McCaskill: Trump Will Say the Debate Was Rigged, He Has to ‘Make Up Sh-t’
[WARNING: Adult Language]
MSNBC contributor Claire McCaskill said Monday on “Deadline” that former President Donald Trump will have to “make up shit” about the debate if he loses.
McCaskill said, “I really think that what Joe Biden said is not as important as how he says it. And by the way Trump has set up expectations for this in a way that really helped Biden. Trump has spent the last six months convincing America that Joe Biden can’t walk or talk. He has spent the last six months convincing America that this is an addled brain. So Joe Biden is going to show a command of the issues and not be afraid of this guy and he’s going to look strong and he’s going to come after him just like stop your yapping and shut up, man. Joe Biden is going to do that.”
She continued, “I honestly think it will be harder for Trump this time, frankly cutting off the microphones, you could argue that maybe it helps Biden if the microphones keep going.”
McCaskill added, “I just think it is really important for us to keep pointing out and we have to point this out over and over again, Trump’s lawyers helped pick the jury that convicted and Trump agreed to these rules. Trump agreed to the rules. So he cannot say this is a rigged rule deal. He agreed to them just like he helped pick the jury. So I think it is important that be reminding everybody of that. He’ll try after he loses the debate to say, ‘Oh it is rigged against me,’ because you know he can’t ever lose anything. He has to make up shit, oh stuff, sorry.”
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