Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Biden Invites Nuclear War by Forcing Appeasement on Israel

Journalism has been called “the first draft of history.”  Most reporting is a recitation of what already happened.  Sometimes, after watching things happen again and again, reporters can predict the future.  I hope this is not one of those times.

I hate war.  I’m entitled to that opinion.  I fought in two wars and covered three more.  Now it appears the Biden administration is forcing Israel not to strike Iran’s atomic bomb–building facilities by threatening to withhold all future American support.  The result will be Iran completing work on a nuclear weapon and perhaps the Iranian Revolutionary Guard detonating it, as they have promised.  The result could be war beyond comprehension — a nuclear war.

Combat is horrible beyond any ordinary comprehension.  Imagine suspending all the morals you were taught.  In war, it’s not just permissible to kill your enemy.  That is your purpose, your aim.  Your country tells you that’s okay, because the enemy is trying to kill you.  He has already killed some of your friends.  At any moment, an unseen artillery shell can explode at your feet, or you may step on a land mine that traumatically amputates your leg.  You sleep with a gas mask at hand because the enemy can make your next unprotected breadth deadly.

Imagine living that way 24/7/365.  Then recognize that nuclear war is 100 times worse.

But there are times when acts of war are justified, even needed.  Our laws give us the right of self-defense.  Countries have the same right.  But it’s more than a right.  When a leader of a country knows another country is preparing to destroy his people, as the Iranian mullahs have sworn to, not launching preventative self-defense is abandoning that leader’s most sacred duty.  You can’t let someone kill your people or bow down to the demands of others who would leave you defenseless.

If we had detected the Japanese fleet headed for Pearl Harbor and known their intentions, would we have told our navy to ignore it? 

That is exactly what Biden is trying to do.  Forget the headlines about ongoing strategic talks between Washington and Tel Aviv.  Team Biden-Harris wants Netanyahu to “play nice” in the face of nuclear annihilation.

Iran and its proxies attack Israel every day.  In reality, Hamas, Hezb’allah, and the Houthis are not just Iranian proxies.  Iran arms them; pays them; and, under the guise of “advice,” commands and controls them.  They are Iran’s mercenaries.  But the three Hs are not the real problem.  The real problem is Iran is building nuclear bombs and promising to use them.

Netanyahu knows that the Iranian atomic bomb–building program must be stopped now.  It’s public knowledge that Iran is weeks away from nuclear war capacity.  Nora O’Donnell of CBS confirmed it during the vice presidential debate.

So why hasn’t Israel destroyed Iran’s atomic bomb–making capacity before those bombs destroy Israel?  The answer is the Biden-Harris-Blinken clique.  The State Department has favored the Arab countries for decades.  Biden-Harris will do anything to preserve the Arab-American vote in blue-wall Michigan.  The radical Democrats constantly try to stop Israel from defending itself.  After October 7, Biden’s messages to Netanyahu were one-word appeasement demands: “Don’t,” “No,” and “Stop.”  Remember Biden’s call for Israeli tanks to not enter Gaza, even while Hamas continued to launch rockets at the Jewish state?  Remember the more recent calls to not attack Hezb’allah and its 100,000 missiles ready to launch at Tel Aviv?  It’s the same thing Biden told Putin before the invasion of Ukraine.  We know how well that helped the Ukrainian people. 

If the Israeli prime minister ignores the Biden-Harris team’s “peace at any cost” demands, the ultra-left, antisemitic U.S. State Department constantly threatens to deny weapons the IDF needs.  Even while Hamas stores rockets in underground concrete bunkers and launches them at Israel, the U.S. denied Israel the 2,000-pound bunker-buster bombs it needed to destroy the Hamas missiles before they could be fired at Tel Aviv.

Now, behind the headlines, State Department sources confirm that the Biden-Harris team is likely threatening to cut off all aid to Israel if the IDF attacks Iran’s nuclear weapon manufacturing facilities.  Biden-Harris wants Netanyahu to do nothing while Iran completes final assembly on weapons that could decapitate Israel.

We dare not forget history.  Munich set an irreversible course to World War Two as senseless liberals in London proclaimed “peace in our time.”  Eighty-five years ago, the U.K. had barely enough time to forestall Hitler’s crossing the English Channel.  This time, the population centers of Israel could become radioactive dust in microseconds.

The IDF would respond, but to what end?  With Tel Aviv gone, there would be no functioning Israel. 

Biden-Harris wants us to forget that Iran will soon have an atomic weapon and has promised to use it.  By keeping Israel on a weapons-denial leash, it now wants to stop Netanyahu from proactively defending his country and his people.

Hopefully, Mr. Netanyahu will do what Putin always does — simply ignore Joe.  We also hope the American voters will do the same to Biden-Harris.

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