Tuesday, 22 October 2024

ADL CEO: 'Anti-American' Marxist Strain Among Dems Helped Antisemitism Seep In

ADL CEO: 'Anti-American' Marxist Strain Among Dems Helped Antisemitism Seep In

On Friday's broadcast of Newsmax TV's “The Record,” Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt said that an “anti-American” Marxist strain in the Democratic Party is tied to a rise in antisemitism and “we've allowed this anti-Zionism, this kind of intolerance to seep into the system, the Democratic Party, and the left.”

Guest host Tom Basile asked, “Why are we seeing this hatred now? And have you been surprised at how the left and the media often downplay it? We focus, as you mentioned, a lot on this here at Newsmax. But a lot of other news organizations have just sort of shooed this issue away.”

Greenblatt responded, “Yeah, thank God for your leadership, not allowing that to happen, and this show in particular has been great on it. So, why is this taking place? I think we've seen antisemitism normalized. Frankly, we've seen anti-Zionism normalized … Let me — let's be clear about this right? If you harass and intimidate and terrorize people because of where they're from or how they pray, you're not an activist. You're a bigot. You're not some kind of advocate, right? You are an extremist. And for some reason, Tom, we've allowed this anti-Zionism, this kind of intolerance to seep into the system, the Democratic Party, and the left. And I say this as someone who worked for President Obama, right? But I am still clear-eyed enough to recognize hate when it happens, and it's shameful, shameful to see this taking place [in] our higher education system, which has always been the jewel of America.”

Basile then said, “Yeah, and look, I happen to think that this is tied to a very strong Marxist strain that is running through the Democratic Party. And Marxism and socialism are atheist by nature, so it is anti-Jewish. It's not just anti-Israel, and it's also anti-faith, generally there.”

Greenblatt responded, “Absolutely, It's anti-American, Tom.”

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