Friday, 18 October 2024

White House Protesters Vandalized Property and Clashed With Law Enforcement, But Police Say No Arrests Were Made

Pro-Hamas protesters outside the White House Pro-Hamas protesters outside the White House

No arrests were made on Saturday when pro-Hamas protesters surrounded the White House and scuffled with police as they advocated for Israel’s destruction, vandalized property, and called on Hamas to continue murdering Jews, the Secret Service and Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Police Department confirmed to the Washington Free Beacon.

Thousands of protesters from across the country descended upon downtown D.C. to pressure the Biden administration into forcing a ceasefire on Israel following its weekend military operation in the Gaza Strip that freed four hostages. Slogans such as "Israel go to hell, Hamas is justified"  and "Death to Amerikkka" were graffitied on city property, and protesters blocked traffic as they held signs reading, "F— Israel. Stand with Hamas." Other chants included, "Kill another Zionist now" and "Death to Israel."

Many of the protesters wore masks and keffiyehs to cover their faces, in apparent violation of a D.C. law that prohibits demonstrations "while wearing any mask, hood, or device whereby any portion of the face is hidden, concealed, or covered as to conceal the identity of the wearer."

No arrests were made during the day, even as protesters vandalized property and clashed with police, according to law enforcement officials.

"The U.S. Secret Service made no arrests associated with the demonstration that took place near the White House complex June 8," an agency spokesman told the Free Beacon on Sunday.

A D.C. police spokesman also confirmed that it "made no protest related arrests yesterday," while a U.S. Park Police spokesman said the agency "did not make arrests during demonstration activity yesterday."

A White House spokesman said protesters have the right to assemble outside the White House but condemned Hamas.

"President Biden has always been clear that every American has the right to peacefully express their views," spokesman Andrew Bates said in a statement. "But he has also always been clear that anti-Semitism, violent rhetoric, and endorsing murderous terrorist organizations like Hamas is repugnant, dangerous, and against everything we stand for as a country."

Some of the protesters reportedly harassed police officers, saying, "these f—ing pigs have got to go" and chasing authorities across Lafayette Park just north of the White House.

"Long live Hamas" and "Muslim 4 Hamas" could be seen scribbled on statues and other locations near the White House.

Attendees were also spotted sporting headbands declaring allegiance with Hamas and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a designated terror group.

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