realize just how good they've gotten with fake face masks.

No, I don't mean COVID face masks.

I mean, an entirely fake face put on somebody.

I saw this clip on ESPN recently of Eli Manning (who is 41) who went "undercover" to Penn State to try and walk on as a college freshman.

You know, about 18 years old.

And guess what?

After the fake face was put on, nobody recognized him!

And here's the other part...they did a full day of football tryouts....running around, sweating, moving, hitting, the full deal.  And the fake face stayed on.

So is it really that hard to believe Joe Biden is being played by an actor made to "look" like Joe Biden?

Think about how often they never let him leave his basement, now why would they want to keep him out of public view so much?

First, because he's a walking gaffe machine.

But second, you probably wouldn't want to have to put on the fake Biden face too often, would you?

I bet not.

So keep him out of public view as much as possible before you have to run out the actor?

I don't folks, I'm not 100% convinced either way, but here's what I do know after watching this ESPN bit: they have the technology and it's not even that hard.

Go ahead and watch this, it's pretty incredible.

Watch till the end when he rips the fake face off in front of the whole team and they are stunned.


Here's some more footage:

And since we're on the topic, here is Julie Green saying "Biden will soon be unmasked".


Watch here on Rumble:

Now let's take a minute to explore all the different "Bidens" and how they all look so wildly different.

FAKE ACTOR? Can You Spot The Real Joe Biden?

Is this the same man in all 4 photos?

Let's dig in to a very serious question, shall we?

What is going on with Joe Biden?

That's a very open-ended question that could take hours to unpack, but let's just talk about his looks and mannerisms.

Is this the same guy from a few years ago?

I wonder.

And so do many of you because I get your emails and videos.

On that note, a big "thank you" very much to my friend Mark who sent me this video.

It's a comparison of Joe Biden in 2006 vs. now.

The differences are stunning!

Of course you have the shocking mental decline but you also have a man who sounds a lot more like a Republican back in 2006.

Watch this and then keep reading for a deep dive into just how many different "Bidens" there seem to be!

Is this the same man?

Even Sean Hannity is talking about it!

But first, watch this from Rumble:

Now let's dig in deeper...

I'm not making any conclusions here, I'm simply reporting.

I report, you decide.

Anyone else think Joe Biden looks a little...."different"....than he used to?

Of course we all look different as we continue to age.

Reminds me of one of my favorite Mitch Hedberg jokes:

But let's get serious for a moment.

Because seriously, Joe Biden does NOT look much like the guy from 10-15 years ago.

My friend Daniel just posted this video and I had to share it with you:

If you're having trouble seeing that, you can watch it here on Rumble:

Wanna take it one more level deeper?

Many people are saying the last photo in that video sure does look like Jim Carey pretending to be Joe Biden.

What do you think:

But it's not just "conspiracy theorists" on the Internet asking questions.

Sean Hannity is even starting to question it.

Watch this recent segment where he asks "What happened to Joe?"

Are there two Joes?

Watch Sean here on Rumble:

What do you think?

Leave a comment below.

Want to dive in even deeper?

Let's look at an even older clip of Joe Biden and you tell me if this is the same guy currently pretending to be President.....


And since Twitter will no doubt be taking that post down very soon, don't worry I saved a backup!

From Rumble:

Beyond the incredible admission, people are rightly pointing out that the Biden of today does not look or sound much like the Biden of 13 years ago.

Take a look for yourself:

And here:

What do you think?

They sure do look different to me!

And while we're on the topic of Biden's admissions (perhaps from a guilty soul?) let's revisit this:

Even a liar tells the truth sometimes!

Mostly when his cognitive ability has declined so much he can no longer keep all the lies straight.

What do YOU think?

Zoom in:

From Fake Biden we move to Fake Whitehouse?

Biden Caught AGAIN Posting From Fake Oval Office Set! Is He Not In The White House?

It happened again folks.

Joe Biden posting videos and messages from an obviously FAKE White House set.

We've covered this before here:

Biden Caught AGAIN Using a Fake White House Set!

And here:

Biden Mocked for Using Fake White House Set with Digital Windows, Rose Garden

But it just happened again and it's getting REALLY weird.

This all begs the simple question: if you have access to the REAL White House, why do you need to create a Fake set somewhere else?

But let's back up a minute and address the so-called "Fact Checkers".

Or as I like to call them, the Ministry of Propaganda.

Because they don't truly "fact check" jack shit.

Their sole job is to try and sway a story and confuse the public from what is obvious truth.

Exhibit A?

We'll let's go right to a "Fact Check" on the whole Fake White House story from back in October when this first broke.

Back in October, WeLoveTrump was one of the first in the Media to jump on the story of the Fake White House set.

Before it was common news, we posted here at WeLoveTrump that the window behind Joe Biden looked very odd...almost cartoonish in coloration.

Very shortly after that post it was being widely reported that it was indeed a Fake Set of the White House.

In fact, here is one of the photos which was a total BOMBSHELL when it was first released.  It very clearly shows the Fake Set:

And this:

If you go to Facebook to this very day, this is what you see when you load that photo.


Hilarious folks....

It's a picture and we can all determine the context with our own two eyes!

But the Ministry of Propaganda has to TELL YOU what you can think...

They have to TELL YOU what your eyes are seeing...

So sad.

Here's another one:

Oh what do you know...more "Missing Context".

Friends, let me key you in on a little truth...

I'll translate this for you from Facebook-speak to Plain-English Truth.


Missing Context = this is actually 100% true and even we can't BS enough to label it false so we're going to find some minor detail or idea we make up and claim that due to something that has 0.01% impact on the story it is "Missing Context".

Hope that helps.

But it's not just FakeBook and their propaganda...

Let's now go to Reuters who published this "fact check" back in October:

Any rational human-being reading that report would conclude it must be fake news!

See (says Normie Poindexter)....See!  I told you it was fake news that Biden was on a fake White House set!

Except....keep reading.

Let's just skip down to the END of the article where they admit (1) he WAS in fact on a film set, and (2) it wasn't in the White House at all, it was in the Eisenhower Building!


Compare that first section with the last section...

Even within their own article they are caught lying!

And yet these bastards hold themselves out as Fact-Checkers.


I've had massive dumps in a toilet that hold more truth that your garbage fact checks.

But I digress...

Let's get back to the story and advance the ball because the Fake Set was just used again!

Here is the new photo released by the White House which they claim is a photo of his call with Ukrainian President Zelensky:

Yes, note that is the official Twitter account.

Notice anything weird?

It's those weird cartoonish colorized windows again!

And what do we see outside them?


Of course, I don't need to tell you that it's winter in D.C. and no trees have green leaves on them right now.

But just in case, here are two photos from live feeds of the White House taken today and yesterday:

Right, no leaves.

Winter time.

Why in the world would you need to build a FAKE OVAL OFFICE set?

The obvious answer is because you don't have access to the genuine article.

Make of that what you will.

Follow up question: why do they KEEP doing it?

My theory is when they did it the first time, they never thought they would get caught.

We were one of the first to notice and start asking questions, so we take pride in being on the front end of this story.

After they were caught, I think they had two choices:  (1) lie about it and claim it didn't happen, or (2) embrace it and keep doing it and pretend like it was intentional.

They clearly went with Choice #2.

Even Newsweek was brought in to carry water for the second option.

Check out this load of propaganda they published trying to explain why they just HAD to create a Fake Oval Office:

Why was a fake Oval Office built?

The event space is being used for White House events that are being broadcast. The area is bigger than the actual Oval Office, and provides an area for journalists.

Martha Kumar, director of the White House Transition Project explained that this room in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building is being used more regularly due to it being more accessible.

Previously, the room known as Room 450 was used for such media events.

"You have to slug your way up flights of stairs because the small elevators would hold only a limited number of people," Kimar explained to the Washington Examiner.

"That means you often had to walk. White House staff, as well as presidents, would have to make their way there, too, though they had the luxury of an elevator. With its easy access, the South Court site was welcomed by all."

While former White House events director Josh King explained that the use of the new area is down to "PoliOptics."

"Every week in Washington has an element of theater and stagecraft, one side or another working to take full advantage of visual storytelling," King told the newspaper.

"Presidents can fly on Air Force One across the country—or even around the world—for a photo worthy to print on the top of the fold of U.S. newspapers."

King said that the South Court Auditorium is usually a "generic, stadium-style meeting room with four or five rows of seats; space in the back of the room for cameras sitting on tripods; a small buffer area in front of the stage for still photographers to capture the key moment; and handy backstage doors for easy ingress and egress by the principals."

LOL, ok thanks Newsweek.

Got it...they just had to create a Fake Set because the other one had too many stairs!

How long did it take to come up with that line of BS and how many people sat around a table spitballing ideas until you decided that was the best one to run with?

Maybe I'm being too tough.

Maybe it's true!

I'll turn it over to you....what do YOU think?

WATCH: A Glimpse Into Biden's Fake White House Set

Why does he even have this thing?

Many theories abound, but there can only really be a handful of logical reasons why someone would need a fake staged set to mimic the real thing...

Stephen Miller claims that it is a set built around the use of a teleprompter.

I too think that it has something to do with Biden's reported cognitive decline, but I am not sure if the teleprompter is the exact reason.

Let's take a look, and let us know what you think the deal is behind this creepy staged set:

The New York Post comments:

Twitter erupted after Biden was spotted sitting in front of the digital projection window on Wednesday as he held a meeting with business leaders and CEOs on the need to raise the debt ceiling.

Some ridiculed Biden for using a “literal game show set” as president, while others accused him of deliberately trying to deceive Americans into thinking he was in the White House.

Fox News states:

The video set, which was constructed across from the White House in the South Court Auditorium in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, is used by Biden for video conferences and events broadcast online. Featuring professional monitors and lighting.

Oh but I'm not done yet....

Remember when this happened to his face?

Does this even look remotely like Joseph Robinette Biden?

What Is Going On With Joe Biden's Face?

To quote a great caller to the Jim Rome show: "look at his damn face, bro!"

And that was essentially the topic of conversation for today: what is wrong with Joe Biden's face?

Which is kind of a loaded question because it brings up so much...

Is there an actor wearing a mask?

Wild I know, but it's become more and more plausible as time has gone on.

Did he get plastic surgery?

Why does he not look anything like the Joe Biden of 10 years ago?

So many questions.

But the newest question isn't really related to that.

The newest question is: what are those marks on his face?

You can see the marks below, but also: what is going on with this picture?

This looks like an AI-generated image to me.

Doesn't even look real.

What do you think?

So forgetting about the marks for a second, that does NOT even look like Joe Biden if you ask me.

Here's another look at the marks:

Another look at the marks:

But really....does this look like Joe Biden to you?

Can anyone tell me why Joe Biden USED to have ear lobes and now doesn't?

But I'm getting distracted again.

Back to the marks.

Here are four more angles:

Seriously though, don't these look like they are AI-generated?

I'm calling it right now, that looks exactly like high-end AI.

But back to the lines and marks on his face.

After many questions, the truth emerged (or the truth was claimed to be) that Joe Biden wears a CPAP machine at night and it's now leaving marks:

Which is pretty hilarious because needing a CPAP means your brain is being deprived of oxygen.

So I guess that sounds accurate!

From CNN:

President Joe Biden has recently begun using a CPAP machine to treat sleep apnea, the White House says, after indentations from straps were seen on both sides of his face Wednesday morning.

“Since 2008, the president has disclosed his history with sleep apnea in thorough medical reports. He used a CPAP machine last night, which is common for people with that history,” White House spokesman Andrew Bates said.

An official familiar with the matter said Biden began using the device in recent weeks to improve sleep quality.

Marks could also be seen on the side of Biden’s face during a Monday event at the White House meant to promote an expansion of high-speed internet.

Biden, who, at 80, is the nation’s oldest president, has had a history of sleep apnea in the past.

Medical records released in 2008 indicated Biden had a recurring issue with sleep apnea.

A health record released by Biden’s doctor in 2019 said sleep apnea “has been considered, but his symptoms have improved significantly after his sinus and nasal passage surgeries.”

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts. About 30 million people in the United States have sleep apnea, according to the American Medical Association.

A CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine “uses mild air pressure to keep breathing airways open while you sleep,” according to the National Institutes of Health

So there you go!

Or....maybe the mask isn't holding up as well anymore?

Just sayin'....


This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.

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