Friday, 25 October 2024

Justice for Medicine. Delivering Justice to the Perpetrators of the Criminal COVID Enterprise. Dr. Mark Trozzi

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The W.H.O. serves as the conduit of control, through which Bill Gates and his accomplices impose human rights abuses, disease, and death in most countries, through our infiltrated governments and institutions. Governments and institutions are infiltrated by “graduates” of the W.E.F. , an organization that operates synchronistically with the W.H.O.

We continue rightly focusing much energy on countering and ultimately eliminating the fraud and violence of the WEF, the WHO, various international corporations, and individuals who, in my opinion, are global archcriminals, for instance Bill Gates, Fauci, Tedros, Bourlas and others.

Each oppressed country, of which there are many, has federal-level accomplices who, with intent, negligence, or stupidity and greed, administer the human rights abuses and crimes from the WHO upon all of us. For instance, in Canada, in my opinion, we have Trudeau, Freeland, Tam, and others, including their false-science-prophets like Fisman, and medical regulators at Health Canada.

The funneling of the abuse and killing of citizens continues beyond the federal levels, into the provincial or state funnels. There again we all encounter administrative accomplices to the crimes. This includes politicians, medical colleges, and administrators within medical and non-medical industries.

I am a citizen and medical doctor from Ontario, Canada. So while we work to neutralize the global funnel of medical tyranny, the W.H.O.; we also work to stop the funneling of W.H.O. directed offenses at our federal and provincial levels. That brings me to the subject of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.

On October 8th, 2024 we have scheduled our first hopefully real court date in the Ontario Courts against the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. We are optimistic that our courts might function as they should, and that we will, through this action, restore into our much-needed service, nurses, doctors, and others in healthcare and beyond, who did not abandon our wits, science, or ethics under the pressure and mind control of the COVID operation. Without these nurses and doctors, our citizens are sitting ducks for the next plandemic and forced misrepresented injections.

Here is my recent speech, in both video and written format, from the Justice For Medicine event in Burlington, Ontario on June 15th, 2024.

Also below is the full video of the event with timestamps. This includes speeches from Constitutional Lawyer Michael Alexander JD, Dr Jennifer Hibberd, Derek Sloan, Dr Chris Shoemaker, and the event’s organizer Barbara Burrows.   

Click here to watch the video


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