Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Leaders That Mislead – Manipulators and the Manipulated

In modern times, governments joined at the hip with the ‘world order’ of mega-corporations and mega-banks have lost sight of what is actually needed for the wellbeing of the population.

For decades, various ‘world order’ type policies emanating from the likes of the United Nations (UN) and the World Economic Forum (WEF); and debt-packages emanating from private international banking have been adopted by national governments Worldwide supposedly for the wellbeing of the populace. 

We are told this is to save us: 

  • from the supposed horrors of CO2-induced climate change,
  • from a fake pandemic,
  • or from orchestrated economic boom-bust-bailout scenarios.
  • However, these policies and economic ‘bailouts’ that were launched are more like chains around the neck, or ‘boats of stone’ that are slowly sinking, taking the general populace down with them. 

    This is evident in policies that affect the lives of almost everyone on the planet. Policies that invariably mean you have to pay for the ‘fixing of the latest concocted problem’, via a new tax, a new regulation, or a change in your freedom or lifestyle. 

    Take for example policies based on the bogus science of CO2-induced or methane-induced climate change; including the nonsense that dairy farmers must reduce cow numbers to combat climate change (i.e. reduce methane emissions).

    As more small farmers go bankrupt due to increased expense and regulation, mega-corporations buy more land and increase their control of the food system, unleashing more genetically-modified foods, while local farming, local resilience suffers.

    Who can forget the fake Covid-19 pandemic, the lockdowns and mass injurious vaccination that ensued, see also the book No Worries No Virus.

    Then there is the ongoing deceptive United Nations Sustainable Developments Goals involving Agenda 2030, which dictates how the entire world population should live their lives, and which ideologies they must accept. See also this article.

    There is also the fact that the Energy Returned on Energy Invested (EROEI) for solar and wind energy is too low to be viable in most locations and scenarios, and therefore to repurpose and rebuild the world energy and industrial system to de-carbonise the economy is a waste of vast amounts of fossils fuels (no wonder the sector seeks subsidies). Despite decades of government subsidies wind power provides less than 5% of the world’s energy, and solar just 1%. 

    Another deception is in relation to electric cars, see also the article Electric Cars are Fake Environmentalism.

    Electric cars are still driven by electricity produced from fossil fuels and will most likely continue to be.

    The manufacture of potentially hundreds of millions of new electric cars and electric car batteries involves a continuation of widespread mining and processing of rare earth metals, such as lithium, rhodium and cobalt, which are a limited resource. The mining and processing of rare earth metals has been shown to be polluting to land, air, and water systems, such as rivers. Furthermore, there are even instances of electric cars going on fire and exploding, due to battery issues or short circuits, see these videos The Shocking Truth About EV Fires You Need to Know and How to Survive an Exploding Electric Car.

    Society has also experienced decades of economic trickery via debt money banking, as well as fake science  or perverse ideology being taught in schools worldwide, etc.

    Europe and the western world has also been subject to decades of increasingly unvetted mass immigration, and masses of so-called asylum seekers being funded and planted into European countries from faraway countries where there is no war at all. What could possibly go wrong? See also this article describing the conflict Over Hundreds of ‘Unvetted Migrant’ Centres Being Planted Throughout Ireland and the UK.

    For more details on these hoaxes and deceptions see also the books available here on the Reality Distinguished From Illusion website.

    Boats of Stone

    The boats of stones are built by ulteriors hidden from the public eye, and launched by unelected institutions such as the UN and the World Economic Forum.

    Then big-salaried national and international politicians (‘Yes’ men of the institutional moneyocracy) tell the public they must climb aboard the stone boats or drown. (Who can forget the Covid lockdown and vaccination mandates purported to save us all from impending death).

    Upon closer inspection, one can see that the underside of the boat is made of stone, however, hardly anyone wants to dive into the water and look underneath the boat, because everyone else is walking up the gangway, and a loudspeaker is blaring “Come aboard – get your free vaccination here, and we have great finance deals on new electric cars”.

    “Leaders who have fallen into ignorance and who mislead people by directing them to the path of destruction are in effect, boarding a stone boat, and so too are those whose who blindly follow them… those who mislead people go to hell… humanity must first give up false leaders who present boats of stone” – Ancient Vedic scripture (Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 6 Chapter 7 Text 14, translated from Sanskrit by Srila Prabhupada)

    While the mega-corporate elites enact material or political power plays that advance their economic domination and political power, much of the general populace becomes more confused, weakened, poverty stricken, controlled or frustrated by endless regulations or government policies. Yet, many are, understandably, reluctant to jump off the boat, or do not know how to swim, i.e. few people know how to live independently of the government and corporate ‘system’. Thus, almost everyone is dependent on the increasingly authoritarian and restrictive government ‘system’ that has been imposed upon them. 

    I spoke with a local farmer recently who tells me he spends so much time doing nonsensical paperwork and spending money to meet ridiculous regulations that the profession is hardly worth his time anymore, and none of sons would consider taking on such a time- and labour-intensive profession.

    However, not all the people are fooled or manipulated by the manipulators. Those with a stronger consciousness see through the lies. Nothing significant occurs by chance in a corporate-controlled world. Without money, planning and organisation, none of the above events would be possible.  It is a question of power. There are those who manipulate to advance a certain agenda or self interest, and those who allow themselves to be manipulated. This is most effective when the targeted people are not aware they are being manipulated. Voluntary cogs in the machine are easier to deal with than forced ones.  

    Climate CO2 Hoax – the Misleaders

    Climate CO2 Hoax How Bankers Hijacked the Real Environment Movement: 9781739372057: Books - Amazon.ca

    Who were the key players or misleaders that promoted the climate crisis hoax? My books CO2 Climate Hoax – How Bankers Hijacked the Real Environment Movement and Transcending the Climate Change Deception Toward Real Sustainability delve into this topic, including the role of the private banking sector, President Obama, Al Gore, various institutions, and academics.

    Linked to this agenda are the deceptive UN Sustainable Development Goals. Also aligned with UN climate change agenda is the World Economic Forum ‘reset’ agenda that was officially launched in 2020. The WEF reset agenda has been sold as a solution to the fabricated problems of climate change and Covid-19.  This is the Hegelian Dialectic tactic: fabricate a problem to be perceived, foster a public reaction, and then provide the solution. The solution is actually the implementation of original objectives that would have faced public resistance, but now the policy or agenda can be implemented publicly as the ‘solution’ to the ‘perceived problem’. 

    Misled by the Modern-day Matrix

    Modern day governments subservient to mega-corporations and private mega-banks, rather than the people they are supposed to serve, have also become morally degraded. In modern times, the fabricated matrix of economy, government, banking and corporate power is a reflection of a dominator culture. The entire ‘mainstream reality’ is made up by the so-called elites who own or control the mega-corporate media, mega-banks, and the mega-corporate industry. 

    Via government funded schooling, TV shows, and corporate control of mass media we have been indoctrinated into a type of corporate-communist-consumer culture. We are meant to become dependent on the system, via the work treadmill or social welfare, pay more taxes, and be shackled to debt, rather than become independently self-reliant in our communities and local regions. Self-reliant communities are a threat to the control culture of the socalled ‘powers that be’. Furthermore, we have been trained into accepting that certain aspects of our society are untouchable truths that should not be debated.

    Life is focused around the pursuit of illusions fed by bogus mantras, such as “we must reach net-zero by 2050”, or “becoming rich will bring you happiness”. The masses are compelled to enter the treadmill of the ‘rat race’ and wake, eat, work, sleep, repeat, die, without ever examining we are actually here on Earth, or what our true purpose in life actually is.  Obedience to institutions and ideas, which are not at all what they seem, is ‘expected’. Being manipulated means that one is, unfortunately, part of the manipulation, having accepted that role within a contrived social construction without questioning it. A social construction that twists reality in order to twist you.

    The Political Punch and Judy Show

    When we try to change the current system for the better by forming adversarial political movements and seeking votes, however well-intentioned this may be, we are actually playing into a rigged game in which the money masters or so-called elites always win.

    This is because in current times the entire political democratic system itself is a sham, a sort of punch and judy show for the masses.

    Notwithstanding the various valid issues facing the populace, both the so-called left and so-called right of the political spectrum are also to a large extent manifestations of a divide and conquer strategy.

    When one follows the money one may see that both ‘sides’ are typically controlled, funded by, or beholden to, the same orthodoxy of money masters, private bankers, or financial elites that control the economy and the debt money system itself. 

    Transcending the Climate Change Deception - Toward Real Sustainability: Amazon.co.uk: Keenan, Mr Mark Christopher: 9798846528925: Books

    In the U.S., this was exemplified when President Obama, a Democrat, administered over a massive bailout of private banks (read orchestrated muti-trillion transfer to private banks) in 2010; and then President Trump, a Republican, administered a multi-trillion bailout (wealth transfer to asset management corporation Blackrock) in 2020, under cover of a fake pandemic. In reality both are beholden to, not the voters, but to a private banking cabal. The books Demonic Economics and Transcending the Climate Change Deception also cover this topic.

    Furthermore, President Obama has been a champion of the Climate CO2 Hoax; and President Trump has been a champion and supporter of the Covid-19 vaccines, which have been injurious to many people. Injuries due to vaccination are documented in many articles including this article by Professor Michel Chossudovsky The Covid “Killer Vaccine”; and in my book No Worries No Virus.

    While politicians pay well scripted lip service to their respective voter bases with powerful scripted speeches and sound bites, the voters, understandably desperate for a hero, are led to believe if their party can just win the next election then everything will be change. Meanwhile, ‘behind the scenes’ ulteriors that have the actual political power implement their plans to shape society, regardless of which party gets elected. The elections are just window dressing, or a mirage of change.


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    This article was originally published on the website: Reality Distinguished From Illusion

    Mark Keenan is a former scientist at the UK Government Dept. of Energy and Climate Change, and at the United Nations Environment Division. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is author of the following books available on amazon.com:

  • Transcending the Climate Change Deception Toward Real Sustainability
  • CO2 Climate Hoax – How Bankers Hijacked the Real Environment Movement
  • Godless Fake Science
  • No Worries No Virus
  • Demonic Economics and the Tricks of the Bankers
  • Fake Moon Landings and the Lies of NASA
  • Censored History of WW2 and Communism
  • Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

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