Sunday, 22 September 2024

Pennsylvania Girl Demands Accountability from School Board Who Allowed Trans Teen to Assault Students

Pennsylvania Girl Demands Accountability from School Board Who Allowed Trans Teen to Assault Students
Closed lockers in a school hallwayFile/Getty Images

A Pennsylvania middle schooler bravely spoke out against school faculty she said allowed a male student who identifies as transgender to brutally attack female students on a “hit list.”

The Pennbrook Middle School 13-year-old transgender student allegedly “blindsided” the 12-year-old on Wednesday by savagely beating her with a metal Stanley cup, causing an open wound, the Daily Mail reported.

The unidentified girl was hospitalized and had to get staples in her head after the bloody incident, police said.

At a Thursday school board meeting, Pennbrook student Emily recounted the harrowing attack on her friend at the hands of the violent teen, and called out teachers, counselors, and administrators for allowing it.

“You could've stopped it,” Emily said, claiming she had warned faculty about a “hit list” that included the girl who was assaulted, as well as herself. 

“It was five hours from when I told you it was going to happen. I don't get how you couldn't have stopped that,” the brave girl said.

She went on to say there was another girl the trans student had been “targeting every day at lunch. And they would go to the counselor every day and tell them this is going to happen.”

According to Emily, she and two fellow students even filled out paperwork explaining that they knew they were being targeted and had been told to “watch their backs” at lunch. 

A teacher allegedly replied to her complaints with, “Don't worry about it, it's not gonna' happen.”

The transgender student even allegedly screamed, “I'm gonna murder you!” several times at her victims. 

Video from the school board meeting captured Emily's emotional testimony, recounting how blood was “dripping” from her friend's head in the attack that lasted 28 minutes — countering the district's claim that it lasted for only eight.

“We had to watch [the victim] taken out with blood dripping down her face and I will never forget that! Laying in bed last night I just kept repeating it in my head,” the girl said.

RELATED VIDEO — Trans Assault! Transgender Activist Attacks Pro-Lifers:

Savanna Deretich, Students for Life Action/LOCAL NEWS X /TMX

School Superintendent Todd Bauer referred to the attack as “deeply disturbing” in the meeting. That wasn't satisfactory enough for enraged parents, though.

Multiple guardians even claimed that videos had already been circulating on social media of the bully behaving violently, and that their children went to school in fear of being targeted.

“There was a violent track record of this child, and I want to call on one of the board members to evaluate the 'Safe2Say' program, call a special committee, just like you did for the renovations at the high school, to evaluate everything that happened and report back to the community,” said Shannon Main. 

Another parent, Sarah Batory, said her son told her, “When I close my eyes, all I see is [the victim's] blood.”

The board meeting concluded with angry parents yelling at administrators. 

“There is no comment that we are able to make at this time, because of everyone's due process rights, and because of the law. I do wish that I could answer those questions. My heart is broken as well,” board Vice President Christian Fusco said. 

“As an educator, as your superintendent, and as a father, I am appalled by what happened,” Bauer said. “We are currently pursuing the details leading up to this incident, and why it occurred. We are also collaborating with our local law enforcement, and their investigation, as we work to ensure that something like this cannot happen again in our schools.”

He added, “Such behavior has no place in our schools. You expect better, we expect better, and certainly I do as well.”

The transgender teen has since been charged with aggravated assault and is due in court on Monday, the Daily Mail reported.

The 12-year-old victim is still hospitalized.

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