Friday, 20 September 2024

Zelensky (Who Needs Your Tax Dollars) Just Bought King Charles’ Former Mansion For $25 Million

Enough of this!!

Even if you have been proudly flying that stupid yellow and blue Ukrainian flag all over your social media for the last two years, this should be enough to cause even the most diehards to say maybe something isn’t right here…..

Maybe it isn’t right that we get taxed to death while working three jobs and still barely making ends meet, just so our government can give billions upon billions to Ukraine….

Maybe that’s not right.

Maybe it’s not right that we keep stoking up this war and perpetuating it from a continent and ocean away, and it would have been over YEARS ago without US involvement….

Maybe that’s not right.

Maybe if we didn’t have our biolabs all over Ukraine in the first place, this may not have happened.

And I’m not even going to get into the money laundering that many believe was happening through FTX and the Democrat party and Sam Bankman-Fried.

You can read about that here if you want:

FTX Money Laundering Scheme To Ukraine CONFIRMED?

Maybe, just maybe, even if none of that woke you up before now maybe this will do it....

The man who keeps traveling to Washington to beg us for more money seems very FLUSH with it himself, purchasing a brand new mansion (on top of many prior ones), this one purchased from King Charles himself.

How nice.

A little summer home perhaps?

A winter cottage?

A little weekend getaway bungalow?

This stuff makes me sick.

Take a look:

Grok confirms the report is indeed true:

Riddle me this....

Let's say I bought into the fact that Ukraine is truly at war and in dire what other example in all of history do you have the leader of a country engaged in such a serious and life-threatening war go off and buy luxury vacation homes right in the middle of it?

Wake up people!!

Ah yes, I remember at the height of the Civil War when Abraham Lincoln famously ran off to by a beach home in Marina Del Mar....

The man was stressed and needed to get away for awhile to relax!

After all, General Grant himself famously bought a luxury estate in South Beach Miami right before the Battle of Gettysburg, everyone knows that!

Of course all of that is said with extreme sarcasm....because it's absurd!!!

This is absurd too, but for different reasons.  This is absurd because it actually just happened:

More here:

The London Crier reports the specific details of the transaction:

Royal Purchase – Volodymyr Zelenskyy is the New Owner of Highgrove House, Previously Owned by King Charles. Highgrove House, near Tetbury in Gloucestershire, served as the country residence of King Charles III even after he assumed his new role as Britain’s reigning monarch.

It was purchased in 1980 by the then Prince Charles from Maurice Macmillan, son of the former British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan. During his first marriage to Diana, Princess of Wales, the family would spend weekends in Gloucestershire with Princes William and Harry, before returning to Kensington Palace.

In 2024, King Charles III sold his residence, having owned it for 44 years. What is _at first glance surprising_ is that the new owner of the royal estate is Volodymyr Zelensky, the President of Ukraine.

Charles has been an outspoken supporter of Ukraine since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion. In February 2023, The King held an audience with Volodymyr Zelensky at Buckingham Palace. Charles III issued a strongly-worded message of support for Ukraine, in a statement marking the second anniversary of Russia’s invasion in February 2024. The unusually direct message seems to be a rallying call to keep up international assistance for Ukraine.

The war in Ukraine has been close to the King’s heart. It may explain the nature of an unusual sale of the King’s property to Volodymyr Zelensky – whom Charles III probably sees as a defender of democracy.

Although there is no official statement from Buckingham Palace on the Highgrove house sale yet, there are many details that indicate the sale was completed in late February – early March of 2024.

Grant Harrold, the King’s former butler, who worked for Charles III at Highgrove from 2004 to 2011, believes the final details of the deal were negotiated during Mrs Zelenska’s visit to the UK on 29th February. He mentioned, “Prince William could have gifted the house to his father. So, the King was within his rights to sell the property.” Prince William inherited Highgrove House after Charles assumed his new role as Britain’s reigning monarch.

According to Grant Harrold, another detail indicating Highgrove House now has a new owner is that at least 6 Highgrove staff members received redundancy notices on 21st March.

For those who would rather watch a video:

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.

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