Monday, 21 October 2024

Canadian Government Admits 48,780 Excess Deaths in 2022 (17% Increase in Mortality). There Is No Evidence COVID-19 Vaccines Saved a Single Life in Canada During 2021-2022

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First published by Global Research on December 2023


Nov. 27, 2023 – Statistics Canada released a fascinating report called “Deaths 2022”. Here is my analysis of the report.



The Statistics Canada Report can be accessed HERE. 

Excess deaths:

  • Let’s start by analyzing some simple numbers.
  • 48,780 excess deaths in 2022 compared to 2019. 17% increase in mortality.
  • That’s 0.128% of the population, or 1 in every 784 Canadians died in 2022.
  • In USA, that would be equivalent to 423,270 American deaths
  • What would you do?

  • Let’s assume you’re the Trudeau government and you’ve poisoned your population.
  • You recommended 7 experimental COVID-19 Vaccines that are now causing heart attacks, blood clots, collapses, cancers & sudden deaths.
  • These are the COVID-19 Vaccines the Canadian Government (NACI) recommended:
  • 2 doses in early 2021
  • 1st booster in late 2021
  • 2nd booster in April 2022
  • 3rd (Omicron bivalent booster) in Oct.2022
  • 4th (Omicron bivalent booster) in Mar.2023
  • 5th (XBB.1.5 monovalent booster) in Sep.2023
  • If you followed the Canadian government recommendations precisely, you would have taken 7 COVID-19 Vaccines as of right now.
  • It was also possible to skip the 2nd booster and wait for the Omicron bivalent, which means you would have taken 6 COVID-19 Vaccines.
  • We know that there is a tsunami of sudden deaths in the COVID-19 Vaccinated, but how do you present that data as the Federal Government?
  • What caused 48,780 deaths in 2022?

  • 19,700 deaths from “COVID-19” in 2022, up from 15,900 in 2020.
  • And this after 7 COVID-19 Vaccines recommended by NACI.
  • This is proof that COVID-19 Vaccines did not save a single life.
  • It’s important to remember that 80% of COVID-19 deaths in 2020 in Canada were found to be in long term care home settings (source), where vulnerable seniors were often left to die without adequate treatment (like antibiotics), or were given euthanasia drug cocktails (midazolam, morphine).
  • So most COVID-19 deaths in 2020 were not true COVID-19 deaths.
  • In terms of vaccines protecting from “severe disease”, where is this protection on the graph below? I don’t see any protection in 2021. Hospitalizations were similar in 2021 compared to 2020.
  • Now look at what happened after COVID-19 mRNA 1st booster shots were rolled out in Nov-Dec.2021. This was followed by massive Omicron spikes in 2022 in Jan (BA.1), March (BA.2), July (BA.5), October (BA.5+).
  • Again, where is this “protection from severe illness” promised by the vaccines?
  • There is once again no evidence of vaccines protecting people in 2022.
  • Even if we accept 19,700 deaths from COVID-19 in 2022, who was dying?
  • BC government data (just before they deleted it in July 2022) told us 90% of those dying were Vaccinated.
  • So 17,730 of the 19,700 deaths (90%) were COVID-19 Vaccinated anyways.
  • Therefore, either:
  • they died from a COVID-19 Vaccine Injury and it was falsely reported as a COVID-19 death, or
  • they died from failure of their COVID-19 Vaccine (and likely Immune system injury) and they died from COVID-19.
  • Any way you dissect it, these 19,700 “COVID-19 deaths” are really COVID-19 Vaccine deaths.
  • Where is the 99% or 95% COVID-19 Vaccine efficacy we were promised?
  • Unspecified causes of deaths:

  • 16,043, a stunning 375% increase from 2019 when it was 3,378!
  • This is the most stunning admission from the entire report.
  • This is also the number that has been circulated extensively on social media
  • We don’t actually get any plausible explanation for this number in the entire report.
  • Cardiac

  • Cardiac deaths increased by 4,000.
  • This is a significant number, although I suspect many cardiac deaths are hidden in the “unspecified” or “COVID-19” death categories.
  • Accidents (Unintentional injuries)

  • 18,365, up almost 3,000 from 2019 (15,527)
  • I’m guessing they’re hiding blood clots here (strokes, falls, medical emergency while driving, etc)
  • Cancer

  • Turbo Cancer due to COVID-19 Vaccines is a signal they have to hide at all costs.
  • I’m not surprised to see only a small rise from 80,400 to 82,400, or +2000
  • This is a number that is undoubtedly tampered with.
  • It would be very easy to hide cancer deaths as COVID-19 deaths.
  • Statistics Canada:

    Life expectancy decreases for a third year in a row”.

  • the important detail: “In 2022, the decline was more prominent among females than among males”.
  • more women are vaccine injured than men.
  • women are losing life expectancy in Canada at faster rate than men.
  • “COVID-19 deaths…This increase may in part be due to the exposure to new highly transmissible COVID-19 variants and the gradual return to normalcy, eg. reduced restrictions and masking requirements

  • Translation: 19,700 7x-vaccinated Canadians died from COVID-19 because of the milder new variants, no lockdowns and they stopped masking.
  • this explanation makes NO SENSE – if their vaccine protected them, they wouldn’t need lockdowns, wouldn’t need masks that don’t work, and they certainly wouldn’t be dying from milder variants.
  • so Statistics Canada has NO EXPLANATION for these 19,700 deaths.
  • Deaths due to influenza and pneumonia on the rise

  • deaths due to influenza and pneumonia increased by 45.4% from 2021 to 2022
  • I’ve often talked about this, this is due to COVID-19 Vaccine Immune damage.
  • “information on the causes of death, particularly among younger Canadians, whose deaths are more likely to result in an investigation, typically requires more time before it is reported to Statistics Canada…the data released today are preliminary

  • they’re telling us that we’re not getting all the young Canadian sudden deaths in this report.
  • So the 48,700 Excess deaths doesn’t include an unknown number of “younger Canadians” who died suddenly.
  • My Take…

    Statistics Canada “Deaths 2022” is data that you can reasonably expect has been thoroughly manipulated and tampered with.

    It’s “preliminary” and doesn’t include many “younger Canadians” who died suddenly.

    Even so, it is a devastating report.

    48,780 Excess deaths in 2022 (17% increase in mortality).

    I propose that the vast majority of these are COVID-19 Vaccine deaths.

    These COVID-19 vaccine deaths are being concealed as:

  • 19,716 COVID-19 deaths (not possible)
  • 16,043 Unspecified causes (no explanation given or even attempted)
  • the remaining 12,000 or so they’re not hiding:
  • 4,000 Cardiac
  • 3,000 Accidents
  • 2,000 Cancers
  • 800 liver disease
  • 500 kidney disease
  • 500 diabetes
  • A reminder that 1 in every 784 Canadians died in 2022, as admitted by the Canadian government in this Nov.27, 2023 Statistics Canada report. 

    This is very much in line with Denis Rancourt’s work on excess deaths due to COVID-19 Vaccination.

    This is what I wrote in my very first substack article on Feb.6, 2023:

    “A good quick rule of thumb is: highly COVID vaccinated countries lost0.1% of their total population to “excess deaths” in 2022. That’s 1 in every 1000 people, dead.”

    Statistics Canada corrected me. Not 1 in 1000.

    Worse. 1 in 784.


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    Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

    Featured image is from Michael Nevradakis, PhD via COVID Intel

    The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

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