Friday, 14 March 2025

Bioterror Roundup: Biden, Trump Teams in ‘Briefings’ to Foster ‘Cooperation’ Regarding Bird Flu

At this point, sad to say, the prospect that real, fundamental, transformative change — much less stiff justice meted out to the criminals who perpetrated the COVID crimes against humanity — is on its way come January 20th is dim, and looking dimmer by the day.

Now come reports, much to the delight of the pharmaceutical industry and Deep State bureaucracy, that the Public Health™ criminals currently occupying power — who ought to be packing their belongings into little cardboard boxes and polishing up their resumes to find some honest employment after they’re left unemployed and praying for some sweet and merciful lustration — are instead “briefing” income Trump officials in a bid to foster “cooperation” on the bird flu terror front.

Via NBC News (emphasis added):

“Amid an escalating bird flu outbreak spreading in the United States, federal health officials have begun to brief members of the incoming Trump administration about how they’ve responded to the crisis so far.

“We sent them all of the information on our work,” said a Biden administration health official familiar with transition briefings within the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

It’s the first indication that the two administrations appear to be working together to prioritize the H5N1 response.

Until now, it was unclear whether the Biden White House and Trump’s incoming health team had discussed bird flu in any transition meetings. A lack of coordination between the two groups would have huge consequences, public health officials and infectious disease experts warn. They worry that the H5N1 virus has the potential to set off another human pandemic.

“You’ve got something that’s clearly evolving here in the United States,” said Dr. Cameron Wolfe, an infectious diseases expert and professor of medicine at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina.

Sharing surveillance information and resources is crucial to understanding and getting ahead of emerging viral threats like bird flu, said Howard Koh, a professor at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, who was assistant secretary of health and human services for health in the Obama administration…

Working together… can help both teams understand the magnitude of the problem, said ​​Dr. William Schaffner, a professor of infectious diseases at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville, Tennessee, who was speaking generally about bird flu and not about any specific administration.

“A pandemic due to bird flu is a looming threat,” Schaffner said. “As we transition from one administration to another, coordinating public health concepts and policies is of course very important.””

NBC News is obviously not to be fully trusted, so let’s wait and see what comes of these “briefings” and “coordinatings” and other such masturbatory exercises between outgoing and incoming administrations.

But, given his past support of Operation Warp Speed, for which he has never atoned, the onus is on Trump to repudiate these people and institutions who are trying very hard to trigger the next wave of lockdowns, mandates, and experimental mRNA injections passed off as medicine.

The only utterances I’m interested in coming from the incumbent Public Health™ criminals is via subpoenaed deposition under oath at the hands of skilled prosecutors, or else their unqualified confessions as they beg for leniency in front of a hanging judge.

But that was probably always far too optimistic on my part to expect from a Trump administration 2.0.

CDC COVID vaxx ad: ‘Don’t forget to make one important new year resolution: Get a 2024–2025 COVID-19 vaccine (and encourage your loved ones to get one too)’

Proof the CDC loves you and wants you to be happy

FDA orders nerve damage warning on RSV vaccines

You might recall that Guillain-Barre syndrome was, just a couple of years ago, a dangerous conspiracy theory in the context of COVID mRNA shots causing nerve damage that would get you permanently banned from Facebook before Mark Zuckerberg suddenly developed a deep and abiding fidelity to free speech just in time, coincidentally, for a new Trump administration.

So, when will the FDA get its accounts frozen?

Via The Epoch Times (emphasis added):

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ordered two respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine manufacturers to include a potentially paralytic side effect warning related to nerve damage on product labels.

The manufacturers, GSK and Pfizer, manufacturing Arexvy and Abrysvo vaccines respectively, must now include a warning stating a risk of Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) following vaccination, according to a Jan. 7 statement from the agency.”


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Ben Bartee is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs. Follow Armageddon Prose where this article was originally published. Also, keep tabs via Twitter.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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