New developments are unfolding as the Bird Flu is slowly spreading, Dr. Robert Malone is warning the public that the Trump administration is rolling out an mRNA-laced Bird Flu vaccine. Life Site News who was the first to report that Dr. Robert Malone was told that the Trump administration will be jumping on the mRNA vaccine bandwagon. The article ‘Dr. Robert Malone: Trump admin holding high-level discussions of bird flu mRNA vaccine push’ said the following:
Dr. Robert Malone, a virologist and pioneer-turned-critic of mRNA technology, has announced that President Donald Trump’s administration is currently having high-level discussions about rolling out bird flu mRNA “vaccines.”
“I was just told by a reliable source that there are serious discussions going on at the top level of the Trump administration about pushing mRNA vaccines for bird flu,” said Malone on X Thursday evening.
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The article also said that “Malone pointed out that Dr. Gerald Parker, DVM, who was recently appointed the White House Pandemic czar, is a “big fan” of Peter Hotez, a radical pro-vaccine scientist who has claimed that anti-vaccine activism is a “major killing force globally” continued “Parker has collaborated with Hotez on “many podcasts,” and Hotez has even written a forward to one of Parker’s books, noted Malone, referring to Consequences of COVID-19: A One Health Approach to the Responses, Challenges, and Lessons Learned, published in 2024.”
CBS news was of the only news organizations who reported that Trump had selected Dr. Gerald Parker as the Pandemic Czar. However, it is also interesting that “One Health policy” was part of the World Health Organization (WHO), the same UN organization Trump withdrew from in one of his first executive orders:
“One Health,” a term used by the World Health Organization (WHO), refers to the idea that human health, animal health, and the environment are all interconnected and therefore require holistic solutions to “global health security” and disease control. It is one of Parker’s specialties: He formerly served as an associate dean for Global One Health at Texas A&M’s College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences”
WHO reported that a new strain of bird flu was found in humans for the first time last June:
Lifesite News also said that In June 2024, the World Health Organization (WHO) said that a new strain of bird flu detected in humans for the first time had a “potential for high public health impact.” They logged the death of a 59-year-old man in Mexico with “multiple underlying conditions” as a “confirmed fatal case of human infection with avian influenza A(H5N2) virus,” despite the fact that Mexico’s health ministry said the death was due to underlying conditions that led to septic shock, Reuters reported
It is an interesting development, if you remember, not so long ago, Bill Gates (Yes, that Bill Gates, the depopulation addict) had a 3-hour dinner with President Trump when he was asked by Emma Tucker, the editor-in-chief of the Wall Street Journal,
“Have you met with Donald Trump since the election?”
and Bill Gates said
“Yeah, I had a chance to go have a long and actually quite intriguing dinner with him.”
So, she asked
“What did you discuss? What was intriguing?”
Gates said
“Well we touched on a lot of things. It was over 3 hours to my surprise. It was, you know, just he and I. Just his chief of staff, Susie Wiles and the person who helps manage things for me, Larry Cohen. So, the four of us sat there and was quite wide ranging. You know, Global Health’s the area that I work in, and such amazing things have happened and can happen there.”
He also said
“I spoke a lot about HIV and that the foundation’s literally working on a cure for that. We are at an early stage and so, you know, in the COVID days, accelerated the vaccine innovation, so I was asking him if maybe the same kind of thing could be done here and we both got I think pretty excited about that.”
Gates also said that
“We talked about polio. Where you know, we’re very close to getting that done, but if you stop, it’ll spread back. So, I explained why it’s been tough in Pakistan, Afghanistan. We’ve had cases show up in Gaza. We have cases in Africa, and he was fascinated to hear what he could do to maximize the chance that during the next four years that incredible milestone will be achieved” and that Trump was energized to push these innovations forward, Gates continued “I felt like he was energized and looking forward to helping to drive innovation. I was frankly impressed with how well he showed a lot of interest in the issues I brought up.”
Well, we don’t know what else was discussed in their 3-hour conversation, but the issue of MRNA technology had to be one of the top issues especially when Bill Gates stays up at night worried about the next pandemic.
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Timothy Alexander Guzman writes on his own blog site, Silent Crow News, where this article was originally published. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.
Featured image is from SHTFplan.com
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