Saturday, 26 October 2024

14 July 2024: “Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité” in France with Macron? Historic Crisis of the French Republic. “Ce n’est pas la révolution”

This incisive article was first written by the late Stephen Lendman in the wake of the April 2017 first runoff election. May Stephen’s legacy prevail.

Feature image: les présidentielles, April 2017


Its deplorable policies belie its national motto – first declared during its 1789 – 99 revolution, overthrowing monarchical rule, establishing the First French Republic in 1792.

When the 1848 Constitution was drafted, it was considered a “principle of the Republic.” July 14, Bastille Day, represents transferring power from the monarchy to the people.

The national motto was written into the 1946 and 1958 Constitutions. It’s part of France’s national heritage, inscribed on the pediments of public buildings, appearing on coins, postage stamps and elsewhere.

Modern French governance is deplorable, its sovereignty sacrificed to Brussels, a US-dominated NATO member, an imperial American partner.

After its May 7 [2017] runoff election, it’s likely to stay that way – establishment favorite Emmanuel Macron heavily favored to win.

French aristocracy loves him, strongly opposes Le Pen for wanting national sovereignty regained, an anathema notion for globalists, a scheme to enrich privileged elites at the expense of most others.

Hoping to distance herself from unpopular National Front policies, she announced she’s no longer its president, stressing “I am the candidate for the French presidency.”

Explaining her move, she said it’s to be “above partisan considerations.” She faces a daunting task of winning over enough undecided voters and others supporting defeated candidates.

Polls aren’t encouraging, showing Macron heavily favored. On May 7, voters will choose a new president.

Hugely unpopular Francois Hollande’s tenure will end days later, continuity under Macron likely to follow.

French media and establishment figures already proclaimed him the winner. Le Pen warned he’ll “destroy (the) entire (French) social and economic structure.”

It’s already in shambles after five disastrous Hollande years. Under him, his recent predecessors, with Macron likely France’s next president, dirty business as usual should replace its Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité national motto.


An Update: “Plus Ça change, plus c’est la même chose”

“The Left” Supports the Nazi Regime in Kiev?

by Michel Chossudovsky, July 13, 2024

Ironically, the only party firmly committed to suspending military aid to the Nazi Kiev regime is Marine Le Pen’s National Rally (RN) which is tagged by people on the Left as fascist and anti-semitic.

Meanwhile, according to the Kiev Post, Ukraine is rejoicing.

Several of France’s  leftist parties which are part of the NFP socialist coalition are firmly supportive of Ukraine’s Nazi regime.

A message to my friends on the Left: How is it that people who are committed to social democracy and socialism are endorsing a Neo-Nazi regime in Ukraine? 

The World is Upside Down.

The Left is misinformed.

Supporting the Nazis in Ukraine, serves the interests of the Global Financial Establishment and the hegemonic interests of the US.

The following image is revealing, from Left to Right: the Blue NATO flag, the Azov Battalion’s Wolfangel SS of the Third Reich and Hitler’s Nazi Swastika (red and white background) are displayed, which points to collaboration between NATO and the Neo-Nazi regime. 



C’est Le Monde à l’Envers 

Michel Chossudovsky,  July 13, 2024


Guess Who Are the Real Protagonists of Anti-Semitism

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 11, 2024



Today our thoughts are with Stephen

The late Stephen Lendman’s book  is  titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at 

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