Friday, 25 October 2024

Team of Dolts: Meet Keir Starmer's Trump-Hating, Anti-Brexit Cabinet

Team of Dolts: Meet Keir Starmer’s Trump-Hating, Anti-Brexit Cabinet
Britain's Prime Minister Keir Starmer (C) chairs the first meeting of his cabinet at 10 DoCHRIS EADES/POOL/AFP via Getty Images

Sir Keir Starmer swept to power this week in Britain after the spectacular self-destruction of the Conservative Party under Rishi Sunak.

Starmer has claimed to have moderated the Labour Party from the far-left extremes under his predecessor Jeremy Corbyn, however, others warn that the former socialist activist turned PM has merely been obscuring his true revolutionary intentions.

Much of the actual decision-making in the UK government is farmed out to cabinet ministers, so a look at who Starmer has tapped to implement his agenda may give us the clearest view of what is to come over the next five years.

With that, meet some of the top members of the new cabinet in Britain:

Deputy Prime Minister and Levelling Up Secretary: Angela Rayner

An acolyte of former Labour leader and radical socialist Jeremy Corbyn, Angela Rayner is now the most powerful woman in the UK. Her views on transgenderism have put her at odds with one of the UK’s most famous feminist writers, J.K. Rowling, who has accused the Labour Party of abandoning women in favour of woke transgender ideology.

Outside of tax scandals, and her morally questionable romantic life, Rayner is perhaps best known for her views on Conservatives, infamously branding Boris Johnson’s cabinet as “scum, homophobic, racist, misogynistic”. Rayner also controversially joined Starmer in posing for a picture kneeling during the Marxist Black Lives Matter riots.

Chancellor of the Exchequer (Finance Minister): Rachel Reeves

Reeves has become the first female Chancellor in British history after serving as an MP for Leeds West and Pudsey since 2010. She will be tasked with steering the UK economy. Potentially allaying concerns over having a high-spending government, Reeves has already acknowledged that there is “not a huge amount of money” and that she will try to focus on increasing private investments into the country.

Despite being seen as one of the more sensible figures within Labour on economic matters, Reeves has faced criticism over reportedly plagiarising material for her 2023 book The Women Who Made Modern Economics, allegedly lifting passages from online blogs, The Guardian, and even Wikipedia without credit.

Foreign Secretary: David Lammy

Lammy, a radically anti-Brexit, London-born, Guyanese-heritage alum of the Tony Blair era, has been tapped as Britain’s top diplomat. Mr Lammy may find his past comments come back to bite him as he tries to forge diplomatic ties with the likely incoming Trump administration in the United States, with the Foreign Secretary previously joining London protests against Trump and calling the U.S. president a “neo-Nazi-sympathising sociopath”, a “racist” and a “disgrace”.

Despite being Harvard educated, Lammy has often faced criticism for his basic grasp of facts, for example, having asserted that King Henry VII succeeded Henry VIII and that it was Marie Antoinette — not Marie Curie — who discovered radium. Mr Lammy has also been widely mocked for saying that biological males who claim to be transgender can have cervixes.

Home Secretary: Yvette Cooper

Another veteran of the Blair administration, Yvette Cooper will be tasked with protecting the nation’s borders, overseeing law enforcement and matters of national security. Cooper, an opponent of Brexit, has claimed that Labour will cut immigration, however, has refused to commit to a specific cap on annual influxes of foreigners.

She has also claimed that the Labour government would seek to crack down on the people smuggling gangs which facilitate illegal boat migrants breaking into the country. However, some have questioned her commitment to cutting immigration given that she once posted a picture of herself holding a sign saying “Refugees Welcome”.

Defense Secretary: John Healey

An ardent supporter of the war in Ukraine, Healey will likely continue the status quo in terms of the conflict with Russia. Coming from the hawkish wing of the Labour Party, Healey voted in 2003 in favour of the UK joining the war in Iraq, a decision which he has since acknowledged was a mistake.

Healey has committed to increasing UK defence spending to 2.5 per cent of the nation’s GDP, above the 2 per cent mandated by the NATO alliance agreement.

Justice Secretary: Shabana Mahmood

One of the first female Muslims to be elected to the British Parliament, Mahmood will be tasked with overseeing the justice system, and the prison system, and protecting civil liberties in the UK. Ahead of the election Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer vowed a crackdown on so-called “Islamophobia”, which critics have warned could see the reintroduction of de-facto blasphemy laws in Britain.

A longstanding member of Labour Friends of Palestine and the Middle East, Mahmood has also been a top voice on the issue of Islamophobia, saying earlier this year: “There’s been an explosion of Islamophobia since October 7 – but there’s also a huge underreporting of the issue… This is not just a Muslim problem, it should be addressed by all of society.”

Health Secretary: Wes Streeting

The openly gay former head of education at Stonewall, a radical LGBT charity which has been at the forefront of pushing transgender ideology in Britain, Streeting will likely be at the centre of Labour’s plans to “simplify” the process for people to legally change their genders. The party has argued in favour of removing the requirement of having multiple doctors sign off on the process as well as proof of two years of living as the opposite gender.

“At the moment, in order to obtain a gender recognition certificate, trans people have to go through a process that I think they feel is quite degrading and torturous in terms of the requirements that are placed on them to demonstrate their living their lives in their assumed gender,” Streeting said last month.

Education Secretary: Bridget Phillipson

Phillipson, another leading proponent of transgender ideology, has suggested that as Education Secretary, she would scrap requirements for teachers to inform children that there are only two genders.

Last month, Phillipson said that it should be acceptable for biologically male transgender individuals who have penises to use female toilets, throwing into question Labour’s supposed commitment to protecting women’s spaces.

Energy Security and Net Zero Secretary: Ed Miliband

The former leader of the Labour Party and former cabinet minister, Ed Miliband returns to government to lead the “green” energy transition in the UK. Labour has called for carbon emissions to be cut to “Net Zero” by the end of the decade, a plan which will likely result in widespread damage to the British economy.

A longtime proponent of climate alarmism and the green agenda. One of his first agenda items will be to tear up rules surrounding the building of wind farms in rural areas of the country, including the onshore restrictions which have protected people in the countryside from the blight of giant turbines being raised along the landscapes. Miliband has promised to double the amount of wind produced onshore and to “treble” solar production in addition to levying windfall taxes on oil and gas firms.

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