Thursday, 24 October 2024

Has The Democrat Party Become A New ‘Church’?

According to a recent Rasmussen poll, after last month’s second assassination attempt on President Donald Trump’s life, one thousand registered voters were asked this simple but weighty question:

While it is always difficult to wish ill of another human being, would America be better off if Donald Trump had been killed last weekend?

The results should astound everyone.

Over one-fourth of Democrats—28%—responded to the survey with a “yes.” Not only that, the poll also revealed that 14% “were not sure.”

This revelation is unfathomable. Has the horrendous act of murdering a public figure become okay because their political views do not align with one’s own?


Image by AI.

After pondering these results, I could not help wondering how many people who responded were also Christian, and more specifically part of the group known as “Evangelicals for Harris”? In other words, are Christians on board with this deadly action?

Does party affiliation now supersede all other allegiances and belief systems? Have the Ten Commandments now been supplanted by what can only be seen as the farthest stretches of evil?

Has the biblical command, “You must not have any other gods before me,” been superseded by the newfound wisdom of modern-day tyrants?

What other decrees from the Democrat party are now considered acceptable by “Evangelicals for Harris” and myriad other Christians?

What about tromping on parental rights in favor of “Honor your mother and father”?

Are these Christians okay with the fact that teachers are no longer given permission to inform parents of what is being taught in school—for example, when children are being counseled to take sex-altering hormones or are scheduled for life-changing surgery? And if you are a parent attempting to learn what is being taught in your child’s classroom, have you discovered instead that school board meetings are off-limits to you?

When children are being mutilated—and not just physically, but with inappropriate sex books and instructions, as well as drag-queen story hours—do Christians give far-left Democrats a pass? Do we need to be reminded of the warning from Jesus:

[B]ut whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it is better for him that a heavy millstone be hung around his neck, and that he be drowned in the depths of the sea. (Matthew 18:6 NASB)

What about the Eighth Commandment’s mandate that “You must not steal”? Is it a stretch to say it also applies to elections?

And: “You must not bear false witness.” Does that still apply across the board, or are only those pronouncements that have been fact-checked by deep-state operatives permissible?

Has the Holy Trinity been replaced by the World Economic Forum as “God the Father”? And if that’s the case, is whoever the WEF installs as the American president, the supposed leader of the Free World, now “God the Son”? And, well, can we say that the all-seeing, all-surveilling FBI is the Holy Ghost? (And when they are too busy entrapping your pro-life grandma, does the CIA take over their Ghostly duties?)

With all that has transpired in the past 3-1/2 years, why are there still so many ordinary citizens and even Bible-believing Christians buffaloed into following all edicts from the Democrat party on high? Can they be that oblivious to the evil that is in plain sight? Or has the constant drumbeat lies being repeating ad nauseam through the Deep State mainstream media bullhorn addled the brains of so many previously wide-awake citizens?

It has been said that a lie travels halfway around the world before the Truth even gets its pants on. And we know that one of the tactics of tyrants is to spew a lie often enough so that it becomes the truth.

This brings us back to the beginning.

In Rasmussen’s “Trump assassination” survey, perhaps we should not be surprised that 28% of hard-core sycophant Democrats believe that America would be better off if Trump were eliminated permanently. They have swallowed hook, line, and sinker the often-told lie that the former president is indeed Hitler 2.0.

And if we have learned anything from history, isn’t it best to eliminate the Hitler threat before it takes over a country? Isn’t that not only a common-sense plan of action but also a Christian imperative? Assassinating an evil villain can certainly be viewed as God-ordained.

So, perhaps it’s not at all ironic that the fascist tyrants who control the Democrat party have labeled their number one rival Hitler. After all, they are seen by many as the overall authority on everything that exists, and when they speak, they speak “Truth” into existence.

But the Bible counters every single machination of the wicked:

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. (Isaiah 5:20 NIV)

What lies ahead?

There is always hope that the average American citizen and those Christians foolish enough to consider voting for a Harris/Walz administration will awaken in time.

Abraham Lincoln observed, “You can fool part of the people some of the time, you can fool some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all the people all of the time.”

Maybe in this election season, all those who know the “true Truth” found in the Bible will wake up, rise up out of their pews, and vote the current church of the Democrat Party out of their Washington Sanctuary.

Albin Sadar is the author of Obvious: Seeing the Evil That’s in Plain Sight and Doing Something About It, as well as the children’s book collection, Hamster Holmes: Box of Mysteries. Albin was formerly the producer of “The Eric Metaxas Show.”

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