Sunday, 22 September 2024

Joe Rogan Almost Tricked Into Thinking That a Kamala Harris Victory Is Inevitable

Recently, podcaster Joe Rogan attempted to predict the results of the 2024 elections. “She’s [Kamala Harris] gonna win,” Rogan told guest Michael Malice on his podcast.

He continued,

I feel like we are in this very bizarre time where people are giving into the bullshit in a way that I never suspected people would before…
They just want no Trump, no matter what, and they’re willing to gaslight themselves—and by the way, I think Hillary could win.
Everybody forever was like, Kamala Harris is the worst vice president…

She’s the least popular vice president of all time, and then in a moment, a moment in time, all of a sudden she’s our solution. She’s our hero. Everybody’s with her. All these social media posts about her. Try Googling a negative story on her, you won’t find one.

Rogan and Malice thought that the July 13 assassination attempt on Trump would have changed the race dynamics permanently. However, Rogan thought the drama surrounding Biden being replaced by Harris erased it from the public memory.

Rogan then seemed to walk back his initial assertion:

I’m saying it because she could. I’m not saying it because I think she’s going to and I’m not saying it because I want her to. I’m just being honest. I could see her winning.

But it is clear how Rogan is thinking.

The mainstream media carried news of Rogan’s speculations with unrestrained glee. The gist of the claim is that even “far-right” podcaster Rogan, realizes that Trump cannot win.

So what's going on here?

We know that the mainstream media is the PR wing of the Democrats. The function of PR is to make their clients look good and to diminish their rivals.

Their Democrat bosses commanded the media to lead the operation to dethrone Joe Biden, despite him securing 15 million votes from regular Democrat primary voters.

Then, factual poll numbers revealed where Biden was lagging. Next, Biden was forced into debating Trump and the usually Democrat-leaning moderators appeared fair. Biden looked how he has always looked — cognitively and mentally impaired.

Then Democrat outlets (like NYT) published op-eds from high-profile mouthpieces (like George Clooney) demanding that Biden drop out.

This made Trump appear like the surefire winner.

Following the assassination attempt, the media couldn’t continue their hateful and dehumanizing anti-Trump broadcasts.

Trump’s response of defiance, seconds after he was almost killed, revealed he is a true braveheart, and the media couldn’t spin that either.

Despite the life-threatening attempt, Trump fearlessly delivered a strong message at the Republican convention.

The media was still focused on dethroning Biden, so the response to Trump’s convention speech wasn’t as venomous as usual.

This made it appear like even the mainstream media had resigned to the fact that a Trump victory was inevitable.

Now that Biden has been replaced by Kamala Harris though, they’re back to their standard propaganda, claiming that following Biden’s departure there is new enthusiasm among Democrats and that Harris is certain to win.

In the coming days, they will probably have polls that Harris leads by double digits in swing states.

Big tech is doing its bit by suppressing all news about Trump; they must be suppressing any news that makes Harris look bad.

Their attacks on Trump continue.

They are trying to diminish the seriousness of the assassination attempt.

They are calling Trump and his running mate “weird.”

They are trying to suggest that Trump regrets picking J.D. Vance.

In days you will find news of “chaos within the Trump campaign after poor polling numbers” and of Trump supporters conceding to the “popular” will.

As expected the media will ignore Trump’s sterling record as president.

What is the goal of this?

The primary goal is to push the claim that Harris’s victory is inevitable.

The secondary goal is to dispirit Trump supporters into utter despondence.

The result of this relentless psy-op is that supporters, and perhaps even his team, begin to look at every action with a pessimistic lens.

The ultimate victory for this nefarious operation is the supporter begins to think “voting is pointless, Harris is going to win anyway.”

This has apparently worked since they managed to convince someone as rational and thinking as Joe Rogan that the race is over.

So let’s look at the facts.

Kamala’srecord as the vice president has been abominable.

She failed as the border czar.

She failed to be an ambassador for the administration.

She made America look uncaring, incompetent, and unreliable on a global stage.

She even failed on myriad occasions to construct coherent sentences.

Before she became the nominee, her approval numbers were as low as 28 percent. This made her the least popular vice-presidents in modern history — lower than Iraq War architect Dick Cheney. This should be no surprise — during the 2020 primaries, Harris was so unpopular that couldn’t even win a single state, including her home state, so she was compelled to drop out.

Kamala Harris was selected as Biden’s running mate not only because she is untalented but also because she is unwilling to apply herself. Her struggle to speak elementary English demonstrated her apathy towards her role. Biden’s handlers wanted someone who made cognitively impaired Joe Biden look like the better choice, and the talentless Harris was the perfect fit. The fact that she is a woman and has pigment makes her an even better fit.

If someone such as Stacy Abrams or Pete Buttigieg had been in Harris’s place, Biden would’ve been dethroned months after being inaugurated. Harris struggled so badly in her role, that a coup was unthinkable.

Even liberals such as Bill Maher admitted that Harris has been an unmitigated catastrophe.

Regarding Harris’s poll numbers, she has done nothing new to cause any surge in popularity.

Yes, Harris will have the vote of hardcore Democrat supporters, but they would vote for a potted plant that the Democrat leadership nominates; this approval is no guarantee of her victory.

There is nothing that Trump has done to earn him disapproval. He and his life are an open book. His courage following the assassination attempt has only made him more popular.

Trump and his team must continue to focus on their vision for the nation, retain the focus on Trump's strong record as a president of peace around the world, and along with security and prosperity at home. This must be done especially when Harris’s team engages in personal attacks.

Harris can’t run by shirking off Biden’s record, hence all the chaos in the U.S. and globally is her responsibility as much as it is Biden’s.

The late, great Rush Limbaugh often reminded his listeners during such phases of the elections.

He rightly said that the job of the media, and even polling agencies, is not to reflect public opinion but to shape public opinion.

This is exactly what they are doing now.

As consumers, it may make sense to abandon the mainstream media completely. You don’t surround yourself with friends who propagate negativity and lies and despise you; the same attitude should be towards the news media.

Being uninformed is better than being misinformed.

Back to the elections — President Trump seems as enthusiastic and determined as ever, there is no reason for his supporters to feel dejected:

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Image: Free image, Pixabay license.

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