Sunday, 22 September 2024

Pelosi: 'It's Very Clear that Trump Is a Grifter'

Pelosi: 'It's Very Clear that Trump Is a Grifter'

Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said Sunday on MSNBC's “Inside” that it was “clear” former President Donald Trump “is a grifter.”

Host Jen Psaki said, “You've been ahead of the curve that Trump is a conman for a long time. The fact they want to pay his own legal bills despite claiming he is a billionaire feels like it's an in-your-face example. I know your concern is not the Republican donors, but are they being duped?”

Pelosi said, “Well, I think it's very clear that Trump is a grifter. That is the way it is. Integrity which is something we all want to always deepen in politics and government has just flown the coop with him. These people who are so happy to give him money to pay his legal fees should be told that is where they are spending money.”

Psaki said, “It's important for people to know about the grifter and what he's up to. Let's talk about the 14th anniversary of the Affordable Care Act. It would not be in existence without your role, I can confirm that. I was in the Obama administration at the time, and one of the things people may take for granted is it remains at risk. Trump has been clear he would love to do away with it.”

Pelosi said, “Let me just say for a person who rarely has any affinity for the truth, this is one of the times where Donald Trump is telling the truth. He wants to terminate the Affordable Care Act. In his crude mouth he said Obamacare sucks. It does not.”

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