Monday, 28 October 2024

Global Women United for Peace Join Social Movements Around the World in Protest of the 75th Anniversary of NATO

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We are women from across the world who deeply love our planet. We cherish the universal principles of equality, justice and peace enshrined in the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We fight for the rights of women and peoples of the world against all forms of violence, exploitation and discrimination.

For decades, we have been engaged in the search for global peace, for a world system that abolishes war. We recognise the role that capitalism plays in generating militarism and war, and we want a new, non-militarized security, to ensure the life and health of present and future generations of all on this planet – and of the planet itself. 

NATO is not a democratic institution. It is an elite club of the world’s major nuclear armed militaries. NATO views war and the threat of war as the solutions to all problems. There are no preparations for peace and dialogue, only preparations for war. 

The increasingly global NATO, acting in the interests of the wealthy nations of the “West”, has extended its activities to the rest of the world. NATO seeks to impose a “model of civilization” well beyond the Euro-Atlantic area of the original Treaty. The New Strategic Concept is completely at odds with the “Helsinki spirit” that seeks peaceful cooperation between states and the rejection of threat or use of force. This offensive reconfiguration of NATO is in stark contrast with the constitutional principles of member states and often approved without the consent of national governments. It is also at odds with the manifest desire for peace of so many of the citizens of the NATO states. 

As women of peace, we reject NATO and its worldview. It foments instability and exacerbates international conflict. It is irreconcilable with our principle of taking care of the world – a principle that we strive to affirm globally.

No to global NATO – No to increasingly militarised blocs!

No to war as a way of settling international disputes!


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Featured image is from the Alliance for Global Justice

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