Dem Rep. Jonathan Jackson: Chicago Citizens Need to Vote on Sanctuary Policy
On Friday’s broadcast of Newsmax TV’s “National Report,” Rep. Jonathan Jackson (D-IL) said that Chicago’s status as a sanctuary city should be voted on by the citizens of the city and lamented that “the citizens of Chicago were denied the opportunity to recast their vote to determine if they want to remain a sanctuary city.” And stated that if citizens decide that they don’t want to remain a sanctuary, “and if they decide to rescind it, let’s rescind it.”
After discussing the impact of the migrant surge on the city, Jackson stated, “I think it should be taken to a vote, and the citizens of Chicago were denied the opportunity to recast their vote to determine if they want to remain a sanctuary city. This policy came in place during the time of Mayor Harold Washington. It was stopped from heading to the floor of the City Council. The citizens of Chicago have a right to determine if they want to be a sanctuary city. I would fully endorse the process of letting the city determine if they want to go forward with this policy. If not, and if they decide to rescind it, let’s rescind it.”
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