Friday, 25 October 2024

Why Democrat Leaders Corrupt Their Own Youth In The Name Of Liberty

Modern Democrats deliberately corrupt young people.

The very idea of this probably seems absurd and bewildering to many of us. The idea that this is part of a conscious and organized political effort seems almost unbelievable. And obviously, average Democrats don’t see themselves as “corrupting” their own children.

But as anyone who has studied history has witnessed, human beings are capable of all kinds of absurdities. It isn’t even difficult to convince certain individuals that corrupting youth isn’t “corruption” but evolution. Denial and a lack of self-awareness can take it from there.

To understand this more deeply, we can look at two groups: first, average Democrats and, second, their thought leaders.

To understand today’s average Democrats requires three key points.

First, they’re gullible.

They simply believe what they’re told. They believe the wolf in sheep’s clothing is a sheep, and they see the Trojan horse they’re pulling inside the city gates as a wonderful gift. They’ve drunk Kool-Aid.

But who tells them what to think? It’s the media operatives whom they trust and obey, the ones informing them that they’re on the right side of good causes—and therefore, anyone who opposes them is evil, ignorant, or crazy. This messaging plays on ego and vanity, leading average Democrats to think that they’re geniuses and saints—that they’re smarter, better, and more evolved than everyone else—when really, they’re just Sheeple.

Second, they’ve abandoned the Judeo-Christianity worldview.

There are two radically different views of the universe at play here. One is that of classical Judeo-Christianity; the other is that of highly-adorned atheistic neo-Marxism (which can sometimes disguise itself by wearing a skinsuit of pseudo-Christianity). The latter view sees classical Judeo-Christianity as a premodern superstition. This sets the stage for the conflict: what one side calls “corruption,” the other calls “progress.”

Finally, their governing ethic is “Don’t judge.”

According to this ethic, nothing is right or wrong aside except “judging” itself. It abolishes all laws and then declares that there are no more criminals. It’s an ethic composed of a disdain for ethics. It removes all principles and guidelines for human behavior aside from the sole virtue of “tolerance.”

The guiding ethos then becomes “don’t judge me, and I won’t judge you”—which is a mutual contract to “do what you want, and I’ll look the other way.” The only wrath (and judgment) is reserved for those who break this contract—that is, those who believe in and live by principles. Its logical conclusion leads to nihilism.

When average Democrats are gullible, lacking a Judeo-Christian worldview, and governed by an ethic of “Don’t judge,” they can be steered in any direction their leaders choose (see Russia, Covid, January 6th, Ukraine, etc.).

And what do their leaders want?

The two trustworthy guides to illuminate this are Tomas Schuman (pen name of a former KGB agent better known as Yuri Bezmenov) in his Love Letter to America and author James Simpson in his recent book Manufactured Crisis: The War to End America.

On Jan. 10, 1963, Congressman Albert S. Herlong Jr. read a list of 45 communist goals into the Congressional Record. To name a few:

25. Break down cultural standard of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity...

26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as ‘normal, natural and healthy.


40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.

German communist Willi Munzenberg said, “We will make the West so corrupt that it stinks.”

Hungarian communist Georg Lukacs advocated using sex to corrupt culture. He called his program “cultural terrorism.” (Simpson, p. 9)

Here, the communists demonstrate surprisingly more moral clarity than the “useful idiots” they indoctrinate. No Democrat today would even use the word “degeneracy.”

But why do they do this?

Why is moral corruption important to the Communists? It is because a morally corrupt society becomes so preoccupied with its debauchery, it becomes weak, cowardly, and blind to dangers at its doorstep. (Simpson, p. 12)

It’s the flipside of a parallel insight from Benjamin Franklin:

Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become more corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.

Or, as Simpson wrote:

Communists study history. They know that Rome fell as its citizens were given over to debauchery. They saw firsthand how the pre-war German Weimar Republic had become the most depraved society in the West. (Simpson, p. 12)

And how would this work, exactly?

To achieve the desired effect, the subverter must first make idiots out of normal people, and DIVIDE them, before turning the people into a homogenized mass of useful and united idiots. (Schuman, p. 28)


Chronic instability breeds radicalism as a means of solving problems. Radicalism is the precondition of a power struggle which may (and has often) resulted in violent and forceful replacements of power structures. (Schuman. p. 33)


1. Corrupt the young, get them interested in sex, take them away from religion. Make them superficial and enfeebled.

2. Divide the people into hostile groups by constantly harping on controversial issues of no importance. (Schuman, p. 29)

Or as Simpson writes in more modern terms:

Cloward and Piven deliberately sought to orchestrate a crisis that would intensify ‘the evils and miseries of the people’ until they were provoked to violent rebellion.” (Simpson, p. 22)

Schuman quoted journalist Gregory Clark:

If I were a Communist agent in America with millions of dollars to spend annually, I would not waste it in bribing public servants to give away state secrets. But I would lavish and encourage the sleazy tunesmiths of that region to turn out more and more garbage ‘culture’…Gaggled-headed and obscure musicians would be helped to prominence… Anything that prompted the insubordination of teenagers, anything that contributes to the confusion and exasperation of parents would be most liberally endowed. The basic intention of my spending would be to break down the discipline, encourage relaxation of authority of every kind to build up, in as short time as possible, an adult generation that could easily go out of control. (Schuman, pp. 58-59)

And then what happens? Lenin knew:

…in the resulting chaos, blame our enemies for the whole mayhem, and finally, come up with ‘solutions’ that will favor us, and that will be the root of new future crises to be exploited in the future, and so on…

Schuman/Bezmenov explained that the process is relatively swift in the grand scheme of things:

It takes about 15 to 20 years to demoralize a nation. Why that many (or few)? Simple: this is the minimum number of years needed to ‘educate’ ONE GENERATION of students in a target country (America, for example) and expose them to the ideology of the subverter. (Schuman, p. 41)

Or as Lenin said more pithily, “Give me just one generation of youth, and I’ll transform the whole world.”

American Democrats have become communists. Communists deliberately corrupt young people in order to seize power.

They’ve been doing this for decades, they’re doing it now, and they’ll continue doing it until we stop them.

The above is a brief sketch of “the greater plan.” Too many on our side are carrying on as if everything is normal, or hopefully soon will be normal again. Denial is strong, and waking up to an unpleasant reality isn’t easy.

But they have a critical weakness. They must operate in secrecy. The more their plans and methods are exposed, the weaker they become.

Let’s expose them, for our children’s sake.

Image by AI.

Steve Rose is a pseudonym.

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