Tuesday, 24 September 2024

Can Bibi Netanyahu be Stopped?

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Recent developments suggest that Israel’s full-scale ground offensive in Rafah could take place at any time. What we have been told by Israeli officials, is that the operation will require the evacuation of the city, presumably so the IDF can inflict the same level of destruction on Rafah as was inflicted on Khan Yunis and Gaza City. Once the ground forces are deployed, the Palestinians will be forced to flee to the Egyptian border where they will seek refuge from the Israeli onslaught. What happens next is uncertain but –given the numerous meetings between Israeli and Egyptian officials and their respective Intel chiefs– we think there may be an agreement to allow over a million Palestinian refugees to cross the border into Egypt. Here are a few recent articles suggesting that Egypt may be getting paid to participate in Israel’s ethnic cleansing operation.

1– Egypt signs expanded $8 billion loan deal with IMF, Reuters

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) said on Wednesday it would increase its current loan programme with Egypt by $5 billion…. The new agreement is an expansion of the $3 billion, 46-month Extended Fund Facility that the IMF struck with Egypt in December 2022….

Egypt is also seeking a separate loan from the IMF’s Resilience and Sustainability Facility which promotes climate transition financing. Egyptian Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly said that loan would be $1.2 billion

2– EU announces €7.4 billion aid package for Egypt as concerns mount over migration, Le Monde

The European Union on Sunday, March 17 announced a €7.4 billion aid package for cash-strapped Egypt as concerns mount that economic pressure and conflicts in neighboring countries could drive more migrants to European shores….

The aid package includes both grants and loans over the next three years for the Arab world’s most populous country, according to the EU’s mission in Cairo….

The deal comes amid growing concerns that Israel’s looming ground offensive on Gaza’s southernmost town of Rafah could force hundreds of thousands of people to break into Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula. The Israel-Hamas war, now in its sixth month, has pushed more than 1 million people to Rafah.

3– World Bank Aid Pushes Egypt’s Global Bailout to Over $50 Billion, Yahoo finance

The World Bank on Monday said it would provide Egypt with over $6 billion, boosting the global bailout for the North African nation’s struggling economy to more than $50 billion in the past few weeks….

The announcement comes a day after the European Union pledged around $8 billion in aid, loans and grants. Those funds followed a newly-expanded $8 billion International Monetary Fund program that was unveiled hours after authorities enacted the nation’s biggest rate hike ever and devalued the currency for the fourth time since early 2022.

Obviously, heaping billions of dollars of loans on a debt-ridden nation whose moribund economy shows no sign of a rebound, is not normal procedure. One can only conclude that the money is being offered for some alternate purpose, that is, to deal with the surge of refugees that will soon be pouring over the border. But, if these articles have not yet convinced readers that the Egyptian government is in cahoots with Israel, then perhaps this March 23 column will:

EU sidelines parliament to rapidly send €1bn to Egypt, euobserver

The European Commission is officially sidelining the European Parliament’s scrutiny role when it comes to €1bn of loans being sent to Egypt. The announcement came ahead of a €7.4bn cash-for-migration-control agreement with Cairo, posing tricky questions for an increasingly frustrated European Parliament.

European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen says, in a letter dated 15 March and seen by EUobserver, that the urgency of wiring the money to Cairo requires her to bypass the assembly. She has since decided to trigger article 213 in the EU treaty, allowing the European Commission to go at it alone.

“For reasons of utmost urgency and highly exceptionally, the recourse to of Article 213 TFEU is considered as appropriate legal basis for the first operation of EUR 1 billion,” she writes, in a letter sent to European Parliament president, Roberta Metsola..

Why would the president of the European Commission feel such an unbearable sense of urgency over the dodgy finances of a failed state in east Africa? And why did Ms. von der Leyen chose to ignore the limits of her legal authority by wiring the funds to Cairo without first acquiring the approval of the assembly?

If all of this seems rather unusual, it’s because it is. Political powerbrokers across the West are doing whatever they can to assist Israel in its plan to ethnically cleanse Palestine. Ms. von der Leyen is just one of the contributors to this malign project but there are others as well. The point we are trying to make is that Israel’s destruction of Gaza and the herding of its population towards the southern border is part of a broader plan that has many moving parts and many powerful players. Israeli leaders know what it takes to carry off an operation like this because they have conducted similar operations in the past as this excerpt from an article at Counterpunch helps to illustrate:

Ethnic cleansing was and remains integral to the Zionist project…

In order to create a Jewish state in Palestine the Zionists had to create an overwhelming Jewish majority…. Nazi Germany helped by driving out Jews from Europe… but there still existed no realistic prospect anytime soon of creating an overwhelming Jewish majority by attracting Jewish settlers….

Israel’s first round of ethnic cleansing began in 1947, intensified in 1948, and continued into 1949. Altogether, 720,000 Palestinians, some eighty percent of the Palestinians in the territories occupied by Jewish/Israeli forces, were expelled during this period; this amounted to half the Arab population of mandatory Palestine.

Israel engaged in a second round of ethnic cleansing during and after the capture in June 1967 of the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem… Palestinians who were present in the Occupied Territories but were not counted in an Israeli census after the June War were denied the right of residence in Israel…. by these and other means, Israel had ethnically cleansed one-fifth of the Palestinians in the occupied territories.

In the decades following the June 1967 War, Israel made life increasingly difficult for the Palestinians in the occupied territories…. Between 1970 and 2000 the population of the West Bank and Gaza tripled, increasing from one million to three million. Inside its de factor borders, Israel now contained 4.1 million Palestinians and 5 million Jews. This was ringing alarm bells. Something had to be done about this…. Postscripts on Israel: October 7 Surprise?, M. Shahid Alam, Counterpunch

What we can infer from this excerpt is that the expulsion of Palestinians from Gaza is not aimed at quashing terrorism but at changing the demographic make-up of the area between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. The fact is that one cannot preserve a Jewish-majority state without a clear Jewish majority. By annexing the occupied territories of Gaza and the West Bank, Israel will dramatically increase the number of Arabs within its borders putting that core principle at risk. Here’s more from the same article:

Israel’s Jewish population grew tenfold between 1948 and 2023, increasing from 717,000 to 7,181,000. Nearly half the world’s Jewish population now lives in Israel.

Yet Israel has not been winning the demographic race. In 2023, the Palestinians outnumbered the Jews in historic Palestine—7.4 million Palestinians versus 7.1 million Jews….
Postscripts on Israel: October 7 Surprise?, M. Shahid Alam, Counterpunch

Israel’s military operation in Gaza is merely a response to a demographic problem that has bedeviled Israeli leaders since the inception of the Jewish state. In light of that fact, we can see that Hamas is just the pretext that’s being used to conceal the motive driving the hostilities. In truth, it wouldn’t matter if the Palestinians were Hispanic, Asian or Scots-Irish. If their numbers threatened to exceed those of the Jewish majority, their fate would be the same.

Naturally, the de facto annexation of additional Arab territory poses a numerical challenge for which there is ultimately only one solution; ethnic cleansing. And while the formulation has been repeatedly repackaged to sound less oppressive, (transfer, evacuation, resettlement, voluntary migration) the practice remains the same. (Ethnic Cleansing def– The mass expulsion or killing of members of one ethnic or religious group in an area by those of another. Oxford) Here are a few recent iterations on the same theme:

In a document from October 17, 2023, Israels’ Intelligence Ministry, examined the option of ‘evacuating’ the Gazans to the Sinai, and claimed that this would “yield positive, long-term strategic outcomes for Israel.”….

An Israeli think tank, the Misgav Institute, also made a similar pitch. It argued that the conditions in Gaza offered “a unique and rare opportunity to evacuate the whole Gaza Strip and its coordination with the Egyptian government.”….

Jonathan Adler, a Hurford Fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, writing on December 31, 2023, asserts that “today there is a growing momentum [in Israel] to carry out mass transfer—with American support.” Some Israeli politicians and officials—including a former Brigadier General and a former Israeli ambassador to the United States—“suggest that Palestinians should flee Gaza through the Rafah border crossing with Egypt and seek refuge in the Sinai Peninsula…

On October 20, the White House asked Congress for funds to “address potential needs of Gazans fleeing to neighboring countries.” If the White House was preparing to finance the ethnic cleansing of Gazans, it is unlikely that this happened without prior discussions with Israel and Egypt. Did these discussions happen before October 7?… Counterpunch

Clearly, what Israel wants a Palestine without the Palestinians, and in the last six months they have done everything in their power to achieve just that. Now that the goal is within their grasp, they will do anything –even jeopardize relations with their most important ally– to reach their objective. That is why on Wednesday “Netanyahu said that Israel “had no choice” but to move into Rafah as the country’s “very existence is on the line.” In truth, Israel is in no danger at all, Netanyahu is merely trying to conceal the real aim of Israel’s ground offensive which is to exile over a million Palestinians into Egypt. According to a report in CNN:

Netanyahu had earlier told the delegation that displaced Palestinians in Gaza could “just move” out of Rafah and “move with their tents.”

“Move with their tents”?

So, now, Netanyahu is admitting what his critics have been saying from the very beginning, that Israel’s military onslaught is actually an ethnic cleansing operation aimed at pushing the Palestinians out of Gaza and into tent cities in the Sinai Desert?

It appears so, and it also looks like Egypt is going along with the plan. According to the Guardian:

Egypt has begun building an enclosed area ringed with high concrete walls along its border with Gaza that appears intended to house Palestinians fleeing a threatened Israeli assault on the southern city of Rafah.

Photos and videos released by the Sinai Foundation for Human Rights (SFHR), a monitoring group, show workers using heavy machinery erecting concrete barriers and security towers around a strip of land on the Egyptian side of the Rafah crossing….

SFHR said on social media that the videos showed efforts to “establish an isolated area surrounded by walls on the border with the Gaza Strip, with the aim of receiving refugees in the event of a mass exodus”. Egypt building walled enclosure in Sinai for Rafah refugees, photos suggest,Guardian

Everything from the clearing of land in the Sinai desert to the issuance of humongous loans to Egypt, to the secret meetings of Intel chiefs in Doha (CIA, Mossad, Egypt’s General Intelligence) to the blustery pronouncements of Israeli officials, to the frenetic leapfrogging of Anthony Blinken from Jedda to Jerusalem to Doha to Cairo and back again, suggests that we are about to begin the final phase of Israel’s malignant ethnic cleansing operation. Here’s how Johnathan Adler at the Carnegie Endowment summed it up:

….. it is becoming increasingly clear that the war is in pursuit of a second goal: the mass expulsion of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip. Israeli politicians and officials from the Israeli defense establishment have called for a second Nakba and urged the military to flatten Gaza. Some suggest that Palestinians should flee Gaza through the Rafah border crossing with Egypt and seek refuge in the Sinai Peninsula, including former Brigadier General Amir Avivi and the former Israeli ambassador to the United States Danny Ayalon.

Avivi and Ayalon insist that evacuating Palestinians out of Gaza is simply a humanitarian measure, protecting civilians while Israel conducts its military operations. But other reports suggest that Palestinians would be permanently resettled outside of Gaza, in an act of ethnic cleansing….

Today’s plans for mass transfer thus bear a closer historical resemblance to the 1948 Nakba and its aftermath. After 200,000 Palestinian refugees had fled from historic Palestine to Gaza by March 1949, the United States pushed for a UN proposal to resettle tens of thousands in the Sinai desert….

Over the past few weeks, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi has resisted Israeli and American pressure to allow Palestinians to evacuate through Rafah into the Sinai… But in exchange for accepting Palestinians from Gaza, the US has reportedly offered Cairo economic incentives at a time when Egypt faces an extreme debt crisis…. South into the Sinai: Will Israel Force Palestinians Out of Gaza?, Carnegie Endowment

In all probability, there’s nothing that can be done to prevent Israel’s flattening of Rafah or the inevitable eviction of the Palestinians from their last refuge. The only hope is that the international community will condemn Israel’s illegal occupation of Gaza by imposing painful economic, political and military sanctions that will last until the land is returned to its rightful owners. That is not sufficient restitution for the death and suffering the Palestinians have endured over the last half century, but it’s a step in the right direction.


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Michael Whitney is a renowned geopolitical and social analyst based in Washington State. He initiated his career as an independent citizen-journalist in 2002 with a commitment to honest journalism, social justice and World peace.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).  

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