Tuesday, 18 March 2025

Renaming the GOP, Too

President-Elect Trump recently announced his intention to rename the Gulf of Mexico to the “Gulf of America.”  Why not consider another name change? 

The Republican Party was founded in 1854 and derived its name from the political ideology of “republicanism,” which emphasizes liberty, individual rights, and a government that is accountable to the people.

The party has shifted significantly since its founding.  Initially, it was formed in opposition to the expansion of slavery and was characterized by its commitment to preserving the Union and promoting civil rights during the Reconstruction era.  In the early 20th century, the party often supported progressive reforms, including antitrust regulations and women’s suffrage.  However, by the mid-20th century, the Republican Party began to emphasize conservatism, focusing on limited government, free-market economics, and a strong national defense. 

From the 1980s onward, the party increasingly aligned with social conservative values, advocating for traditional family structures, religious influences in public life, and opposition to abortion.

As government grew in scope of responsibility and dollars spent, the political class has grown to take advantage for self-gain.  In 1854, the federal budget of the United States was roughly equivalent to $700–800 million in today’s dollars.  For 2023, the federal budget was around $6 trillion.

Instead of focusing on liberty, individual rights, and an accountable government, our elected leaders became more interested in their rights to ever expand the government with little regard for the people.

This has led to wasteful spending, massive corruption, and political contributions collected in exchange for valuable “favors” from our elected leaders. 

According to data from the U.S. Treasury, over the last ten years, the federal budget deficit has steadily increased, with a significant spike during the COVID-19 pandemic, showing a continuous upward trend, primarily driven by health care, social security, and interest on the national debt.  It’s projected to continue.

Over the past five years, inflation caused by the growing federal debt has significantly hurt average Americans, with a substantial increase in the cost of everyday goods and services, leading to a reduced purchasing power, making it harder to afford necessities like food, gas, and housing, particularly impacting lower-income individuals who are more vulnerable to price fluctuations.  This has resulted in many Americans having to cut back on discretionary spending, take on new jobs, delay major purchases, and struggle to maintain their standard of living.

The Democrat party has historically been associated with representing the interests of the working class.  This reputation was solidified during the New Deal era under President Roosevelt in the 1930s, when the party implemented a series of economic reforms and social welfare programs ostensibly aimed at alleviating the hardships of the Great Depression.  These policies, which included Social Security, labor rights protections, and public works programs, helped to position the Democrats as the party of the working man. 

But as “working folks” experienced the good economic times under Donald Trump’s first term, and the massive inflation and incompetent leadership of the Democrats under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, they began to realize that the Democrats no longer represented their interests.  Woke policies made no sense as good people lost their jobs to less qualified candidates, schools and colleges turned out graduates with few useful skills, and insane ideas like transgender surgeries for children without parental knowledge became law in many states. 

They realized that the Democrat party had taken their votes for granted and left them behind.  They began to look at Donald Trump as an alternative.  Instead of believing the media hype about Republicans being racist, sexist homophobes, many former Democrats found fellow Americans happy to invite them into the GOP.  Many have been surprised by their warm reception and the harsh reactions from their former fellow Democrats.

But Donald Trump was not and is not a Republican.

When Trump began to look like a possible nominee for the 2016 election, there was strong opposition from within the GOP.  After his surprise victory over Hillary Clinton, many from his own party didn’t defend him from impeachments and lawfare.  They even tried to block true conservative candidates in the 2022 and 2024 elections. 

Trump formed the most powerful coalition in U.S. political history to win the 2024 election in an electoral and national vote landslide, winning all six swing states.  He greatly expanded support from young voters, rural voters, blacks, Hispanics, and even women.  This new coalition now makes up the bulk of the Republican Party. 

RINO stands for “Republican in Name Only.”  These are elected officials or candidates who are not genuinely committed to the core values of the Republican Party and often side with Democrats.  Some openly even supported Biden and Harris in 2024.  Republican Liz Cheney actually co-chaired the House kangaroo court that railroaded thousands of innocent January Sixers into federal prison. 

RINOs now openly identify with “New Democrats” who favor the military-industrial complex, big corporations, and Big Pharma.  Many in the House and Senate are opposing Trump’s efforts to remove illegal aliens, end government waste and corruption, and serve the needs of all the people in the United States. 

We need to drum RINOs out of the Republican Party if they don’t listen to the American people and support our new president.  Tell your representatives “support our new president, or we’ll primary you in November.”  Tell them you’ll run as a candidate to oppose them, work on an opponent’s campaign, or make a donation. 

Let’s consider a new name for the Republican party — not one that glorifies Donald Trump, who is an American hero but not a political party.  We need to cement the party’s focus on common sense and real Americans first. 

Here are some ideas for a new name.  You can pick one at my poll.

  • Accountable Government Party 
  • America First Party 
  • American Common Sense Party 
  • American Values Coalition 
  • American Values Party 
  • America’s Coalition 
  • Common Sense Coalition 
  • Constitution Party 
  • Freedom and Prosperity Alliance 
  • Freedom Coalition 
  • Individual Rights Party 
  • Liberty Alliance Party 
  • Liberty and Freedom Party 
  • Liberty and Justice Party 
  • Liberty First Party 
  • Liberty Party 
  • National Unity Party 
  • Patriot Party 
  • Pro-America Party 
  • Traditional Values Coalition 
  • Other (Suggest Another Name) 
  • What animal would be the mascot?  I’d suggest a badger! 

    Should we rename the Democrats?  And their mascot?  How about a weasel?

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    Image via Pixabay.

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