Friday, 27 September 2024

Exclusive -- Trump Lawyer: They'll Do Everything They Can to Put Trump in Jail

Exclusive — Trump Lawyer: They'll Do Everything They Can to Put Trump in Jail
Former U.S. President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump attends the NASCAJared C. Tilton/Getty Images

The leftists targeting former President Donald Trump will do everything they can to keep Trump off the campaign trail — even if that means jail — Trump lawyer Jesse Binnall said during an appearance on Breitbart News Daily.

Host Mike Slater asked Binnall if Judge Juan Merchan will attempt to put Trump in jail “immediately” if the jury comes back with a guilty verdict in his New York business records trial.

“Let's say he is guilty. Do they immediately put him in jail?” Slater asked.

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“You know that's up to Judge Merchan. They shouldn't,” he said, pointing to the irony of the hypothetical situation, as leftist prosecutor Alvin Bragg is among those who seek to let violent criminals out on the streets in NYC. Yet, they would seemingly love nothing more than to jail a former president who is trying to campaign.

“And remember, this is the prosecutor, Alvin Bragg, that wants to let the violent criminals walk the streets of New York without putting them in jail. And so, you know, this allegation of a bookkeeping error, he's going to try to put somebody in jail,” Binnall predicted.


“Again, it would be for political purposes. But I can add, I think they're going to try to — yes. I believe they're gonna do everything they can to try to because by putting him in jail, [that] keeps him off the campaign trail, and they know Joe Biden needs every assist possible in order for him to win the election,” Binnall continued.

“So I think Judge Merchan would love nothing more than to put him in jail,” Binnall continued, also noting that Merchan is keeping Trump off the campaign trial by forcing him to await the jury's verdict.

“He knows that the process is the punishment, that even if a jury comes back with a not guilty verdict, or the jury comes back home, he's still got his pound of flesh in this because he's been able to keep Donald Trump from going out and campaigning, while his chosen candidate Joe Biden has been not only free to go around the country campaigning, but using this case, in order to attack Donald Trump,” Binnall said. “It was just one of the biggest travesties of justice I think we've ever seen in our criminal justice system.”

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Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.

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