Friday, 18 October 2024

Combatting the ‘Long Count’

The Trump era has seen a new election phenomenon: Modern-day American Bolsheviks in blue cities have been distorting local elections by counting votes well past election day. Fortunately, there are ways to combat this election distortion plague.

Remember how the Democrat mantra was “every vote must be counted” rather than every legal vote being counted? In my August 1, 2023 essay, Beware the ‘Long Count’, I discussed the mechanics of this new phenomenon.

With modern computer technology and high-speed scanners, we’re told we must count votes well past election day, even with early voting available long before election day. This is true in many jurisdictions, particularly and notably in big, “blue” Democrat cities. We know that, in November 2024, Democrats will inevitably re-employ long counts in these cities in hopes of again creating enough chaos to distort the process and enable counting until our corrupt, doddering, senile “President” might again miraculously be declared “victorious” after lightly campaigning around naps, feedings, and diaper changes.

In “Beware the ‘Long Count,’ I also introduced the concept of the “bogey,” another of the keys to voter fraud. The bogey represents the vote differential between the Republican candidate (who is leading) and the Democrat (who is trailing) when the in-person election polls close.

Image: Counting mail-in ballots in D.C. YouTube screen grab.

Once the polls close and Democrats determine the bogey, they continue counting, either by repeatedly scanning the same [Democrat] ballots or by bringing in additional pre-printed ballots from outside until enough ballots are “counted” (really created, retrieved, or recounted), until they’ve assured a Democrat victory. We all remember in 2020 in Atlanta, Las Vegas, Milwaukee, Philadelphia, and Phoenix that the ‘Long Count’ resulted in a Democrat win—every single time. The same technique and outcome played out in Phoenix in 2022.

Therefore, the bogey must be made undeterminable until counting in lawless jurisdictions is completed and certified, regardless of how long counting takes. Let’s use Pennsylvania in 2020 as an example. Was what happened logical?

It has often been said that, for electoral purposes, Pennsylvania is “Philadelphia and Pittsburgh with Alabama in-between.” Pittsburgh falls completely within Allegheny County. Philadelphia within Philadelphia County. There are 65 other counties for a total of 67 counties. In 2020, Biden “won” 13, with Trump winning 54. Below is the 2020 Presidential electoral map:

Image by TylerKutschbach. CC BY 4.0.

We all remember going to bed late on election day, November 3, 2020, with President Trump leading in Pennsylvania by roughly 600,000 votes, only to wake up on November 4, 2020, and learning that not only was Philadelphia still counting, but it had somehow miraculously found slightly more than 600,000 votes that night, when nobody was watching, throwing the election to Biden.

In November 2020, there were approximately 13 million Pennsylvanians, 10m of whom were of voting age. If we assume that 10% either are ineligible (for various reasons) or just do not vote, the pool of voters shrinks to 9 million, almost equal to the number of registered voters.

Roughly 7 million votes were cast, an unusually strong 78% voter turnout. It was up (a fishy) 17% from the 2016 presidential election, which had a [closer to historical] 66% voter turnout. This was “explained” to us as either “cuz Covid” or by having any questions about the turnout labeled as a racist, white supremacist, or a “conspiracy theory.”

Does it make sense that more than 600,000 votes, equal to 6.7% of all votes cast statewide, miraculously appeared after midnight, after election day, after all other counties had reported, in two overwhelmingly blue eastern counties, Montgomery and Philadelphia, almost all of which went to Biden, a staggering flood of overnight votes that enabled Biden to overtake President Trump and ultimately snatch victory from the jaws of defeat?

That is a rhetorical question. Of course, it doesn’t make sense. Libertarian Icon Ayn Rand once said, “Reason is not automatic. Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it. Leave them alone.” Nevertheless, this is what we are facing once again.

So, what to do?

Most importantly, the Supreme Court’s decision in 1997’s Foster v. Love, which prohibits long counts, must be honored and long counts disallowed and, if they happen, nullified. See, “Elections Undecided by Midnight are Void & Preempted by Federal Law.”

However, given the GOP’s fecklessness in enforcing the Supreme Court’s mandate, there must be no bogey. The Republican-led county commissioners and election officials who conduct and control the elections in these 54 counties conservative Pennsylvania counties must refuse to report their results until Pittsburgh and Philadelphia have completed counting, reported, and certified their results, even if it means withholding their own results for weeks post-election day. Indeed, this must happen in all states, particularly the battleground states of Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin.

Without a bogey, what will the Philadelphia and Pittsburgh Bolshevik Democrats do? Without knowing whether they have enough votes to ensure a Democrat victory, do they keep counting? Stop counting? Find more votes for insurance purposes? And for how long?

In this scenario, without the bogey, they don’t know how many votes they need. What should they do? Go nuclear? What would that mean? 120% voter turnout in Allegheny, Montgomery and Philadelphia counties? Might that be considered reasonable evidence of voter fraud, even if a “Democrat” is elected? It would certainly create a situation that will be interesting to observe.

Naturally, this approach to ending counting fraud requires a spine and immense moral courage on the part of the elected officials in the Republican counties, which is by no means guaranteed. These officials must remain steadfast and united because it currently seems that this is one of a very few techniques that can assure at least a modicum of fairness in an election where voter rolls are notoriously dirty, mail-in ballots are again sent out indiscriminately, harvesting and drop boxes are deployed, and the ‘Long Count’ is again employed. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

John Gault is a pseudonym.

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