Monday, 30 September 2024

Nolte: Joe Biden’s Seth Meyers Appearance Bombs with Young Viewers

Nolte: Joe Biden’s Seth Meyers Appearance Bombs with Young Viewers
Joe Biden and Seth MeyersAP Photo/Evan Vucci

His Fraudulency Joe Biden’s Monday night appearance with boot-licking sycophant Seth Meyers bombed with younger viewers.

Nielsen Media Research, by way of the Washington Examinerreports that Biden’s appearance “brought in an average of 852,000 viewers and just 181,000 in the [25-54 age] demographic. The figure is 32% less than the same day the year prior.”

What’s especially revealing is that Biden delivered a 32 percent drop in 25-54-year-olds for Late Night With Sycophant Seth Meyers, but the “show’s already declining demo viewership for the year [is] down some 10 percent year to date.”

So Meyers is dealing with a ten percent drop in younger viewers compared to 2023, but when Biden showed up, younger viewers dropped 32 percent.

That. Is. Hilarious.

Especially with Biden already struggling with drawing a clock young voters.

For comparison sake, over at Fox News, Greg Gutfeld’s late-night show, Gutfeld!, attracted 2.131 million viewers and 291,000 viewers in the 25-54 age demographic at 10:00 p.m. ET.

Hell, at 11:00 p.m. on Fox News, Trace Gallagher’s show still beat Seth Meyers with 1.159 million viewers, including 204,000 in the 25-54 demo.

I should add that neither Greg Gutfeld nor Trace Gallagher had a president or former president as a special guest. They hosted normal shows, and still more young people tuned in.

It’s pretty obvious that the White House is reaching out to guys like Seth Meyers to avoid questions from a White House Press Corps that is already sympathetic towards Biden. That’s just how bad of a shape Hunter’s Dad is in. Biden’s handlers know Seth Meyers is a good dog who will carry Biden through a 15-minute appearance. Even so, Biden did not do well at all:

Biden sat down with comedian Seth Meyers in what the White House apparently hoped would be an easy-going interview, with an emphasis on easy. That low bar proved too difficult for the 81-year-old Biden to clear, as he appeared disoriented at times and struggled to complete many of his thoughts.

When Meyers asked, “What’s your 2024 agenda?” Biden forgot what year it was: “Look, the 2020 agenda is to finish the job,” Biden replied. Obviously, Meyers didn’t correct him because Meyers is a good dog.

The problem for the White House, the corporate media, and good dogs like Seth Meyers is this…Biden is too far gone. The only way to hide Biden’s obvious mental impairment and physical frailty from the public is to hide Biden. He can’t even handle 15 minutes with a good dog. Every time Biden makes an appearance, you can see how far gone he is. Biden should be in memory care eating oatmeal and watching Murder She Wrote.

RELATED — Did He Get into the Beer?! Biden Incoherently Rambles, Wanders over to Cask During Brewery Speech

In a sane country, what’s happening to Joe Biden would be considered elder abuse.

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Borrowed Time soothed my aching heart in many ways. It made me think about the things that really matter in life and the things that don’t. It made me think about true love, about finding one person to spend your life with—something that has always eluded me. And it made me think about death, about why we need to believe there is a hereafter because, without it, life becomes unbearable.” —Sasha Stone, Free Thinking Through the Fourth Turning.

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