The Washington Post’s White House bureau chief, congressional bureau chief, and lead fact-checker were among the signatories of a letter to owner Jeff Bezos complaining about the paper’s current leadership and pressing him to come to the newsroom for a sit-down with newsroom leaders, according to a copy of the document obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.
The letter—a broadside against the paper’s leadership under publisher Will Lewis, whose push for political moderation has rankled many of the Post’s left-leaning employees—was first reported by NPR on Wednesday. But the names of the staffers who signed it have not previously been reported.
Among the 432 signatories are White House Bureau Chief Toluse Olorunnipa, Congressional Bureau Chief Paul Kane, Senior Politics and Democracy Editor Griff Witte, and fact-checking columnist Glenn Kessler. Other prominent names include left-leaning columnists David Ignatius, Ruth Marcus, Karen Attiah, and Dana Milbank.
The letter was also signed by the Post’s chief political correspondent Dan Balz, MAGA correspondent Isaac Arnsdorf, and White House reporter Yasmeen Abutaleb. The Post’s abortion correspondent Caroline Kitchener, Upper Midwest Democracy reporter Patrick Marley, and Climate Zeitgeist reporter Shannon Osaka signed the petition as well.
The list of signers shows the growing discontent at the Post, which lost hundreds of thousands of subscribers after declining to endorse Kamala Harris in November. The paper also drew criticism from employees this month after scrapping a cartoon that took aim at owner Bezos.
The petition—sent to Bezos on Tuesday—was circulated around the newsroom this week for signatures, along with an addendum note that said it was written by a "small, cross-desk group of reporters with input from across the newsroom," according to a copy obtained by the Free Beacon.
The addendum urged employees to "sign this document immediately (even if you have already unofficially offered your support)" and added: "Please do not share this link or this letter with anyone outside The Post."
In the letter to Bezos, employees said they were "deeply alarmed by recent leadership decisions that have led readers to question the integrity of this institution, broken with a tradition of transparency, and prompted some of our most distinguished colleagues to leave, with more departures imminent," according to a copy obtained by the Free Beacon.
Staffers said their concerns go "far beyond the issue of the presidential endorsement, which we recognize as the owner’s prerogative."
The letter urged Bezos to "come to our office and meet with Post leaders, as you have in the past, about what has been happening at The Post. We understand the need for change, and we are eager to deliver the news in innovative ways. But we need a clear vision we can believe in."
A number of staffers have recently left the paper, including anti-Trump opinion writer Jen Rubin, while employees are reportedly bracing for a major round of layoffs.
The Post has faced internal turmoil for months, with many staffers blaming Bezos and Lewis for the paper’s shift away from anti-Trump political activism. In October, the Free Beacon obtained audio from a tense meeting of the Post’s editorial team, where some of the writers bemoaned the paper’s decision to not publish a presidential endorsement and accused Bezos of political meddling and financial conflicts of interest.
Just two days after the letter went to Bezos, on Thursday, the New York Times reported on a "new mission statement" at the Post meant to reflect "a more expansive view of The Post's journalism": "Riveting Storytelling for All of America." The Post, however, will not be ditching its more infamous slogan, "Democracy Dies in Darkness."
The letter sent to Bezos and its signatories can be read in full below:
Letter to Jeff Bezos
Dear colleagues:
We have drafted a letter to our owner, and we are seeking your support. The following letter was written by a small, cross-desk group of reporters with input from across the newsroom. This is a collective action of employees and managers, both Guild-covered and not.
So far, more than 420 of you have signed your names. We sent this letter directly to Jeff Bezos on Tuesday evening but will continue to collect signatures and add names to this form.
We urge you to sign this document immediately (even if you have already unofficially offered your support). Please do not share this link or this letter with anyone outside The Post. Note that small changes have been made from earlier versions.
Let's fight for the paper we love.
To Jeff Bezos:
You recently wrote that ensuring the long-term success and editorial independence of this newspaper is essential. We agree, and we believe you take as much pride in The Washington Post as we do.
We are deeply alarmed by recent leadership decisions that have led readers to question the integrity of this institution, broken with a tradition of transparency, and prompted some of our most distinguished colleagues to leave, with more departures imminent. This goes far beyond the issue of the presidential endorsement, which we recognize as the owner’s prerogative. This is about retaining our competitive edge, restoring trust that has been lost, and reestablishing a relationship with leadership based on open communication.
We urge you to come to our office and meet with Post leaders, as you have in the past, about what has been happening at The Post. We understand the need for change, and we are eager to deliver the news in innovative ways. But we need a clear vision we can believe in.
We are committed to pursuing independent journalism that holds power to account and to reporting the news without fear or favor. That will never change. Nothing will shake our determination to follow the reporting wherever it leads.
As you wrote when you first became The Post’s owner in 2013, "The values of The Post do not need changing." We urge you to stand with us in reaffirming those values.
Staffers of The Washington Post
In alphabetical order:
Yasmeen Abutaleb, White House Reporter
Joel Achenbach, Science Reporter
Andrew Ackerman, Federal Reserve Reporter
Amudalat Ajasa, Weather and Climate Reporter
María Alconada Brooks, Senior Designer
Jacqueline Alemany, Congressional Investigations Reporter
Mariana Alfaro, Politics Breaking News Reporter
Kainaz Amaria, Visual Enterprise Editor
Teddy Amenabar, General Assignment Reporter, Wellness
Travis M. Andrews, Style Reporter
Lori Aratani, National Transportation Reporter
Teo Armus, Northern Virginia Governments and Politics Reporter
Isaac Arnsdorf, National Political Reporter
Nicole Asbury, Maryland Education Reporter
Annah Aschbrenner, Deputy White House Editor
Karen Attiah, Columnist
Kent Babb, Sports Enterprise Reporter
Dan Balz, Chief Correspondent
Jillian Banner, Social Video Editor
Jonathan Baran, Video Journalist
Lillian Barkley, Audience Strategy Editor
Jeremy Barr, Media Reporter
Jackson Barton, Video Journalist
Nick Baumann, Politics Editor
Kim Bellware, General Assignment Reporter
Naftali Bendavid, White House Editor
Miriam Berger, Breaking News Reporter, International
Bonnie Berkowitz, Senior Graphics Reporter
Mark Berman, National Criminal Justice Reporter
Dorine Bethea, Copy Editor
Abha Bhattarai, Economics Correspondent
Michael Birnbaum, National Security Reporter
Adrian Blanco, Graphics Assignment Editor
Sarah Blaskey, Investigative Reporter
Jacob Bogage, Congressional Economic Policy Reporter
Rachael Bolek, Slot Copy Editor
Lisa Bonos, Silicon Valley Reporter
Michelle Boorstein, National Religion Reporter
William Booth, Europe Correspondent
Andrew Braford, Designer, News
Anne Branigin, Style Reporter
William Branigin, Live Editor, Curation Desk
Ben Brasch, General Assignment Reporter
Mika Braun, Senior Specialist, Acquisition
Jerry Brewer, Sports Columnist
Michael Brice-Saddler, D.C. Government and Politics Reporter
Ella Brockway, Copy Editor
Assistant Editor, Nonfiction Books
Cate Brown, Researcher, International
Karin Brulliard, National Correspondent, America West
Lynh Bui, Deputy Health & Science Editor
Desmond Butler, Investigative Reporter
Deirdre Byrne, Social Media Editor
Cate Cadell, National Security Reporter
Colin Camp, Production Manager
Monica Campbell, Audio Editor
Tim Carman, Food Reporter
Brandon Carter, Assignment Editor, Social
Rachel Chason, West Africa Bureau Chief
Janice Kai Chen, Graphics Reporter
Yutao Chen, Senior Interactive News Designer
Hau Chu, Breaking News Reporter, Metro
Brian Cleveland, Copy Desk Chief
Federica Cocco, Business Data Reporter
Amanda Coletta, Breaking News Reporter, International
Natalie Compton, Travel Reporter
Chelsea Conrad, Senior Designer, News
Jessica Contrera, Investigative Reporter
Erin Cox, Maryland State Politics Reporter
John Woodrow Cox, Investigative Reporter
Tim Craig, National Correspondent, Mid-Atlantic
Ruby Cramer, National Narrative Enterprise Reporter
Alice Crites, Researcher
Kevin Crowe, Climate Data Reporter
Jake Crump, Senior Interactive News Designer
Erin Cunningham, Weekend Editor, International
Paige Cunningham, Deputy Washington Editor
Joe Davidson, Federal Insider Columnist
Josh Dawsey, National Political Investigations Reporter (Departing)
Gerrit De Vynck, Google, AI and Algorithms Reporter
Chris Dehghanpoor, Investigative Reporter
Mary-Ellen Deily, Deputy Health and Science Editor, Print
Jose Del Real, National Narrative Enterprise Reporter
Brady Dennis, Domestic Climate Correspondent
Karen DeYoung, Associate Editor
Feroze Dhanoa, Copy Editor
Dan Diamond, National Health Care Reporter
Robbie DiMesio, Business Breaking News Editor
Hannah Dormido, Graphics Reporter
Eva Dou, Tech Policy Reporter
Jesse Dougherty, College Sports Business Reporter
Danielle Douglas-Gabriel, National Higher Education Reporter
Leonard Downie Jr., Executive Editor, 1991-2008; Reporter and Editor, 1964-2008.
Sue Doyle, Copy Editor
Paul Duggan, Local Crime and Courts Reporter
Ian Duncan, National Transportation Reporter
Nicole Dungca, Investigative Reporter
Elizabeth Dwoskin, Corporate Accountability and Power Reporter
Francesca Ebel, Russia Correspondent
Dan Eggen, Political Enterprise Editor
Kareem Fahim, Middle East Bureau Chief
Anthony Faiola, Rome Bureau Chief
Emmanuel Felton, National Race and Ethnicity Reporter
Amber Ferguson, Senior Video Journalist
Joseph Ferguson, Short Takes Host/Producer
Helen Fessenden, Night Business Breaking News Editor
Ashley Fetters Maloy, Fashion and Culture Reporter
David Finkel, Assignment Editor
Marc Fisher, Associate Editor and Columnist
Reena Flores, Supervising Senior Audio Producer
Kathleen Floyd, Senior PR Specialist
Thomas Floyd, Copy Editor (PT/PTOC)
Meagan Flynn, D.C. Government and Politics Reporter
Silvia Foster-Frau, National Investigative Reporter
Joe Fox, Senior Interactive News Designer
Todd Frankel, Investigative Reporter, Business
Charla A. B. Freeland, Audio Producer
Kelley French, Narrative Accountability Editor
Sarah Frostenson, Politics & Democracy Visual Enterprise Editor
Daniela Galarza, Eat Voraciously Newsletter Writer
Wendy Galietta, Projects Editor
Artur Galocha, Graphics Reporter
Michelle Gaps, Live Breaking News Editor
Panfilo Garcia, Slot Copy Editor
Gus Garcia-Roberts, Investigative Reporter, Sports
Amy Gardner, Assignment Editor, Beat/Enterprise
Jenny Gathright, D.C. City Hall Reporter
Olivia George, Local Breaking News Reporter
Chris George, Curation Editor
Jon Gerberg, Senior Video Journalist, International
Emily Giambalvo, Sports Data Reporter
Caitlin Gibson, Parenting Reporter
Caitlin Gilbert, Well + Being Data Reporter
Daniel Gilbert, Business of Medicine Reporter
Robin Givhan, Senior Critic-at-Large
Steven Goff, Soccer Reporter
Andrew Golden, Nationals Reporter
Hannah Good, Designer, News
Liz Goodwin, Congressional Reporter
Elana Gordon, Audio Producer
Annie Gowen, National Correspondent, Midwest
James Graff, Tech Policy Editor
Dino Grandoni, Wildlife and Biodiversity Reporter
Hadley Green, Video Journalist
Aaron Gregg, Breaking News Reporter, Business
Gaya Gupta, General Assignment Reporter
Lauren Kaori Gurley, Labor Reporter
Evan Halper, Energy Reporter
John Harden, Metro Data Reporter
Chico Harlan, Global Climate Correspondent
Shane Harris, Former National Security Reporter
Drew Harwell, Technology Reporter
Sarah Hashemi, Senior Video Graphics Editor
Jennifer Hassan, Breaking News Reporter, London Hub
Rachel Hatzipanagos, Newsletter Writer
Abigail Hauslohner, National Security Reporter
Derek Hawkins, Assistant Editor, National Visual Enterprise
Stephanie Hays, Designer, News
Dana Hedgpeth, Breaking News Reporter, Metro
Emily Heil, Food Reporter
Joe Heim, Local Enterprise Reporter
Molly Hensley-Clancy, Sports Investigative Reporter
Peter Hermann, D.C. Police Reporter
Arelis Hernández, National Correspondent, Southern Border
Monica Hesse, Gender Columnist
Jeremy Hester, Copy Editor
Jasmine Hilton, Local Crime and Courts Reporter
Will Hobson, Sports Investigative Reporter
David E. Hoffman, Contributing Editor, Opinions
Ann Hornaday, Senior Film Critic
Alex Horton, Pentagon Reporter
Katharine Houreld, Nairobi Bureau Chief
Frank Hulley-Jones, Senior Interactive News Designer
Tatum Hunter, Personal Technology Reporter
Marisa Iati, Reporter/Editor, General Assignment Desk
David Ignatius, Associate Editor
Colby Itkowitz, National Democracy Reporter
Tom Jackman, Local Crime and Courts Reporter
Greg Jaffe, Democracy Enterprise Reporter
Peter Jamison, National Political Investigations Reporter
Tracy Jan, Former Deputy Health and Science Editor
Chelsea Janes, MLB Reporter
Andrew Jeong, Breaking News Reporter
Hannah Jewell, Host and Newsletter Writer, The 7
Jenna Johnson, Immigration Editor
Akilah Johnson, National Health Reporter
Carolyn Johnson, Science Reporter
Lizzie Johnson, Investigative Reporter
Nikie Johnson, Live Editor, Curation Desk
Mark Johnson, Science Reporter
Nate Jones, FOIA Director
Mary Jordan, Associate Editor
Dave Jorgenson, Senior Short Takes Host/Producer
Maxine Joselow, Climate Politics and Policy Reporter
Justin Jouvenal, Supreme Court Reporter
Maura Judkis, Style Reporter
Robert G. Kaiser, Managing Editor, 1991-98; Reporter and Editor, 1963-2013
Paul Kane, Congressional Bureau Chief
Sarah Kaplan, Climate Reporter
Anumita Kaur, General Assignment Reporter
Dan Keating, National Data Reporter
Haben Kelati, Assistant Editor, Advice
Meg Kelly, Senior Visual Forensics Reporter
Glenn Kessler, The Fact Checker
Isabelle Khurshudyan, Ukraine Bureau Chief
Janay Kingsberry, Style Reporter
Nick Kirkpatrick, Graphics Reporter
Caroline Kitchener, Abortion Correspondent
Hannah Knowles, National Political Reporter
Meryl Kornfield, National Political Reporter
Michael Kranish, National Investigative Political Reporter
Emma Kumer, Designer, News
Lily Kuo, China Bureau Chief
Rachel Kurzius, Home Reporter
Emily Langer, Obituaries Reporter
Sarah Larimer, Assignment Editor, Sports
Michael Laris, Local Enterprise Reporter
Vanessa Larson, Slot Copy Editor
Joyce Sohyun Lee, Senior Visual Forensics Reporter
Agnes Lee, Designer, News
Anna Lefkowitz, Designer, News
Isaac Lello-Smith, Senior Data Analyst
Carol Leonnig, National Investigative Reporter
Rachel Lerman, Visual Enterprise Reporter, Business
Marianne LeVine, National Political Reporter
Alice Li, Senior Video Journalist
Jennifer Liberto, Economics Editor
Christine Loman Miller, Advice Editor
Heather Long, Columnist
Lili Loofbourow, TV Critic
David Lynch, Global Economics Correspondent
Doug MacMillan, Business Investigative Reporter
Mike Madden, Washington Economics Editor
Rick Maese, Sports Investigative Reporter
Shibani Mahtani, International Investigative Correspondent
Sabrina Malhi, National Health Reporter
Allison Mann, Designer, News
Melina Mara, Senior Staff Photojournalist
David Maraniss, Associate Editor
Ruth Marcus, Associate Editor
Ann Marimow, Supreme Court Reporter
Julian Mark, Breaking News Reporter, Business
Patrick Marley, Upper Midwest Democracy Reporter
Jill Martin, Copy Editor
Emmanuel Martinez, Investigative Data Reporter
Niha Masih, Breaking News Reporter
Olga Massov, Assistant Editor, Food
Ellen McCarthy, Weekend Editor
Terrence McCoy, Rio de Janeiro Bureau Chief
Justine McDaniel, General Assignment Reporter
Laura Meckler, National Education Reporter
Karishma Mehrotra, International Reporter
Luis Melgar, Graphics Reporter
Ruby Mellen, Visual Enterprise Reporter, International
Joe Menn, Digital Threats Reporter
Jeremy B. Merrill, Tech Data Reporter
Katie Mettler, P.G. County Police and Courts Reporter
Theodoric Meyer, Newsletter Writer, Early Brief
Laura Michalski, Senior Copy Editor
Dana Milbank, Columnist
Michael E. Miller, Sydney Bureau Chief
Frances Moody, Copy Editor
Jennifer Morehead , Copy Editor
Gaby Morera Di Núbila, Copy Editor
Dylan Moriarty, Graphics Reporter
Emily Morman, Slot Copy Editor
Amanda Morris, Disability Reporter
Loveday Morris , Berlin Bureau Chief
Clara Ence Morse, Political Data Reporter
Brian Murphy, Obituaries Reporter
Amy Nakamura, Social Media Editor
David Nakamura, Justice Department Reporter
Ellen Nakashima, National Security Reporter
Razzan Nakhlawi, Researcher
Lucy Naland, Senior Designer
Hannah Natanson, National Education Reporter
Colleen Neely, Copy Editor
Fenit Nirappil, Public Health and LGBTQ Issues Reporter
Rick Noack, Afghanistan Bureau Chief
Annaliese Nurnberg, Photo Assignment Editor, Features
Jonathan O'Connell, Investigative Reporter
Erin Patrick O'Connor, Video Journalist
Caroline O'Donovan, Amazon Reporter
Siobhán O’Grady, Chief Ukraine Correspondent
Shane O'Neill, Style Newsletter Writer
Antonio Olivo, Maryland Politics and Government Editor
Toluse Olorunnipa, White House Bureau Chief
Will Oremus, Technology Reporter
Shannon Osaka, Climate Zeitgeist Reporter
Tyler Pager, White House Reporter (Departing)
Ben Paltiel, Senior Creative
Rachel Pannett, Reporter, Seoul
Danielle Paquette, National Correspondent
Ashley Parker, Former Senior National Political Correspondent
Claire Parker, Cairo Bureau Chief
Casey Parks, National LGBTQ Issues Reporter
Amy Parlapiano, Newsletter Strategy Editor
Cece Pascual, Designer, News
Azi Paybarah, Politics Breaking News Reporter
Jaclyn Peiser, Retail Reporter
Maggie Penman, Executive Producer, Post Reports
Kati Perry, Graphics Reporter
Anna Phillips, Climate and Environment Reporter
Andrea Platten, Curation Editor
Ariel Plotnick, Audio Producer
Alexandra Porter, Designer, Email Development
Jenna Portnoy, Local Health Care Reporter
Martine Powers, Senior Audio Host
Chastity Pratt, National Education Editor
Shirley Qiu, News Analytics & Insights Editor
Cristina Quinn, Senior Audio Producer
Kate Rabinowitz, Graphics Assignment Editor
Tobi Raji, Research Assistant
Catherine Rampell, Columnist
Sonia Rao, Film and TV Reporter
Camille Rapay, Designer
Emily Rauhala, Congress Editor
Lisa Rein, Federal Accountability Reporter
Beth Reinhard, National Political Investigative Reporter
Tyler Remmel, Senior Designer, News
Jorge Ribas, Senior Video Journalist
Steven Rich, Investigative Data Reporter
Chris Richards, Music Critic
JM Rieger, Senior Video Journalist
Anthony J. Rivera, Curation Editor
Sal Rizzo, Federal Crime and Courts Reporter
Sabby Robinson, Audio Producer
Monica Rodman, Video Journalist
Sabrina Rodriguez, National Political Reporter
Jesus Rodriguez, Style Politics Reporter
Jeremy Roebuck, Justice Reporter
Tony Romm, Washington Accountability Reporter, Economy
Dan Rosenzweig-Ziff, Local Higher Education and Youth Culture Reporter
Rachel Roubein, FDA Reporter
Lori Rozsa, Florida Correspondent
Albert Samaha, Sports Investigative Reporter
Robert Samuels, National Enterprise Reporter
Aaron Schaffer, Researcher
Kevin Schaul, Senior Graphics Reporter
Michael Scherer, Former National Political Correspondent
Samantha Schmidt, Bogotá Bureau Chief
Matt Schnabel, Slot Copy Editor
Greg Schneider, Virginia Reporter
Paul Schwartzman, Local Enterprise Reporter
Justin Scuiletti, Video Technician
Brittany Shammas, Local Enterprise Reporter
Ian Shapira, Investigative Reporter
Leslie Shapiro, Senior Graphics Reporter
Pooh Shapiro, Assistant Editor, Health and Science (PT/PTOC)
Christian Shepherd, China Correspondent
Mary Beth Sheridan, Mexico City Bureau Chief
Gerry Shih, Jerusalem Bureau Chief
Faiz Siddiqui, Government Transformation Reporter
Kevin Sieff, International Investigative Correspondent
Rachel Siegel, Housing and Real Estate Reporter
Ellie Silverman, Protest Movements and Activism Reporter
Richard Sima, Brain Matters Columnist
Joanna Slater, National Correspondent, Northeast
Elliot Smilowitz, Assistant Editor, General Assignment Desk
Harrison Smith, Obituaries Reporter
Stephen Smith, Health and Science Editor (Departing)
Sophia Solano, Editorial Aide, Features
Praveena Somasundaram, General Assignment Reporter
Will Sommer, Media Reporter
Marianna Sotomayor, Congressional Reporter
Jeff Stein, Chief Economics Correspondent
Perry Stein, Justice Department Reporter
Rivan Stinson, Assistant Editor, Personal Finance Audience Growth
Ben Strauss, Sports and Media Enterprise Reporter
Warren P. Strobel, National Intelligence Reporter
Shikha Subramaniam, Senior Designer, News
Kevin Sullivan, Associate Editor
Lena Sun, National Health Reporter
Joy Sung, Senior Video Journalist
Rennie Svirnovskiy, Audio Producer
Patrick Svitek, Politics Breaking News Reporter
Jon Swaine, Investigative Reporter
Kyle Swenson, Social Issues Reporter
Rebecca Tan, Southeast Asia Bureau Chief
Alisa Tang, Local Breaking News Editor
Rachel Tashjian, Fashion Critic
Adam Taylor, Breaking News Reporter, International
Daron Taylor, Senior Video Graphics Editor
Carson TerBush, Designer, News
Ben Terris, Features Politics Reporter
Trisha Thadani, Technology Reporter
Reis Thebault, National Correspondent, West Coast
Nitasha Tiku, Tech Culture Reporter
Yeganeh Torbati, Investigative Reporter, Business
Talia Trackim, Designer, News
Andrew Ba Tran, Investigative Data Reporter
Karen Tumulty, Associate Editor
Kevin Uhrmacher, Graphics Assignment Editor
Adriana Usero, Video Journalist
Audrey Valbuena, Senior Designer, News
Álvaro Valiño, Senior Graphics Reporter
Andrew Van Dam, Data Columnist
Maegan Vazquez, Politics Breaking News Reporter
Luis Velarde , Video Journalist
Chris Velazco, Personal Technology Reporter
Amaya Verde, Graphics Reporter
Pranshu Verma, Technology Reporter, AI
Natalie Vineberg, Designer, News
Matt Viser, White House Reporter
Kara Voght, Style Politics Reporter
Laura Vozzella, Virginia Politics Reporter
Ava Wallace, Sports Moment and Women's Sports Reporter
William Wan, Investigative Reporter
Amy Wang, Politics Breaking News Reporter
Jay Wang, Slot Copy Editor
Emily Wax-Thibodeaux, National Reporter
Lauren Weber, Health and Science Accountability Reporter
Rachel Weiner, D.C. and Richmond Appellate Courts Reporter
Dylan Wells, National Political Reporter
Sammy Westfall, International Breaking News Reporter
Peter Whoriskey, Investigative Reporter, Business
Aaron Wiener, Local Housing and Development Reporter
Sara Wildberger, Slot Copy Editor
Ashleigh Wilson, SEO Editor
Yvonne Wingett Sanchez, Arizona Democracy Reporter
Griff Witte, Senior Politics and Democracy Editor
Daniel Wolfe, Graphics Reporter
Monique Woo, Photo Assignment Editor, Business
Emily Wright, Designer, News
Regina Wung, Copywriter
Emily Yahr, Pop Culture Reporter
Sophie Yarborough, Live Editor, Curation Desk
Jada Yuan, Culture and Entertainment Reporter
Nina Zafar, Social Media Editor
Dan Zak, Style Assignment Editor
Cat Zakrzewski, National Tech Policy Reporter
Jamie Zega, Copy Editor
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