Monday, 21 October 2024

Neurotechnologies that “control the human mind” and the use of AI Manipulative Techniques to Persuade them


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The following is part of a transcript of an interview recorded this week. Find it here.

Mojmir Babacek is from Prague in the Czech Republic. He graduated in 1972 at Charles University in Prague in philosophy and political economy. In 1978, he signed “Chapter 77,” a document aiming to defend human rights in communist Czechoslovakia.

Since the 1990‘s he has been striving to help to achieve the international ban of remote control of the activity of the human nervous system and human minds with the use of neurotechnology.  

Global Research interviewed him on June 6 to expand on his research in the area, and on what he has been trying to do to alert the public as to how the very mind itself may be controlled and manipulated by pulsed microwaves and low frequency electromagnetic radiation used without the knowledge or consent of the targeted individual.

Global Research: Okay, so first of all, could you give us a basic understanding of what exactly is happening physiologically to cause these neural weapons to affect the brain and nervous system?

Mojmir Babacek: Every action of neurons in the brain has chemical and electrical part. The actions differ by the number of firings of neurons and their frequencies. In this way, the brain is comparable to the computer because it works digitally.

Inside of the neuronal fibers is liquid, which is full of ions. Those are electrically charged particles, just the same like electrons in the conductive metals. The most important part in the activity of the human nervous system represents electrical currents, which are occurring as flows of those charged ions in the nerve fibers.

In 2014, Chinese scientists published the results of an experiment in which they searched for microwave conductivity of electrolyte solutions. In the introduction, they stressed that their experiment plays an important role in investigating the interaction between electromagnetic waves and biological tissues that have high water content and a significant concentration of ions. The experiment proved that this electrolyte is conductive for microwaves up to 20 GHz frequency.

If the microwaves are passed in the frequencies of the brain activity, which is from 1 to 100 Hz, they will trigger the spreading of the nervous signal in the nervous system. Now, if a human being is supposed to feel something or do something or think about something, it is necessary that the large quantities of neurons start firing in the same frequency. So, if the electrolytes in the nerve fibers are reached by microwaves, which are passed in the nervous activity frequencies, they will produce in the human being perceptions, emotions, thoughts or any kind of the activity of the human body, like salivation.

In this way, the electrolytes in the nervous tissue will function the same way as antennas in the radios and the human nervous system will be subjected to those passed microwaves targeting the human body. The MCS America organization, which fights against pollution, confirms this conclusion in its study on electromagnetic field sensitivity. The study states, the body can collect the signal and turn it into electric currents just like the antenna of a radio set or a cell phone.

The veracity of those explanations is confirmed by the experiment where 20 volunteers were exposed to the pulses of 217 Hz used in cell phone telephony. In the recordings of the electroencephalograms appeared electrical currents in the frequency of 217 Hz. It means that microwaves pulsed in 217 frequency produced the same frequency in the nervous systems of the volunteers.

In another experiment, cell phone microwaves pulsed in 11 to 15 Hz produced changes in the electroencephalogram during the sleep in 30 volunteers. Australian scientists in the other experiment presented a conclusion that not only could cell phone signals alter a person's behavior during the call, the effects of the disrupted brainwave patterns continued long after the phone was switched off. The difference between pulsed microwaves and extra-long electromagnetic waves in frequencies from 1 to 100 Hz is that pulsed microwaves can be targeted on one person or the whole nation if the cell phone signals are pulsed in brain frequencies, while extra-long electromagnetic waves transmitted in brain frequencies with a length of up to 300,000 km will reach brains in large areas of the planet.

This is what American antenna system HAR, Prussian antenna system SURA and newly built Chinese system in Hainan province can do.

GR: Information beams can affect people's thoughts by bypassing the conscious minds. Give me examples of the kinds of thoughts entering into people's minds and the possible dangers to human rights that that encompasses.

MB: Robert Becker, who was twice nominated for the Nobel Prize for the work in this field of science, presents in his book Cross-Currents the report coming from the microwave research department at Walter Reed Army Institute where J.C. Sharp carried out an experiment with the transmission of words into the brain by radio-frequency radiation. The report presented this conclusion. Microwave pulses appear to couple to the central nervous system and produce stimulation similar to electrical stimulation.

There were reports in the 70s that some woo-wear stores experimented with using subliminal messaging including ultrasonic messages embedded in the music played in their stores. These messages were intended to influence customer behavior such as reducing theft and encouraging purchases. That this method of subconscious programming can be produced by pulsed microwaves as well was described in the experiment by J.F. Shapitz.

This experiment, again, was published by the book Body Electric by Robert Becker, the scientist. The experiment was released voluntarily on basis of Freedom of Information Act, J.F. Shapitz stated. In this investigation it will be shown that the spoken word of hypnotist may be conveyed by modulated electromagnetic energy directly into the subconscious parts of the human brain without the person exposed to such influence having a chance to control the information input consciously.

In one of the four experiments subjects should have been given a test of 100 questions ranging from easy to technical ones. Later, not knowing that they were being irradiated they would be subjected to information beams suggesting the answers to the questions they had left blank amnesia for some of their correct answers and memory falsification of their correct answers. After two weeks they had to pass the test again.

The results of those experiments were never published for obvious reasons. People would be alarmed by such disclosure. When encoding human speech into pulse microwaves it is possible to transmit either audible or inaudible ultrasound messages into the human brain.

A human being cannot hear ultrasound messages but its brain perceives them and a person may consider those words to be his own thoughts and his or her behavior can be controlled and manipulated in this way.

GR: Could you comment on whether the secrecy behind this neuro-weapons technology might have been influenced by the collapse of another secret CIA program called MK-ULTRA?

MB: Yes, the report on the CIA MK-ULTRA subproject 94 issued in October 1996, you can read there. The feasibility of remote control of activities in several species of animals has been demonstrated.

The project MK-ULTRA was cancelled due to the lawsuit of former patients of the Canadian mental hospital Alain Memorial Institute. There the CIA was experimenting with effects of chemicals and electricity on patients. When the former patients filed a lawsuit against CIA the CIA deleted their records on this program to hide the evidence against them.

The trouble was that they forgot to delete the financial records which were published later on. The research of electromagnetic manipulation of the activity of the human nervous system was apparently classified soon after the publication of Alain Frey's experiment with transmission of sounds into human brains by pulsed microwaves.

GR: Where have you gotten indications of just how far the research has gotten if there is no official funding for open microwave bio-research?

MB: Several experiments with pulsed microwave effects on the human brain activity were published before the research was classified just like Alain Frey's experiment.

Later on American newspapers and books have every now and then published some information on the classified research. In 2007 the Washington Post wrote about the Air Force experiment where barely intelligible sentences were transmitted into human brains by Air Force. In the 90s of the past century there was a long string of publications on mind control research in Russia due to the fact that Russian scientist Viktor Sedlecky published an article where he wrote that the psychotronic generators as he called it were used during the push against Gorbachev to manipulate the unit that should attack incumbent President Yeltsin's residence.

GR: You also see artificial intelligence playing a role and you wrote a petition banning the use of artificial intelligence to control the human nervous system. What is it about AI that concerns you with regard to Euroweapons?

MB: Evidently the human brain is compatible with computers and in this way the computers can be used to manipulate the brain's activity. So this is an evident connection of artificial intelligence to manipulation of human brains.

In the project of the American Army from 1994 this project comes with producing a computer simulation of personality for people who would oppose the United States.

GR: What can ordinary people do right now to halt this research and expose the studies that have been taking place?

MB: Information on this kind of weapons is suppressed in mass media most of the times and even in most of the alternative media in the world. So for that matter there are no masses of people who would know about them and for that same matter there is no massive opposition against their development and use.

For sure it is a vast effort to disseminate information about their existence and threat they pose to the humanity. With a massive knowledge about this danger those weapons could be declassified. It's really a vast effort.

Otherwise it seems there is no way to stop this effort to control even the world population by those technologies. As well people can sign the petition on entitled BAN REMOTE CONTROL OF THE HUMAN NERVOUS SYSTEM. The link to the petition can be found at the end of my recent articles on Global Research.

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