Saturday, 15 March 2025

Environmental Marxism

In 2006 the State of California passed the Global Warming Solutions Act mandating an unattainable and massive reduction of greenhouse gasses within the state by 2020. This bill, and mindless near-religious allegiance to the “green” movement, set in motion the recent catastrophic events in Los Angeles and previously throughout much of California, a state that for the past twenty-five years has been increasingly controlled by a Marxist-inspired Democrat Party.

It is not a coincidence that the current environmental or “green” movement is the driving philosophical force animating the Democrat Party not only in California but on national basis as this movement has its roots in Marxism.

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels wrote The Communist Manifesto in 1848. The general consensus on the Left is that Marx and Engels were in fact very conscious of and promoted the concept of what is considered to be the modern environmental movement. The current “green” movement is in reality a major facet of Marxist philosophy.

Among those who champion Marx’s environmentalism is Professor John Bellamy Foster of the University of Oregon. In 1997 he published The Crisis of the Earth, Marx’s Theory of Ecological Sustainability as a Nature-Imposed Necessity for Human Production.

Foster wrote, “Marx’s analysis of the crisis of the earth in the mid-nineteenth century led him to a concept of sustainability that was central to his vision of a communist society. Because this concept of sustainability was rooted in both a critique of capitalism and a vision of a future society, it has a richness and complexity all its own. A close examination of Marx’s concept of sustainability therefore offers important insight into the possibilities for the creation of a more just and sustainable world order.”

Per Raju J. Das of York University, Toronto, “Sustainability (or a healthy environment)… has to be fought for as part of a larger fight against the logistics of capitalism, such as endless accumulation, and against the system as a whole. Therefore, ecological sustainability is fundamentally a class issue.”

During the 1980s the global Communist Movement, due to setbacks in Russia and elsewhere, began to exploit and take over the fledging Marxist environmental movements in Europe and the United States. They saw the potential of the movement as a weapon to foment “peaceful” revolutions in democratic western nations.

The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 was not the end of communism but a metamorphosis of the means of revolution as environmentalism became the socialists/communists’ primary weapon in undermining capitalism and Western societies.

This tactic was quickly recognized by those who had suffered under the oppression of communism for decades. In his book Blue Planet in Green Shackles, Vaclav Klaus, the first president of the Czech Republic after the end of nearly four decades of Soviet dictatorship, warned the nations of Europe and the United States, “As someone who lived under communism for most of my life, I feel obligated to say that the biggest threat to freedom, democracy, the market economy, and prosperity at the beginning of the 21st century, is not communism or its various softer versions. It was replaced by ambitious environmentalism.”

One of the great deceptions used by the Soviet Union was the incessant propagandizing of a fictitious hypothesis -- that humans are responsible for any change in the climate and the only means of saving the earth is by adopting Marxian socialism. A scientifically-proven false premise but a tactic fully embraced and exploited by the current environmentalist movement.

This propaganda campaign has successfully convinced over 54% of the American citizenry to believe in human-driven climate change and the unquestioned need for drastic action to combat the impact of human activity on the environment.

Among the hallmarks of Marxism/Communism is universal disregard for human life as mankind is viewed as a mere cog in a wheel and therefore whatever so-called rights he or she may be granted is solely at the whim of the state. An omnipotent entity that supposedly looks out for the best interest of the people. Yet, as history has amply chronicled, the advocates of communism have had no problem eliminating millions of lives in order to achieve a Marxist utopia.

Which neatly dovetails with the primary tenet of the green movement. Human activity causes climate change; therefore, human overpopulation is the cause of virtually all environmental and economic catastrophe. Consequently, any means of reducing the population is therefore acceptable, whether it is a negligently uncontrolled wildfire in Los Angeles, a green-agenda- induced drought or famine, an untested vaccine forcefully administered to untold millions around the globe, or the cataclysmic collapse of societies by accelerating the elimination of fossil fuels.

On December 12, 2015, 196 nations signed on to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (or Paris Agreement). This treaty established unworkable global warming goals as it required countries to make massive and profound changes to their economies; thus, potentially precipitating civil and societal strife and a move toward totalitarianism in these same nations.

One of the architects of the precursor to the Paris Accords, the Kyoto Protocols (2005), was quoted as saying, “Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our duty to bring that about?” The unspoken solution -- unabashed socialism, communism, or a new global world order.

Modern environmentalism also has roots in another of the branches of the Marxist tree, Nazism, as detailed by Rupert Darwall, a former United Kingdom government advisor, in his seminal work on the roots of modern environmentalism entitled Green Tyranny: Exposing the Totalitarian Roots of the Climate Industrial Complex.

Darwell was quoted as saying, “If you look at what the Nazis were doing in the 1930s, in their environmental policies, virtually every theme you see in the modern environmental movement, the Nazis were doing.” Darwell also referenced a quote from Hitler, “I’m not interested in politics, I’m interested in changing people’s lifestyles.” Darwell concluded, “That is what the modern environmental movement is all about, it’s about changing people’s lifestyles.” A tactic promoted by Hitler and the Nazis whose ultimate goal was to regiment societies into mindless drones to benefit a fascist state.

Whether it is Marxism, Communism, Nazism, or Fascism, all have eventuated in unfathomable death and destruction. As revealed in the two-decade mismanagement of California, the circumstances surrounding the deadly wildfires in Los Angeles, and the unquestioned allegiance to Marxist-inspired environmentalism the “green” movement is also eventuating in death and massive destruction.

The chaos in California is a wake-up call for the rest of America. The primary interest of the “green” movement is to abet the transformation of the United States into an impoverished one-party socialist oligarchy. It is not to save the planet for the benefit of mankind.

Image: AT via Magic Studio

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