Sunday, 27 October 2024

Heroes and Zeroes

The week began with what is absurdly called a “debate” and ended with a clear example of the grit, decency, and inventiveness of ordinary people and the sloth, idiocy, and incompetence of our government in the face of a devastating hurricane in Appalachia.

I didn’t watch the debate and like the great Iowahawk (David Burge) I consider this one of the worst lies told concerning them, “here is our panel of undecided voters.” If you are undecided at this stage, you are a moron and shouldn’t vote, or a liar. The second lie about them is that the moderators are informed and neutral and will keep their promise not to “fact check” the Republican or stack the questions to promote the Democrats’ agenda rather than exploring the issues voters in survey after survey indicate are their priorities. Paul Sperry, to take one example, reveals that CBS moderator Margaret Brennan, who was rude to J.D. Vance, had been a strategic advisor to the anti-Trump Lincoln Project. Her husband, Yado Yakub, donated to the project, and was a foreign policy adviser to Biden in 2000 and 2001. Moreover, Yakub, a Muslim, wrote a paper arguing that sharia law embodies “justice and tolerance.”

Really, should we expect more of the network that brought us the Mapes-Rather concoction about GW Bush’s military service or faked car mechanical failures on “60 Minutes”? Good for Trump in refusing to do a “60 Minutes” interview until Lesley Stahl apologizes for having made fun of his claim that the Hunter laptop was genuine and not Russian disinformation in an earlier interview of him.

Despite all this nonsense, the moderators could not make Tim Walz look good enough. Hence they fell back on demanding that Republican candidates denounce former president Trump for insisting that the 2020 election was rigged.

Unfortunately for that view, it is increasingly obvious that whether or not the election was rigged is impossible to prove, and that is by design. No one says it more clearly than Dilbert creator Scott Adams:

Hypnotist Opinion: Our national brainwashers are so talented they made most Democrats believe we can know who won a national election in America. Our election systems are designed to make it impossible to know who won. Our brainwashers tell us the opposite. Democrats have been brainwashed to believe the court system can resolve claims of cheating that can't be detected by anyone, including election observers. You wouldn't know if a postal worker discarded mail-in ballots from a Red zip code. You wouldn't know if the millions of overseas ballots that require no identification are even cast by Americans. You wouldn't know if a state actor and an insider accomplice hacked voting systems. You wouldn't know if someone printed fake ballots and inserted them into the process. You wouldn't know the extent of ballot harvesting in states where it is illegal. You wouldn't know how many migrants voted illegally. It's easy for the brainwashers to sell the Jan6th "insurrection" narrative to Democrats who think they can KNOW who won the 2020 election, which is totally unknowable. Bonus: Democrats are also brainwashed into thinking scientists can accurately measure the temperature of the planet over decades. (They don't even use the same measuring equipment over that time.)

And they’re working as hard as they can to repeat the fraud and avoid detection of it. Among the rig fixes is the misuse of the UOCAVA program, which was designed to allow military stationed overseas to vote in federal elections.

Through the UOCAVA/overseas program, you can register to vote online without providing ID, SSN, or proof of citizenship/address.

-You can register in any state, at any address, and no one verifies whether you have ever actually lived there.

-Many states allow you to send your ballot via email.

-A recent Democrat memo announced their plan to collect 9 million overseas Democrat votes. According to a federal government report, there are only 2.8 million eligible voters overseas.

-In 2020, the number of civilian UOCAVA votes inexplicably doubled from their normal average.

-The Democrats have spent 6 figures on the "vote from abroad" program the rake in more unverified civilian overseas ballots this year.

-In 2020, just 44,000 votes across Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin votes won Joe Biden the presidency. Democrats only need a handful of fraudulent overseas votes to steal this election.

This loophole has grown worse over the last few years. 

The use of the UOCAVA voting loophole exploded between 2016 and 2020. Iowa saw a 2,244% increase in overseas ballots. Other significant increases in non-military overseas ballots include: - Hawaii 358% increase - Virginia 235% increase - Texas 100% increase Suspiciously, 2020 was the first year that more people voted from overseas than filed overseas tax returns. Even more suspiciously, in 2020 (in jurisdictions that conducted hand counts of UOCAVA ballots) more than 74% of votes were for President Biden. In Fulton County, GA, remarkably, 100% of UOCAVA ballots were for Joe Biden. The UOCAVA voting loophole allows anyone to make up a fake name, pretend they are living overseas, and vote as many times as they like. Federal law prohibits states from verifying identity and citizenship. These are untraceable ballots. If you thought 2020 was bad 2024 is going to be a bloodbath. 

In the meantime, the horrific government response to the tragedy caused by Hurricane Helene, a traditional stronghold of Republicans, is so bad that absent some effort I’ve not yet seen, thousands of people in Georgia and North Carolina will be unable to cast their ballots.

Under this Administration, FEMA, designed to aid citizens in emergency situations like hurricanes, has as its priority aiding millions of illegal immigrants. Three months ago, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas assured us that FEMA was well-funded to see us through the hurricane season. This week he said they were broke. Broke because over the last two years they stripped out of their funds almost $2 billion for illegal immigrant aid and left Florida, the Carolinas, and Georgia without the disaster relief taxpayers funded for it. Reports from the field are shocking -- not only is the government not making relief crews and funds available, but they have been blocking relief by individuals and religious groups, confiscating private donations, blocking private helicopters (including Operation Airdrop with volunteers from Texas to Maine) from rescuing stranded citizens and dropping relief supplies including foods and medicine. They’ve interfered with the distribution of Skylinks donated by Elon Musk and other private donors to communities stranded by flood waters and washed-out roads. (Interesting, isn’t it, that because Musk opposed Biden-Harris the feds are engaged in extensive lawfare against him, this after they had to rely on Musk’s Space X to bring home the astronauts stuck in space because of Boeing’s failures, and denied him a Skylink contract on which he was the winning bidder to hook up rural communities to the internet, a contract still unfilled, but he donated them to the hurricane victims anyway.) One rescuer came upon a church where 200 people who had not eaten in six days were being sheltered. (You won’t get the full story in the legacy media. You have to go to X where people on the ground are reporting in, often with on-site videos.)

Individuals brought in supplies by foot, mule train, and helicopter. Samaritans Purse has been managing to get in supplies. (Do not contribute to the Red Cross. That’s like throwing your money into the floodwaters.) Ranchers offered feed and pastures and stable space. Dolly Parton immediately contributed one million dollars and Dollywood another one million. In a pinch you know who can, who can’t, and who never would. Florida’s governor Ron DeSantis sent relief crews to Appalachia who worked efficiently and quickly to restore roads and services.

Electricity will be hard to provide in the area for months. Among other reasons. there are insufficient supplies of needed replacement transformers, which the Administration shipped to Ukraine.

So bad was the arrogance and interference of FEMA, that reportedly one director in North Carolina who was denying aid was beaten by locals frustrated by his conduct. In some other communities, local sheriffs threatened to arrest FEMA workers if they hindered rescue and aid work. Harris magnanimously offered victims who have lost so much $750 per household. At almost the very time the Administration announced awarding $157 million to displaced Lebanese. (Remember the people displaced there are Hezb'allah who started the war, not the Christians, Druze, and Sunni Moslems whose communities Israel did not target and who remain safely in place.)

Agency whistleblowers are beginning to come forward: “alleging that the agency misappropriated funds in the wake of Helene, withheld pre-disaster aid, and that first responders and service members have been waiting in hotels without deployment orders.”

Bill Shipley explains the difference in this disaster relief and other relief programs for illegal immigrants:

Corrections invited: FEMA disaster relief funding -- initial "cash" assistance -- is $750 per household, no per person. M[ust] apply online and be approved. Further cash assistance for food and necessities only goes to families receiving similar SNAP benefits prior to the disaster. Must provide ID to verify who you are and that you were receiving benefits from other programs before you are approved for FEMA money. OR ... Apply thru CPB One App. Make undocumented claim of asylum, and set up an appointment at a port of entry -- that includes airports. The illegal is directed to use certain flights from certain foreign airports, and that brings them to the port of entry where the appointment is. The illegal goes thru a brief asylum application process and is then released into the country with a hearing date years away. The illegal is then directed to any one of numerous NGOs run by left-wing organizations funded with taxpayer dollars -- now we know FEMA funds were used to "Migration Assistance" programs. Free rent, cash assistance on debit cards, etc., no ID required other than CPB asylum claim paperwork. Do I have that right? We are going to find massive amounts of fraud and graft -- kickbacks to state and local politicians like the NY Mayor -- from the hundreds of millions of dollars sent by the federal gov't to these NGOs. And 99% of it is going to Democrats -- that is the ONLY explanation for why elected officials in big cities like Chicago would be fooking over their constituents to spend tens of millions of dollars for migrants while cutting city services.

In the Middle East, we continue to allow the Houthis to attack ships and impede passage. Iran’s Khamenei came out of hiding to rattle spears and then went deep underground again, and the mighty wing of the “resistance” is on its last legs, with its allies in Syria, Iraq, and Iran largely no shows. Hezb’allah’s leadership has now lost the replacements for the replacements for the replacements and its deputy secretary general Naim Qassem has spared Israel a missile by simply resigning the position. Reuters reports that if Donald Trump wins the election the Saudis will enter into a pact with Israel.

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