Friday, 18 October 2024

The Fate of Kamala Harris

The current presidency is by all accounts in its final days, a lurching leviathan sinking into the great abyss, a footnote for the history books.

Over the weekend, Joe Biden found himself stranded in the political wilderness, long on detractors but short on friends.  Facing insurmountable odds, Biden folded his hand and, giving only one minute’s heads-up to his staff, notified the world that his campaign for a second term was over.  He intends to remain in office for the final few months but the House speaker, The National Review, and others are calling for him to skip the curtain call, exit stage left, and retreat to the beaches of Delaware.  At this point, could someone please help this man receive the elder care that he so desperately needs?

Quick to step into the spotlight and take center stage, with Biden’s endorsement in hand, is none other than Kamala Harris, smiling and cackling as if she’s the heir apparent to the big chair.  Is she truly the only hope for Democrats?  Keep in mind this is the same candidate from 2020 who failed in her bid to garner even one delegate.  Are we to think for one second that the cabal of the Obamas, Clintons, Soros, et al. have played their hand so poorly that they now find themselves with only Kamala Harris?  Ponder that scenario for a moment.

Certainly it’s plausible to believe that the plans for a second Biden/Harris term were suddenly derailed by the dismal performance on display in the recent debate, but to believe that requires one to assume that the left believed its own lies that Biden was still competent to serve.

All the stars aligned against a Biden/Harris re-election bid.  The obvious next steps involve not just finding a successor ticket before the clock strikes midnight, but figuring out the process by which this would be accomplished.  This coterie of “build back better,” deeply entrenched with the globalist elites from the World Economic Forum, would never find themselves caught short in a Keystone Cops routine of bait and switch, with only one option available.

Rather, this bureaucratic long game is being masterfully unveiled in right-sized portions that are more easily accepted by the masses.  This plan has  most likely been in development for several years while Biden managed such feats as to fall up the stairs of Air Force One and sharing his discussions with French president Mitterrand during the G7 summit of 2021 — except that the latter had died in 1996 — and so on and so forth.   

Picture a gathering of power brokers seated around a long table, listening as various scenarios are tossed out for consideration.  Biden is the easy player to remove from the scenario for many obvious reasons, but Kamala is another situation that requires delicate handling.  After all, she checks most of the left’s important boxes.  The thought of buying her out with an offer to replace Biden and fill the remaining term would be intriguing, but Hillary Clinton would never let that happen.  The title of “first female president” is owed to her, and she won’t let that simply fall to some hack.

The endgame is to keep the levers of power firmly in the hands of those who have run this government for the last four years.  That is why they let Biden launch his re-election bid in the first place — not that he would win, but that he would remain largely unchallenged.  Having accomplished the first step, the next phase was to remove the man who now holds all the delegates.  That was easy enough: they simply exposed him to the world, unprotected by his handlers, to fend for himself against one of the strongest debaters in politics.

Now comes the most detailed and delicate part of the mission: elevating their chosen successor while keeping intact this charade of election integrity.  The millions of Democrats who cast their votes during the primaries have to believe that their input matters, that this massive bait and switch is not election interference on steroids — which is most certainly is by any lucid examination of events.    

While the propaganda media await their marching orders, some are floating the possible list of replacement candidates, most of which invoke a yawn.  Gretchen Whitmer and Gavin Newsom have already bowed out — so who’s left other than Kamala, the one who failed to garner even one delegate in her previous run?  That’s the dilemma: how do you replace the ticket at this late date and keep the voters engaged?  Fatigue be damned — if this switcheroo has any chance at all, it will require a pair of candidates who will immediately bring people to their feet.  With all due respect to the pundits and pollsters, Gretchen Whitmer, Mark Kelly, Wes Moore, and Josh Shapiro don’t exactly bring that wow factor the left is seeking.

All this talk of which person would be the best fit as Kamala’s running mate is either complete ignorance or purposeful subterfuge.  Gretchen Whitmer would never consider playing second fiddle to Kamala Harris.  Kamala will be allowed to think she’s in the running, to participate in whatever process they reveal, which avoids the nasty details of federal election rules that would require the return of donations if she were to step aside.

The preferred narrative that the true power brokers will serve up to the ever dutiful mainstream media will come in the form of “internal polling numbers” that will show the bloodbath the Democrats face if Kamala is the only choice.  They will turn up the heat on Kamala’s feeble candidacy through media while they float another name, someone being recruited by the likes of Pelosi and Shumer, and this pre-determined outcome will finally be revealed.  The process will play out as designed, and the country will be stunned by the outcome.

The winning ticket that will rise up through the nomination process will be Obama/Whitmer — yes, the other Obama.  Representing the reluctant politician, Michelle Obama will step up for her country and will generate a seismic reaction that will prove to be a formidable contender possibly capable of fending off the solid Trump/Vance candidacy.  As far-fetched as this might seem, don’t lose sight of what is at stake: not just the White House, but control of Congress.  Winning at all costs is the only option remaining.

Hold on tight, everyone — just when it seemed a Trump second term was all but secure, think again.  We haven’t seen anything yet.

<p><em>Image: Mobilus In Mobili via <a href=

Image: Mobilus In Mobili via Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0 (cropped).

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