Thursday, 19 September 2024

Earth Day: Americans Are Far More Worried About Bidenflation Than Climate Change

Earth Day: Americans Are Far More Worried About Bidenflation Than Climate Change
US President Joe Biden is speaking to the press on the South Lawn of the White House in WaAaron Schwartz/NurPhoto via Getty Images

Climate change gets all the attention but Americans are far more worried about inflation, crime, illegal immigration, and the federal deficit.

Results of a Gallup survey released on Monday showed that while Americans are very much aware of the claims of climate alarmists, the share of Americans who say they are very concerned about the issue is relatively small.

“Among the leading issues confronting the nation, the environment ranks as a lesser public concern, with 37 percent saying they worry a great deal about environmental quality,” Gallup reports.

The most pressing concern among the U.S. public is inflation, with 55 percent saying they worry a great deal about it. Crime and violence is a close second at 53 percent, with hunger and homelessness at 52 percent. The economy, healthcare, and federal spending and the budget deficit all score above 50 percent.

Forty-eight percent of Americans say they worry a great deal about illegal immigration.

The environment ranks down near unemployment (33 percent very concerned) and race relations (35 percent). The unemployment rate has been below four percent for the longest period since the Vietnam War, dampening public concern about the issue.

An equal share of the public—37 percent—say they are very concerned about energy prices. Most of the Biden administration's policies aimed at ameliorating climate change are likely to push up energy prices.

The survey suggests that Biden faces a tough challenge in persuading Americans to reward him with a second presidential term. His signature issues—race relations and the environment—rank low among the priorities of Americans. The issues where he is seen as weak or Democrats are seen as being on the wrong side—inflation, crime, homelessness, the budget deficit—are the top issues.

Healthcare still leans Democrat as an issue but Biden has only a slight lead here. A recent poll by KFF, an independent source for health policy polling, found that while 50 percent of voters say that Biden is better on controlling health care costs, 48 percent say Trump is.



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