Saturday, 26 October 2024

Zuckerbucks a Grave Peril for 2024

Back in 2021, a study by Dr. William Doyle, from the Caesar Rodney Election Research Institute, revealed that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan donated nearly $419 million to pro-Democrat organizations such as The Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL) and The Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR) during the 2020 presidential election.

These organizations operated from within the shadows. 

CTCL conducted voter registration drives and get-out-the-vote efforts.

CTCL lobbied in favor of universal mail-in voting, citing COVID-19 as a reason for altering voting rules, which resulted in nine states and the District of Columbia allowing mail-in ballots to all active registered voters.

Mail-in votes are meant to be an exception, but Zuckerberg-funded bodies convinced the powers that be to make mail-in voting the rule.

Unfortunately for America, that wasn’t the only manipulation during the 2020 elections.

Federal laws prohibit overt political displays or voter coercion near polling stations on Election Day.  However, these rules are impossible to apply to mail-in votes.  This was also exploited by both the CTCL and CEIR, who deployed to “assist voters” with their mail-in votes. 

CTCL also lobbied for the practice of unmonitored private drop boxes for ballots and the inclusion of numerous questionable post-election Day ballots.

CTCL hired temporary staff, including poll workers, which could have led to Democrat activists infiltrating election offices and vote-counting stations.

CTCL funded 25 cities and counties with $1-million or higher grants in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Virginia.  Biden ended up “winning” 23 of those jurisdictions in the election.  The cost for this exercise was roughly $87.5 million. 

To sum it up, the activists surgically targeted key counties in swing states.  They didn’t manipulate the votes; they manipulated the process. 

The votes may appear legitimate if subjected to an audit, but the process by which these votes were cast was heavily compromised.

How bad was it?

Zuckerberg’s contributions nearly matched the federal and state funding for COVID-19-related election expenses, which totaled $479.5 million during the 2020 election.  This is perhaps the first time a private individual has managed to influence the process so blatantly.

In the end, 28 states — but alas, not all states — banned “Zuckerbucks.”  It is astonishing that 22 states seem to have no objection at all to their electoral process being manipulated.  Among these 22 is Wyoming, a deeply red state. 

Surprisingly, these scandalous instances of electoral interference hardly get a mention, even among media outlets that support Trump. 

Recently, an article in The Federalist by Shawn Fleetwood revealed that “Zuckerbucks” may still be a grave impediment for President Trump in the 2024 election.

Recently, Wyoming secretary of state Chuck Gray dispatched a letter to county clerks of his state warning them that CTCL has a foothold in his state. 

“I have serious concerns with CTCL’s presence and with its solicitation of county clerks,” Gray wrote.

Gray stated that he was “troubled” to learn of CTCL’s presence “at the Wyoming Association of County Officers meeting in Rock Springs last week” and that it “demonstrates that they are targeting Wyoming” ahead of the 2024 election.

Gray wrote about the launch of CTCL’s “2024 Rural and Nonmetro Election Infrastructure Grants” which targets “rural and nonmetro election offices” and “can be used for ‘key human, physical, and technological assets’ the Department of Homeland Security considers ‘necessary to conduct elections.’”

Gray also wrote that Republican lawmakers’ failure to pass a “Zuckbucks” prohibition into law, combined with CTCL’s “evolving tactics,” also caused Wyoming to become “particularly vulnerable” to election interference by private entities.

Gray also warned of foreign interference in the electoral process.  He cited Hansjörg Wyss, a Swiss billionaire who is a Wyoming resident. 

Wyss, whom some have branded the “New Soros,” runs various “non-profit” groups that exclusively back the Democrats and progressive causes and could be working to influence the outcome of the 2024 election.

It is also not beyond the realms of possibility that legislative bans may not have had the desired impact on the ground.  The likes of Zuckerberg, Wyss, and Soros will always find a way to circumvent laws and invent new routes to manipulate elections. 

We must also remember Biden’s 2021 Executive Order Number 14019, which urged all federal agencies to “consider ways to expand citizens’ opportunities to register to vote and to obtain information about, and participate in, the electoral process.”

These are just some of many instances of electoral interference by the D.C. Democrat establishment.

This is the foremost peril to the 2024 presidential election.

In a fair contest, President Trump will easily and emphatically defeat the bumbling word salad chef.  Comparing President Trump to the thoroughly incompetent vice president is like comparing Dom Pérignon to rotten milk.  But that would be unfair to the rotten milk, because it was once nutritious.  

Most fair-minded people know the chasm difference between the two.  They have witnessed the damage and destruction caused by the Harris-Biden “administration,” both in the U.S. and around the world.  They know that the current administration is not only incompetent, but also uncaring and untrustworthy.  Nobody apart from the brainwashed, hardwired left-wing fanatics will support such brazen incompetence.

But the best candidate in the world cannot win if the contest is rigged.  Even Usain Bolt will lose a race to Chris Christie if the enormous former governor were to be placed at the 90th meter in a 100-meter race. 

The hope is that the votes in favor of President Trump will be so overwhelming that fraud will be impossible.  The hope is that the Republicans will remain vigilant in all states to ensure a fair contest.  The hope is that the Trump campaign has engaged volunteers to ensure that there is no electoral malpractice.

The hope is that all patriots, not necessarily affiliated with any party or campaign, will volunteer to ensure electoral safety and engage in efforts to encourage every citizen to cast their ballot.

How likely are these to occur?

It doesn’t hurt to be optimistic when the fate of the world, not just the U.S., is at stake.

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Image via PickPik.

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