Friday, 18 October 2024

Trump and the Economics of Freedom

As we approach the pivotal election of November, it is essential to reflect on the direction our country has taken over the last few years.
With a stark contrast between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, the choice is clear. Trump represents a formidable vision that resonates with both working-class Americans and entrepreneurs, making him the ideal candidate to restore American leadership and stand against the rising tides of communism and socialism in the Western Hemisphere.

One of Trump’s most significant accomplishments during his presidency was his unwavering commitment to challenging oppressive regimes in our hemisphere.

Unlike Biden, who has often taken a more lenient approach, Trump decisively reversed the previous administration's misguided Cuba policy, effectively canceling the detrimental agreement with the communist Castro-oligarch dictatorship. This was not just a political maneuver; it was a principled stand that reasserted America's dedication to freedom.

Trump's administration pledged not to lift sanctions on Cuba until critical conditions were met: the release of political prisoners, respect for freedoms of assembly and expression, legalization of political parties, and the scheduling of free elections. This approach is vital, not only to support the Cuban people but also to ensure that American taxpayer dollars do not inadvertently prop up an oppressive regime.

By implementing stricter travel restrictions and limiting the importation of Cuban products, Trump showcased his commitment to holding dictators accountable while protecting the interests of everyday Americans.

The economic implications of Trump's Cuba policy are profound. By capping remittances and enabling American citizens to file lawsuits against those trafficking in confiscated properties, the Trump administration sent a clear message: America stands for justice and freedom, both domestically and abroad. This stance aligns with the interests of working-class Americans who deserve a government that prioritizes their well-being over that of foreign dictators.

This commitment to economic independence resonates deeply in the heart of America. By supporting policies that disrupt the flow of funds to hostile regimes, Trump strengthens our national security and promotes a more stable economic environment for all citizens. The contrast with Biden's approach, which often appears to overlook these critical economic ties, could not be more pronounced.

Trump's robust foreign policy also extended to Venezuela, where he became the first world leader to recognize Juan Guaidó as the Interim President. This bold move was not just symbolic; it was a strategic initiative that rallied a diplomatic coalition against Nicolás Maduro’s socialist dictatorship. By blocking the Venezuelan government’s property in the United States and cutting off its financial resources, Trump demonstrated a commitment to restoring democracy and human rights in a nation suffering under tyranny.

The economic consequences of supporting democracy in Venezuela extend beyond moral imperatives. A stable Venezuela could lead to a more prosperous Latin America, benefiting American businesses and creating new economic opportunities. By standing firm against socialism, Trump fosters an environment where entrepreneurial spirit can thrive, ultimately benefiting working-class Americans and business owners alike.

Trump's administration also took decisive action against the Ortega regime in Nicaragua by imposing stiff sanctions. This policy not only condemned authoritarianism but also reflected a broader strategy to prevent the spread of socialism in the region. Such actions are critical for ensuring that American values—liberty, democracy, and economic freedom—are upheld in our own backyard.

By demonstrating unwavering support for freedom in Central America, Trump is not just protecting American interests; he is laying the groundwork for a future where business can flourish without the shadow of socialist regimes. The economic benefits of a stable and free Nicaragua can significantly impact American businesses looking to expand their reach into Central America.

Trump's leadership is about more than just resisting tyranny; it’s about crafting a future where America can reclaim its role as a leader on the global stage. His administration's achievements, such as winning the bid to host the 2026 FIFA World Cup alongside Mexico and Canada and securing the 2028 Summer Olympics for Los Angeles, underscore his commitment to revitalizing American pride and international standing.

Hosting these major events not only showcases American exceptionalism but also brings significant economic opportunities. Such undertakings create jobs, stimulate local economies, and foster a sense of unity among Americans. By promoting a vision of global competitiveness, Trump aligns the interests of the American working man and the businessman, ensuring that the prosperity of one supports the prosperity of the other.

Under Trump’s administration, the focus was clear: restore American leadership abroad while ensuring that domestic economic policies reflect the needs of everyday Americans. The contrast with Biden is stark; while Trump actively sought to uplift American workers and businesses, Biden's policies often prioritize political correctness over sound economic strategy. This difference is critical as we consider who deserves our support this November.

Trump's administration witnessed substantial economic growth, lower unemployment rates, and rising wages. These achievements did not happen by chance; they were the result of strong leadership and a firm commitment to American principles. By standing against socialism and promoting free enterprise policies, Trump created an environment where businesses could thrive, thus empowering the working class.

As we reflect on the past four years under Biden, it becomes evident that the country has faced numerous challenges. From rising inflation to a more divided populace, the need for strong leadership has never been more urgent. America needs a leader who not only understands the intricacies of foreign policy but also recognizes the importance of fostering a robust economy at home.

Trump’s vision for America is one of strength and resilience. He has consistently demonstrated his commitment to restoring American leadership, advocating for freedom, and promoting economic prosperity. This election, it is time for the working man and the businessman alike to unite behind a leader who embodies these values and understands the stakes involved.

In November 2024, the choice is clear. Supporting Donald Trump is not just about backing a candidate; it is about endorsing a vision for a stronger America—an America that stands firmly against the encroachments of communism and socialism. It is about reaffirming our commitment to freedom and democracy, both at home and abroad.

As we head to the polls, let us remember that our votes are not just a reflection of our beliefs; they are a powerful tool to shape the future of our nation. By voting for Trump, we are choosing a leader who has proven time and again his dedication to restoring American leadership and fostering economic growth. The stakes have never been higher, and our choice has never been clearer.

In conclusion, as the election approaches, it is vital to consider not only the policies and promises of the candidates but also their character and commitment to the American people. Donald Trump stands out as a leader who has consistently shown his support for freedom, democracy, and economic independence. Unlike Joe Biden, who has often leaned toward accommodating socialist agendas, Trump is committed to standing strong against tyranny.

This November, let us come together to support a leader who has demonstrated the resolve to restore American greatness. Let us vote for a future where the working man and the businessman alike can thrive under a government that truly represents their interests and values. The path to restoring American leadership begins with our choice at the ballot box, and that choice is Donald Trump.

Joseph Ford Cotto, 1st Baron Cotto, GCCCR (DBA) is the author of What Happened to America?: How—and Why—the American Dream Became a Nightmare. He hosts News Sight, an online program with a sharp focus on the current events that impact your life. During 2014, HLM King Kigeli V of Rwanda bestowed a hereditary knighthood upon him. It was followed by a barony the next year. Cotto holds a doctorate in business administration.


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